Reaper by Arghund

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By: Arghund
Last Updated: Feb 14, 2018
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Wraith of Talon

(Ranged Assassin) A survivable bruiser that deals extreme damage up close and breaks up groups of enemies.

Another Overwatch hero that I think would be (somewhat) harmless mechanics-wise. Probably the most straight-forward kit I've made, as it's basically a 1:1 of his Overwatch iteration, and he's not particularly complex there either. To make up for his lack of spell damage, he does have passives and new properties everywhere, just to give his kit a bit more. His trait is a means of simulating the spread on his shotguns, giving him some amount of ranged poke, but in essence making him a close-range to melee hero, so that way Tychus doesn't have to feel alone with his condition.

-Very high single-target dps and burst up close
-Multi-target damage and waveclear
-Good engage and escape
-High survivability
-Impactful heroics

-Complete lack of spell damage in basic kit; shut down almost completely by blinds
-Lack of crowd control in base kit
-Inconsistent damage at longer range
-Requires careful positioning to not telegraph location
-Generally poor versus hypermobility
-Short range makes his rush-down counterable

2000 health
75-180 basic attack damage
1.5 attack speed
4.5 attack range
450 mana
4% scaling full talents can be seen here for much easier organization

Combat Trait

Reaper's basic attacks deal damage in a cone in front of him, dealing up to 180 damage at point-blank range and falling off to 75 at the very edge to all targets within. Additionally, Reaper moves 10% faster than normal on foot.
Kneecapper (lvl1 talent)
If basic attacks deal at least 135 damage, enemies are slowed by 25% for 2 seconds. Dealing full damage roots them for 0.5 seconds, every 6 seconds per enemy.
Slugger (lvl1 talent)
Your shotguns now fire a single projectile that pierces targets, dealing 45 less maximum damage and eliminating the cone, but you gain 0.5 range and no longer have variable damage.
Time to Reap (lvl4 talent)
Your basic attacks deal 20% more damage for every additional enemy hero hit besides the primary target.
Reloading Not Required (lvl16)
You must now spend 1.25 seconds replacing your shotguns after every 8 basic attacks, but doing so increases your damage and attack speed by 25% for 5 seconds. Activate your trait to manually replace, on a 10 second cooldown.

Primary Abilities

The Reaping
Mana Cost: 35
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Increases your attack speed by 0.5/sec and widens your cone of fire for 4 seconds.

Passive: You heal for 35% of all physical damage dealt, and takedowns heal you for 20% of your maximum health.
Wraith Form
Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Become invulnerable and move 25% faster for 3.5 seconds. Does not cleanse you of stuns, roots, and other hard crowd control.

Passive: The duration of crowd control effects on you is decreased by 25%.
Shadow Step
Mana Cost: 60
Cooldown: 14 seconds
After casting for 3 seconds, teleport to the target location. You are unstoppable while casting and gain 20 armor during and for 2.5 seconds after.

Heroic Abilities

Death Blossom
Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 65 seconds
Fire off your shotguns at breakneck speed, dealing 180 damage a second to targets within 4.5 range of you. Lasts for 5 seconds, and you are immune to all forms of crowd control except for slows and roots during this period.
Grim Reaper's Sprint
Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 45 seconds
Doubles your movement speed bonus, renders you immune to slows and roots, and The Reaping heals you for twice as much for 6 seconds. Takedowns extend the duration by 2 seconds.


Full talent breakdown can be seen here.


-Slugger still works with basic attack talents, but generally less effective being built with multi-target choices
-Does not attack while moving, though I considered it as a late game talent
-Wraith Form does get rid of slows upon casting
-Wraith Form does not turn you invisible baseline, in contrast to Tassadar's ability
-Flechette Shells does not ignore negative armor because screw that weird interaction
-Mark for Death starts at the second basic attack and then progressively deals more, from 2%, to 4%, to 6%, etc.

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