(Ranged Assassin) A survivable bruiser that deals extreme damage up close and breaks up groups of enemies.
Another Overwatch hero that I think would be (somewhat) harmless mechanics-wise. Probably the most straight-forward kit I've made, as it's basically a 1:1 of his Overwatch iteration, and he's not particularly complex there either. To make up for his lack of spell damage, he does have passives and new properties everywhere, just to give his kit a bit more. His trait is a means of simulating the spread on his shotguns, giving him some amount of ranged poke, but in essence making him a close-range to melee hero, so that way Tychus doesn't have to feel alone with his condition.
-Very high single-target dps and burst up close
-Multi-target damage and waveclear
-Good engage and escape
-High survivability
-Impactful heroics
-Complete lack of spell damage in basic kit; shut down almost completely by blinds
-Lack of crowd control in base kit
-Inconsistent damage at longer range
-Requires careful positioning to not telegraph location
-Generally poor versus hypermobility
-Short range makes his rush-down counterable
2000 health
75-180 basic attack damage
1.5 attack speed
4.5 attack range
450 mana
4% scaling
https://heroeshearth.com/concepts/heroes/Malkav/reaper/ full talents can be seen here for much easier organization
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