Reinhardt by Cimcia

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By: Cimcia
Last Updated: Jun 22, 2022
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The Crusader

Health: 2700
Health Regen: 5,62
Basic Attack Damage: 130
Basic Attack Speed: 0,75
Energy: 1800
Energy Regen: 18

Combat Trait

Barrier Field
Barrier Field
Cooldown: 4 seconds

While active, Reinhardt creates a large Energy shield in front of him that can absorb significant damage before it is destroyed. The shield absorbs enemy projectiles, but while supporting it, does not regenerate Energy and has movment speed reduced by 35%. Other abilities cancel Barrier Field.

When destroyed (Energy reaches 0), Barrier Field's Cooldown is set at 8 seconds.
Reinhardt has Energy instead of Mana. Energy only regenerates, if Barrier Field has been turned off for at least 4 seconds. Energy and Energy Regen grow by 4%/lvl.

Primary Abilities

Hammer Swing
Hammer Swing
Charge Cooldown: 8 seconds

Reinhardt swings his hammer dealing 130 (+4%/lvl) damage in an area and slightly knocks enemies back. If this hits at least two enemy Heroes, Hammer Swing's Cooldown recharges 100% faster over the next 4 seconds. (does not stack)

Stores up to 2 charges.
Rocket Charge
Rocket Charge
Cooldown: 23 seconds

After 0,5 second, Reinhardt charges forward in a straight line, grabbing enemy Heroes in his path. If they collide with the wall, the captured enemies suffer 260 (+4%/lvl) damage and Rocket Charge's Cooldown is reduced by 7 seconds.
Reflective Strike
Reflective Strike
Cooldown: 11 seconds

First Use:
Lashing the Rocket Hammer, Reinhardt fires a projectile that deals 75 (+4%/lvl) + 33% of damage absorbed by Barrier Field in the last 3 seconds (up to 350+4%/level) to the first enemy Hero hit. If this ability hits an enemy Hero, you can recast Reflective Strike over the next 4 seconds to jump at their current position dealing 160 (+4%/lvl) damage and stunning any enemies in the area for 1.25 seconds.
Reflective Strike
Second Use:
After short delay, Reinhardt jumps at the current position of the Hero hit with Reflective Strike dealing 160 (+4%/lvl) damage and stunning any enemies in the area for 1.25 seconds.

Heroic Abilities

Cooldown: 120 seconds

After 0,5 second, Reinhardt forcefully slams his rocket hammer into the ground, sending a wave, which damages all enemies in a cone in front of him for 160 (+4%/lvl) and stuns them for 1.75 seconds.
Shield Bash
Shield Bash
Cooldown: 30 seconds

Reinhardt becomes Unstoppable and reinforces his Barrier, protecting it from taking any damage for 1,75 seconds.
After 1,75 seconds, Reinhardt dashes forward a short distance, bashing any enemies in front of him with his Barrier dealing 150 (+4%/lvl) damage, knocking them back and stunning them for 0,75 seconds.

Can only be cast, while supporting a Barrier and does not cause it to cancel.

Talents - Lvl 1

Q - Rocket Bash
Increase Hammer Swing's knockback distance by 50% and it now slows enemies by 10% for 2 seconds.
Quest: Hitting Heroes with Hammer Swing increases it's damage by 1.
Reward: After hitting Heroes with Hammer Swing 30 times, increase Hammer Swing's knockback distance by another 50% and slow by 10%.

Q/D - Titanium Armor
Barrier Field has 15 Physical Armor.
If Hammer Swing hits at least one enemy Hero, gain 50 Physical Armor against the next enemy Hero Basic Attack.
Stores up to 2 charges.

D - Hold The Line
Barrier Field has 15 Spell Armor.
Quest: Collect Regeneration Globes to Increase your max Energy by 2%.
Reward: After gathering 30 Regeneration Globes, 15% of Spell damage dealt to Reinhardt or Barrier Field is returned as Energy over 5 seconds.

Talents - Lvl 4

W/D - Into Battle!
Reinhardt gains 20 Armor, while Charging and for 5 seconds after. This Armor bonus is also applied to Barrier Field.

E - Fire Strike
Damage from Reflective Strike's 1st use is now dealt over 3 seconds.
Quest: Hit enemy Heroes with Reflective Strike's 1st use.
Reward: After hitting 10 enemy Heroes with Reflective Strike's 1st use, it now pierces to hit an additional target.
Reward: After hitting 25 enemy Heroes with Reflective Strike's 1st use, it now pierces through all enemy Heroes.

