Reaper by Kesper

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By: Kesper
Last Updated: Sep 2, 2015
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Hit-and-Run Assassin

The Reaper is a highly mobile assassin. Capitalizing on the ability to ambush and kill a target, then get out, the Reaper is an effective skirmisher. However, his low HP pool and general squishiness would give him an interesting play style and high skill cap. Enjoy!

Combat Trait

Jet Pack
Cooldown: 15 seconds

Activate to leap to the target area, becoming unstoppable and avoiding terrain.

Primary Abilities

D8-Charge (Q)
Mana: 50
Cooldown: 6 seconds

Throw an explosive charge that explodes for moderate damage after 2 seconds. If it does not impact a target, it lands on the ground and explodes anyway.
Combat Drugs (W)
Mana: 70
Cooldown: 20 seconds

Activate to heal 50% of your health over 3 seconds. Healing amount increased to 100% of your maximum health when outside of combat for 3 seconds.
Aggressive Stimulant (E)
Mana: 60
Cooldown: 12 seconds

After activated, your first basic attack begins the ability time and cooldown. For 5 seconds, each basic attack increases your attack speed, up to a maximum of +300%, and gains a chance to daze an opponent for 0.15 seconds, up to a maximum chance of 15%. Buffs lost when ability time runs out.

WHILE THIS ABILITY IS ACTIVE, REAPER MUST ATTACK OR CHASE ENEMIES. Reaper will automatically attack and chase the enemy he attacked last until the ability ends or a new target is selected.

Heroic Abilities

Hit and Run!
Mana: 100
Cooldown: 60 seconds

Gain movement speed and Aggressive Stimulant for 6 seconds. Aggressive Stimulant starts at maximum attack and stun potential, while also adding a chance to crit.
Nothin' I can't Handle.
Mana: 100
Cooldown: 60 seconds

Become unstoppable and gain Combat Drugs (W) for 6 seconds. Combat drugs heals you for three times your maximum health throughout the duration.

Special Mount

Nitro Packs
The Reaper does not use a mount - he's wearing jetpacks! 

(Passive): Reaper's base movement speed is 20% faster than other heroes when outside of combat for 3 seconds.

(Active): Activate to increase Reaper's movement speed by 75%, decaying over 2.5 seconds. 
Cooldown: 30 seconds

Tier One Talents

(For simplicities' sake, I will only provide descriptions for Reaper - specific talents)

-Regeneration Master

-Mind Stimulants (W) -- Combat Drugs also regenerates the same percentage of mana

-Sticky Charge (Q) --D8-Charge now slows enemies by 40% for 2 seconds

-Steroids (E) -- Agressive Stimulant grants a 15% movement speed increase

Tier Two Talents


-Nitro Booster (Mount) -- Nitro packs cooldown reduced to 15 seconds

-Aggressive Defense (E) -- Aggressive Stimulant grants a shield for 50% of the damage dealt

-Drug Addict (W) -- Combat Drugs cooldown lowered by 5 seconds if it lasted its full duration outside of combat

Tier Three Talents

-Mind over Matter (E) -- Aggressive Stimulant can be canceled

-Shaped Blast (Q) -- D8-charge knocks enemies back if it sticks to the ground. While on a target, it's blast radius is increased.

-Jump Jets (Mount, Trait) -- Nitro Packs (Z) refreshes Jet Pack (D)'s cooldown

-Hyper Aggression (E) -- Each attack during Aggressive Stimulant reduces Aggressive Stimulant's cooldown by 0.5 seconds.


See Heroics Section

Tier Five Talents

-Fight or Flight (W) -- When used in combat, Combat Drugs (W) grants a 15% speed boost

-Giant Killer

-Need for Speed (Mount) Nitro Packs speed boost does not decay, removes all roots and slows upon use.

-Molotov Cocktail (Q) -- D8 Charge causes buildings to burn and take extra damage from other units.

Tier Six Talents

-Fear the Reaper Man! -- D8-Charge gains 3 charges

-Blood for Blood

-Direct Injection (E) -- Aggressive Stimulant (E) lasts for 2 more seconds.

-Unrelenting (E) -- Jet Packs (D) refreshes Aggressive Stimulant (E)'s cooldown. Aggressive Stimulant grants 50% CC reduction.

Storm Talents

-Kill Order (R1) -- Hit and Run! lasts for 2 more seconds and heals Reaper for 20% of the damage dealt

-Superhuman (R2) -- Nothin' I can't Handle lasts for 2 more seconds and increases Reaper's damage based on how much damage he has taken through the duration of the ability

-Upgrade Complete (Mount) -- Nitro Packs permanently grants 10% increased movement speed. Speed boost outside of combat increased to 30%.

-Rocket Jump (Trait) -- Jet Pack (D) gains 2 charges, range increased by 50%

-Chemical Frenzy (Passive) -- Increase attack speed and range by 20%

Concept / My Thoughts

Reaper is meant to be a fast, mobile, in-and-out character. He's made for skirmishes and 1v1 duels, as well as sustained hit-and-run attacks. Like in Starcraft II, he's meant to have a lot of self healing to keep him on the battlefield. While his self healing may seem a bit out of control, and his Aggressive Stimulant may seem a bit overpowered, Reaper would have an incredibly small HP pool (Maybe around Nova level - maybe even less) and would be very susceptible to burst damage and crowd control. He would also have a reduced attack range, like Tychus, forcing him to get up close and personal with enemies. Reaper would be good at locking down a target and sticking to it, with his mobility and brief stuns, but good teamwork would require a Reaper player to chose his battles carefully.

With this concept, I really tried to capture the aggressive nature of the Reaper. Supposedly, they have heightened aggression through chemicals or something, so I tried to represent that in his abilities. For example, with Aggressive Stimulant, he has to be chasing or attacking an enemy.

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