My first concept, sorry for the very bad english, i'm french... :)
I know there are already several concept of Ragnaros on the site, but it did not satisfy me. I spent the time but I think the talents that I imagined could allow different build (auto-attack, great mobility, summoning, tanking, zoning)
He's a mele specialist but his basic attack range are 50% more than normal mele hero, because he can't move. He have more health than other specialist, he can take damage same a warrior.
He can transferring in the minions ennemis group, kill their and push the lane, transferring after transferring. With his trait, he can take some Tower damage.
He can also defend and protect easily shrines and tributs, or Blackheart.
But i thing if Blizzard create a similar Ragnaros, that not a very good hero in the meta, like Gazlowe... :/
I'd really like to have your opinion !!! Do not hesitate to comment!!!
Health: 3000 (+4% per level)
Health regen: 4 (+4% per level)
Mana: 500 (+2% per level)
Mana regen: 3 (+2% per level)
Attack speed: 1.25
Attack range: 2.50
Attack damage: 120 (+4% per level)
Wider: a little more wider than Azmodan.
Level |
1 |
10 |
20 |
Health |
3000 |
4269 |
6320 |
Health regen |
4 |
5.69 |
8.42 |
Mana |
500 |
590 |
690 |
Mana regen |
3 |
3.88 |
4.85 |
Attack damage |
120 |
170 |
250 |
EDIT: I changed a lot of stat: damage, cooldown, talents.
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