Professor Putricide by Grimkor

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Professor Putricide

By: Grimkor
Last Updated: Jun 12, 2015
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Professor Putricide

Mad Plague Scientist

Professor Putricide is the Scourge genius behind the development of all forms of blight, plague, ooze, scourge, and death delivery. He is now within to Nexus to bring a slow end to all it's Heroes.

Combat Trait

Clumsy Hands
Every 10 seconds, Professor Putricide ''accidentaly'' drops either a Mutated Slime or a Choking Gas Bomb at his feet.

Primary Abilities

Volatile Slash
Slash in a cone in front of you with a poisoned scalpel, dealing X amount of damage, and applying a random effect (10% less damage done, 10% more damage received, 20% reduced movement speed).
Lasts 3 seconds. 7 second CD.
Mutated Slime
Throws a Green Vial creating a Slime puddle, dealing X damage per second.
Slows movement speed by 20% for 2 second. Lasts 12 seconds. 4 second cooldown
Choking Gas Bomb
Throws an Orange Vial creating a Gas Cloud, dealing X amount of damage per second.
Deals 5% more damage per second. Lasts 12 seconds, 4 second cooldown.

Secondary Abilities

Volatile Swipe
Slash in a cone in front of you with your claws, dealing X amount of damage, and applying a random effect (20% less damage done, 25% more damage received, 50% reduced movement speed). Lasts 3 seconds. 5 second cooldown.
Chemical Rage
Incite Rage in your altered body, increasing movement speed by 25% and you next Basic Attack damage by 25%. Lasts 4 seconds. 9 second cooldown.
Whaa..? Where'd Those Come From?
Your Basic Attacks hit a second time for 33% normal damage. Passive.

Heroic Abilities

Chaotic Concoctions
Causes all your active Vials on the ground to erupt, causing your Slime Puddles to create a Living Slime for 10 seconds and your Gas Clouds to ignite dealing X damage per second, for 5 seconds. 60 second cooldown.
Unstable Potion
Professor Putricide transforms into a Hulking Abomination, gaining 20% more Health, increasing all damage dealt by 20%, and changing your Basic Abilities. While transformed, running over Slime Puddles heals you for 5% health, and running over Gas Clouds increases Damage by 5% for 6 seconds. Stacks. Lasts 22 seconds, 120 second cooldown.


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Seleckt (1) | June 23, 2015 8:31am
I feel the rather obvious change needed to choking gas bomb is that anyone standing in it is blinded.
ugger | June 14, 2015 12:12pm
instead of it being random, because that is frustrating, it could work that like hero from LoL. i forget the name, the one with playing cards, and they shuffle through
Chipawapa | June 13, 2015 5:56am
The 50% slow from hulking abomination is a little too high if it lasts for 3 seconds, and his E that gives you 33% splash damage seems kinda underwhelming. Also heroes of the storm is a game that deliberately strayed away from randomness, so I dont think this concept would fly. If there were ways via talents to reduce the randomness in his abilities then it would look more like a heroes of the storm hero.
kuzzo99 (1) | June 12, 2015 5:22pm
wow great thanks man this is the best hero concept ever and I totally wasn't payed to say this :D
Grimkor | June 12, 2015 5:21pm
First concept, the vials AoE effect is about as big as Murky's Slime. Combat Trait is still active during the Hulking Abomination.
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