For every 5% of Ragepyre's health missing, his Basic Attack damage and Basic Ability cooldown is increased by 2% per stack. Can stack up to 7 times.
Heart of Magma: Resurrecting Flames: If Ragepyre dies within 5 seconds of activation of a stack, his death timer is reduced by 80%. Can only activate once every 120 seconds.
Primary Abilities
Sould Burn
Ragepyre channels a beam of fire that deals continuous damage to an enemy. (13 damage/second {+6 damage/Level}-15 second cooldown-80 mana cost)
Heart of Magma: Extended Flames: Increases ability range by 50%
Summon Lava Spawn
Ragepyre summons two Lava Spawns for a limited time. Lave spawns have 20% of Ragepyre's health and 35% of his damage. Lasts 10 Seconds. (18 second cooldown-75 mana cost)
Heart of Magma: Magma Spawns: Increases output to 35% of Ragepyre's max health and 50% of his damage.
Pool of Flames
Ragepyre creates a circle of fire at a target location, dealing continuous damage to any enemy caught within. Lasts 6 seconds. (16 damage/second {+7 damage/level}-12 second cooldown-60 mana cost)
Heart of Magma: Lava Rocks: Pool of Flames now blocks enemies caught within from moving out.
Secondary Abilities
Basic attacks and abilities burn enemy targets for 1% of their max health per second for 3 seconds. Can stack up to 3 times per enemy. Lasts for 8 seconds. (45 second cooldown-50 mana cost)
Heart of Magma: Crippling Flames: Enemy targets are burned an additional 10% of their current health.
Flame Shield
Ragepyre creates a shield of fire around himself, gaining 15% of his max life in shields along with damaging all nearby enemies. Lasts 5 seconds. (21 damage/second {+5 damage/level}-60 second cooldown-35 mana cost)
Heart of Magma: Reflecting Shield: Enemies that attack you while shielded will take 15% of their damage dealt.
Hot Spot
Ragepyre creates a hotspot at a target location, damaging any single enemy that walks by it for 20% of Ragepyre's damage per second. Lasts for 120 seconds. (75 second cooldown-75 mana cost)
Bolt of the Storm
Activate to teleport to a nearby location. (40 second cooldown)
Heroic Abilities
Ragepyre channels a volcano at his target location, dealing damage to nearby enemy targets along with dealing heavy damage to enemies targeted by Ragepyre. Lasts for 7 seconds. (15 damage per second {+6 damage/level}-76 damage per attack {+4 damage/level}-120 second cooldown-120 mana cost)
Heart of Magma: Unstable Eruption: Volcano explodes after use, dealing 60% of damage dealt.
Warlord's Armor
Ragepyre attaches some armor and wields a weapon, gaining +35% max health, damage, and cooldown reduction, and +15% ability power. Lasts for 10 seconds. (90 second cooldown-100 mana cost)
Heart of Magma: Reckoning Flames: Ragepyre decreases damage taken by 15% and increases movement speed by 25%. Basic Attacks now mark enemy units, marked targets take 15% more damage from Ragepyre.
Special Mount
Lava Tunnel
Ragepyre creates a Lava Tunnel at a target location. Ragepyre can travel in between a Tunnel entrance and it's exit. (12 second cooldown-45 mana cost)
Heart of Magma: Hidden Tunnels: Lava Tunnels are now stealthed from enemy players, but are still seen by allied players.
Level 1 Talents
Seasoned Marksman: For every 6 enemy Minion or Mercenary kills near your hero, gain 1 Basic Attack damage. Hero Takedowns count as two Minion kills.
Half a Whole:Lava Spawn damage is increased by 15%.
Liquid Flames: Pool of Flames now increases in radius by 1% every 2 seconds.
Eternal Rage:Rage of Flames now stacks up to 10 times.
Level 4 Talents
Superiority: Reduce damage taken from Minions, Structures, and Mercenaries by 50%
Vampiric Assault: Basic Attacks heal for 15% of the damage dealt to the primary target.
Lava Reservoirs: Lava Tunnel now costs no mana, and increases attack damage by 5% for 2 seconds after leaving a tunnel.
Fury of Flames: Rage of Flames output is increased to 3% per stack.
Level 7 Talents
Incinerate: Basic attacks and abilities burn enemy targets for 1% of their max health per second for 3 seconds. Can stack up to 3 times per enemy.
Burnt Cause: Soul Burn reduces the Basic Attack damage of an enemy hero by 50% while channeled.
Burning Hate: Rage of Flames can now be activated to increase you Basic Attack damage and reduce Basic Ability cooldowns by 75% for 5 seconds. Once used, Rage of Flames will not apply for 30 seconds.
Volcano: Ragepyre channels a volcano at his target location, dealing damage to nearby enemy targets along with dealing heavy damage to enemies targeted by Ragepyre. Lasts 7 seconds.
Warlord's Armor:Ragepyre attaches some armor and wields a weapon, gaining +35% max health, damage, and cooldown reduction, and +15% ability power. Lasts 10 seconds.
Level 13 Talents
Spell Shield: Upon taking Ability Damage, reduce that damage and further Ability Damage by %0% for 3 seconds. Can only trigger once every 30 seconds.
Flame Shield: Ragepyre creates a shield of fire around himself, gaining 15% of his max life in shields along with damaging all nearby enemies. Lasts 5 seconds.
2 Too Many: Summon Lava Spawn now spawns 4 Lava Spawns.
Sticky Flames:All enemies caught within Pool of Flames have their movement speed decreased by 35%.
Level 17 Talents
Focused Flames: Ragepyre moves at 60% movement speed while channeling Soul Burn.
Forgetful Flames: Soul Burn silences the targeted enemy.
Elements of Flames: Lava Spawns are now replaced by Lava Elementals gaining +30% movement speed and an extra 30% of Ragepyre's max health.
Executioner: Basic Attacks deal 40% more damage against sloed, rooted, or stunned targets.
Leven 20 Talents
Barrier Volcano: Ragepyre gains 100% of his max health in shields while using Volcano. Volcano's duration is increased to 10 seconds.
War-forged Armor: Warlord's Armor output is increased by 15%. Basic Abilities return 20% of damage dealt back as health.
Bolt of the Storm: Activate to teleport to a nearby location.
Heart of Magma:Basic Attacks and Basic Abilities have their damaged permanently increased by 50%. All abilities gain an additional feature.
Hotspot: Ragepyre creates a hotspot at a target location, damaging any single enemy that walks by it for 20% of Ragepyre's damage. Lasts for 120 seconds.
Response Quotes: "Beware, I live." "Everything shall burn." "You aren't prepared for the heat." Move Quotes: "I'll light the way." "It is done." "It shall be." "If the flames let it be." Attack Quotes: "Ashes to Ashes." "They will be cleansed by fire." "The flames shall consume." "They will burn."
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Hero from W3. Not campaign hero. Ragnaros is more famous.
@Lockmoon: Make ragnaros.