E - Hammer Down!
Reflective Strike's 2nd use's impact radius and damage are increased by 20%.

Talents - Lvl 7

Q - Battle Fervor
If Hammer Swing hits at least one enemy Hero, Reinhardt's next two basic attack against enemy Heroes within 6 seconds deal 20% bonus damage and reduce the Cooldown of Hammer Swing by 1 second. (does not stack)

W - Impact Shockwave
When Reinhardt collides with a wall using Rocket Charge, he deals collision damage to all nearby enemy Heroes and reduces Rocket Charge's Cooldown by 2 seconds for each enemy Hero hit.

E - Extended Reach
Increase Reflective Strike's range by 30%. If you hit an enemy Hero with Reflective Strike's 2nd use, reduce it's Cooldown by 3 seconds.

Talents - Lvl 13

Q - One Hammer Many Foes
For each enemy Hero hit by Hammer Swing, gain 90 (+4%/lvl) shield for 4 seconds and 6% missing Energy.

E - Reflective Drive
Reflective Strike's First Use now deals 50% of damage absorbed by Barrier Field (up to 530+4%/lvl) in the last 3 seconds. Reinhardt gains Energy equal to the damage dealt by this ability.

D - Supported Barrier
When Reinhardt receives healing from allied Heroes, he also gains Energy equal to 30% of the healing received.
While above 75% Energy, movement speed penalty from supporting Barrier Field is halfed (35% to 17,5%).

Talents - Lvl 16

W/D - Shield Charge
Rocket Charge no longer cancels Barrier Field. Additionally, all enemy Heroes hit by Rocket Charge are Stunned for 1 second.

Active - Energy Wall
Cooldown: 8 seconds
After 0,5 seconds, Reinhardt leaves Barrier Field in it's current position. It stays there until destroyed, canceled or pulled back to Reinhardt (active skill). During this time, Reinhardt can use Basic Attacks, his other abilities (except Shield Bash) and loses movement speed penalty from supporting Barrier Field.

Active - Schildkr

Talents - Lvl 20

R - Earthbreaker
Earthshatter deals 200% more damage to enemy Heroes over 5 seconds. During this time, their Armor is reduced by 15.

R - Shield Slam
Shield Bash gains a 2nd charge and it's dash distance is increased by 200%. There is a 5 second Cooldown between uses.

Q - Unstoppable Force
Hammer Swing gains a 3rd charge. For each enemy Hero hit by Hammer Swing, reduce the Cooldown of your Ultimate by 4 seconds.

D - Immovable Object
Reinhardt ignores all enemy displacement effects.
When the Barrier would break, gain 100% Energy. This effect can only accour once every 180 seconds.

In-depth Barrier Field mechanic explenation

Barrier rotates in the direction of Reinhardt's current Basic Attack target (he can't Basic Attack, while supporting Barrier, but he can chose Basic Attack target) similarly to how Dva rotates, while auto attacking or how Tychus rotates, while casting his Q.
Barrier Field Protects Reinhardt from enemy effects coming from the direction, where Barrier is currently rotated. Additionally it absorbs enemy Projectiles, but not AoE effects (ex. absorbs Kael'thas Gravity Lapse, but doesn't absorb Flamestrike).
Projectiles that become AOE upon impact are still absorbed (ex. Azmodan's Globe of Annihilation ,Lt.Morales Displacement Grenade, Junkrat's Frag Launcher) and Reinhardt loses Energy equivalent to the effect's single target damage in it's center (ex. Brightwing's Arcane Flare deals more to enemies in the center). All effects absorbed this way count as hitting one hero, still progressing telents (ex. Zul'Jin's You Want Axe?). The same principle is applied to moving AOE aka. waves (ex. Medivh's Arcane Rift, Imperius Solarion Fire, Ragnaros Living Meteor). DOT effects are applied to Reainhardt's Energy as Energy loss over time. Health percentage damage are instead Energy percentage loss effects (ex. Greymane's Cursed Bullet destroys 35% of Reinhardt's current Energy).
Some abilities are heavly countered this way (ex. Anduin's Divine Star, Ana's Healing/Sleeping Dart, Leoric's Drain Hope) as the main effects of those projectiles aren't to deal big initial damage.

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