"Captain" Cookie by Chronosxii

41 Votes

"Captain" Cookie

By: Chronosxii
Last Updated: Dec 22, 2016
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"Captain" Cookie

Chief Cook

"Captain" Cookie is a jointly a melee specialist and support hero.

Depending on your talent choices "Captain" Cookie will be able to push a lane down in the blink of an eye, or help a team fight go on for as long as you need. Positioning will be key since he can be easily bursted down. Making sure you are using the right "Culinary Style" will also dictate whether you can finish off the enemy team or mean the difference between life and death for yourself and your team.

Combat Trait

D - Culinary Style
You switch between Rotten and Delicious food. Thrown Rotten food will deal 20 damage per second to all enemy minions underneath it, and will deal 50 damage to any enemy hero that step on it. Thrown Delicious food will heal for 20 Health per second to all friendly minions and will heal for 50 health to any friendly hero that steps on it. Food stays on the ground for 20 seconds or until it is stepped on by an appropriate hero.

Primary Abilities

Q - Throw Food
You throw out either Rotten, or Delicious food.
Charges: 3
Mana: 25
Cooldown: 10 seconds
W - Spilled Soup
Cookie tosses a bowl of soup in a cone in front of him either dealing 60 damage to all enemies hit, or healing all friendly units for 60 health depending on whether he is cooking Rotten, or Delicious food.
Mana: 60
Cooldown: 8 seconds
E - Let it Stew
Cookie throws down his pot and leaps into it for 10 seconds or until canceled. The pot has 25% of Cookies max Health and will do one of two things depending on if Cookie is cooking Rotten, or Delicious food. If Cookie is cooking rotten food, then all basic attacks against the pot will deal 200 damage to the attacker. If Cookie is cooking Delicious food, then he heals for 5% of his maximum health every second.
Mana: 85
Cooldown: 30 seconds

Heroic Abilities

A Feast for All
Cookie throws out a giant cauldron and leaps into it. He then starts tossing out both Rotten and Delicious food in all directions in a large AOE for 10 seconds. During this time Cookie is Unstoppable.
Mana: 100
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Out of the Frying Pan...
Cookie throws out a giant frying pan and pulls in the closest enemy hero in a large cone in front of him. The enemy hero is then bounced in the pan for 4 seconds taking 45 damage per second. After the 4 seconds is over, the hero is then thrown in the opposite direction than Cookie is facing.
Mana: 120
Cooldown: 100 seconds

Current Talent Ideas

Lvl 1

[Conjurer's Pursuit]

[Leftovers] - Q&R1
Rotten food returns 2 mana for each enemy it damages, and restores 10 mana whenever an enemy hero steps on it.


[A Bit Moldy] - Q&R1
Damage from Rotten thrown food against structures destroy 1 ammo every other second and deal 5% additional damage.


Lvl 4

[Special ingredients] - Q,W,E&R1
All healing from Delicious food applies a shield for 50% of the amount healed.

[Bigger Bowls] - W
"Spilled soup" range is increased by 30%.


[Turn Up the Heat] - Q
"Throw Food" gains 1 additional charge and the cooldown is reduced by 1 second.

Lvl 7

[Magical food] - Q&R1
Delicious thrown food now heals friendly structures for 75 Health per second and grants 1 ammo every 3 seconds.

[Cross Contamination] - W
"Spilled Soup" is no longer affected by Culinary Style and both damages enemies and heals friendly units.

[The Hopping Pot] -E
You can now move at 50% movement speed while "Let it Stew" is active.


Lvl 10

Choose Heroic Ability

lvl 13

[Cleansing Diet] - Q&R1
Thrown food now removes any CC from friendly units.

[Spell Shield]

Lvl 1 Stats

Health Points: 1000 (+4% Per Lvl)
Health Regen (Per Second): 8 (+4% Per Lvl)

Skin Ideas

"Captain" Cookie

Variation 1: A Murloc with light blue skin with dark blue stripes bordered by white, lime green hands, purple on his lower back and upper thigh, and yellow top fins. He is wielding "Cookie's Stirring Rod" in his right hand and wearing a black and white skull and crossbones pirate hat.

Variation 2: A Murloc with red skin with yellow stripes bordered by black, pink hands, white on his lower back and upper thigh, and blue top fins. He is wielding a darker version of "Cookie's Stirring Rod" in his right hand and wearing an orange and lime green skull and crossbones pirate hat.

Variation 3:

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KingWut117 (2) | February 20, 2016 9:01pm
I'm not much into the WoW lore, but this concept sounds like an absolute blast to play
MonicaBang (1) | February 3, 2016 6:59pm
Can I play this yet? Is it in the game? HEY BLIZZ! DO IT!
TheHereticOne (10) | February 3, 2016 6:36pm
I like your take on Cpt. Cookie! I myself did a concept on him, a good while ago -- and of many murlocs as well. My take was a specialist who threw food at a quick rate to heal allies rapidly, and buff them, but I can definitely say I like, and understand, your take on the Good Ol' Murloc Cap'n, Matey!... Yarrrr....
Chronosxii (2) | February 3, 2016 7:16pm
Thanks! I went and gave yours an upvote! I like how you gave yours a real kind of support feel to it, with the buffs it can do. For those of you who want to check out another "Captain" Cookie concept, go check out his at http://www.heroesfire.com/hots/concept/lt-captain-gt-cookie-3347
Leidiriv (14) | February 3, 2016 4:19pm
(translation: This is a great hero concept, you should be proud! I love Cookie's versatility, and this captures his spirit perfectly.)
Alarminggnome (1) | February 2, 2016 4:29pm
This simply just HAS to happen! It seems really versatile, but not like it would be overpowered at all! I love it!
Mowen (51) | February 1, 2016 11:28am
So happy to see a Captain Cookie concept :)
Therson (4) | January 31, 2016 12:25am
Yes! Love it, love everything about it! Let the reign of murlocs commence!

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