Passive: Your abilities and basic attacks spread sparks around their target, each spark deals low damage each second and lasts for 5 seconds. Basic attacks spread 1 spark.
25 Mana
3s cooldown
Activate to absorb all sparks, they go in your way, dealing moderated damage to all enemies they pass through and healing you for 50% of the damage dealt to heroes and 25% of the damage dealt to troops and mercenaries.
Primary Abilities
Fire Beam
12 Mana each second
8s cooldown
Channel a large fire beam that damages the first enemy hit with moderated damage each second, you can move while you channel it but cannot cast other abilities or attack. The beam executes troops with 30% or less life.
Spreads 1 spark each second.
Chain Explosion
60 Mana
10s cooldown
Activate to create fire explosions in the are of your sparks, dealing moderated damage each spark, if a spark kills an enemy, it will explode again, dealing 10% reduced damage untill a maximum of 50% of damage.
Fire Orb
70 Mana
8s cooldown
Launches an orb to the air that after a short delay, impacts the target area, dealing heavy damage and slowing enemies by 50% for 1 second, if the orb hits an enemy, you will absorb it, dealing heavy damage to all enemies it pass through and healing you according to your trait.
Spreads 1 spark for each enemy hit in the target area.
Heroic Abilities
Die, insect!
80 Mana
20s cooldown.
Send a fireball to the target enemy hero dealing moderated damage, it damages the first enemy or structure hit by the fireball, if you hit another enemy hero instead of your target, its cooldown is reset.
Spreads 1 spark when hit an enemy.
100 Mana
90s cooldown
After a 1 second delay, explodes the target area, dealing heavy damage to all enemies inside it, all sparks in the area also stuns enemies for 2 seconds.
Special Mount
Similar to Zagara and Azmodan, Ragnaros can gain 40% movespeed out of combat, but no longer can mount.
Thank you so much :) I'm going to update this with talents and new stuff.
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