Reinhardt by Marverinno

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By: Marverinno
Last Updated: Oct 19, 2017
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Champion of a bygone age

"This armor can still serve its purpose. One day it may fall apart, but until then, we will fight. Overwatch may be gone, buts its legacy endures through us. We have sworn to carry on its ideals and restore hope to this troubled world...To seek out tyranny and evil wherever they take root...And bring the hammer of justice down upon the wicked."

Reinhardt Wilhelm has a heart of gold and a strong sense of duty and justice, one of my most favorite characters in gaming so far.
Here´s hoping I get to see him enter the Nexus soon.

He will mostly play as a Warrior, with emphasis on soaking damage and making sure his team is protected from enemy fire, proper talent picks can turn him into a semi-specialist or give him some supportive backbone to help his team around on the battlefield.
Mobility is limited to just his Charge so he HAS to make it count. Requires a team that trusts him to succeed and is countered by slows and roots.

Base HP: 2400(+3% per level)
HP @ level 30: 5825
Effective HP before talents: 6990
HP regeneration: 3.5 (+4% per level) (11.3@ L30)

Base attack damage: 112 (+4% per level) (363.2 @L30)
Attack Speed: fixed 1 per second.

Mana: Reinhardt doesn't use Mana
Mana Regen: -

Skin ideas:
Classic, the same as he appears in Overwatch
Reinhardt of Gold, same as classic, but all itterations of light-gray sport a golden hue instead
Reinhardt of Stone, same as classic, but much darker colored.

Skins from overwatch:
All three skins feature him with a rocket Axe instead of a hammer, his armor featuring a more spiky robotic, near gundam/gurren lagann appearance with a glowing orange core near his belly armor.
The colors represent the German flag color code, the country from which Reinhardt originates.

Entering the Nexus:
Ah my friends, what's with all this standing around? There's glory to be won!

Pre-game interactions

With Ana:

Reinhardt: Ana how can this be? I thought you were dead
Ana: I'm sorry Reinhardt. After everything that happened. I needed time.

Ana: Reinhardt I must say you are looking quite well. This life must agree with you.
Reinahrdt: And you are looking as lovely as ever.

Reinhardt: I was wondering if you'd sign something for me. It's eh-hem, for a friend. Of course! Here you go. Love

With Lucio:
Reinhardt: Ah you kids today with your Techno music. You should Enjoy the CLASSICS, like H***elhoff!
Lucio: Oh man, I can't even take you seriously right now.

With Zarya:
Zarya: Reinhardt you said you would arm wrestle me. Nervous?
Reinhardt: Nervous?! ME?! NEVER!!

Reinhardt: Keep training, and maybe someday you can learn to handle a real weapon!
Zarya: I think I've got this old man.

Again! AGAIN!!
There's still fight in me yet!
HAHA! Still kicking!

Upon activating Barrier Field.
Don't worry my friends! I will be your shield.
Come out and face me!
Is that the best you can do?!

Charging into wall:
I'll feel that in the morning!
I'm not as young as I used to be.

Being Healed:
Ah Thank you my friend!

HAMMER DOWN! in 3 different variations.

Fight until the Last Breath (FutLB):

Fight me!!
Do I have your attention yet?!
Honor and Glooory!
Let me show you how it's done!

Upon stacking to 10 with FutLB
When all you have is a hammer, everyone else is a nail!

Combat Trait

Barrier Field
Reinhardt can project a shield that blocks projectiles coming from the front. The shield has its own separate health that recharges over time when lost.
If the shield reaches 0 hp it breaks and takes a while before it starts recharging.

Shield Health: 750 +4% per level.

Press D to toggle ON/OFF.
While the shield is toggled, Reinhardt cannot auto attack or use other skills, and the direction of the barrier field follows the cursor slowly.
Reinhardt slows himself for 20% while the shield is held up.

Passive: Reinhardt's high-tech armor features precision german engineering and passively gains 20 armor, reducing damage taken by 20%.

Primary Abilities

Hammer time!
Reinhardt swings his mighty hammer in an arc, dealing 56(+8% per level) damage to all enemies caught inside.

Duration: 0.9 sec
Cooldown: 1.0 sec
Reinhardt becomes unstoppable and charges in the targeted direction for 10 range of distance, upon hitting an enemy, he deals 200(+2% per level) damage to them and drags them with him for the remainder of the charge.

If Reinhardt hits terrain, he is stunned for 0.25 seconds. if an enemy hero hits a wall, he will deal another 300(+2% per level) damage to that enemy and stun it as well.

Reinhardt will adjust his path very slowly to the cursor's location during the charge, and cannot travel a smaller distance unless stopped by terrain.

Cooldown: 10 seconds
Range: 10
Fire Strike
By whipping his Rocket Hammer forward, Reinhardt slings a flaming projectile which pierces and damages any enemies it touches for 230(+4% per level) damage.
Stops upon colliding with terrain. (deals 50% less damage to terrain)

Range: 5
Cooldown: 6 seconds

Heroic Abilities

Reinhardt forcefully slams his rocket hammer into the ground, knocking down (2.5sec) and damaging (90+8% per level) all enemies in front of him.

Range: Cone area of effect 5
Cooldown: 120 seconds
Fight until the last breath
Reinhardt issues a challenge to one enemy Hero.
The target ignores Reinhardt's Armor and deals 25% increased damage to him, but deals 25% less damage to anyone else.

Cooldown: 30 seconds after either the target or Reinhardt has been killed.
Range: 3

Special Mount

Heavy Metal
The amount of armor Reinhardt wears can not possibly be carried by normal means and therefor he has to rely on the rocket engine on his back for quick means of travel. (Charge.)

L1 talent picks

Armor up!:
Increases Reinhardt's armor bonus by 5 (25 total)

Quest; I will feel that in the morning!:
Pinning an enemy hero into terrain by using charge increases the collision damage by 20
Upon colliding 10 times, increase its damage by another 50 and reduce the cooldown by 2 seconds.

Select one of your allied heroes for the rest of the game, they gain 10 armor while you lose 10 armor.

L4 talent picks

Rocket power:
Hammer Time!'s damage is increased by 100% against minions and mercenaries.

Looking for freedom:
Charge now adjust 50% quicker to your cursor.

Flame on!:
Fire strike now travels indefinitely and pierces terrain, but deals 25% less damage with each subsequent enemy unit hit.
(always deals full damage to minions)

L7 Talent Picks

Barrier Force
Barrier Fields' width and health is increased by 15%

Mirror Force
Barrier Field now reflects the first projectile hit back at the closest enemy. (only affects basic abilities and auto attacks)
This effect has a 5 second cooldown.

Resonating Force
When Barrier Field is hit, 20% of the damage it took is dealt as damage around Reinhardt every second for 4 second.

L10 talent picks


L13 Talent picks

When an enemy hero deals damage to an ally close to Reinhardt, the next Hammer Time deals 150% increased damage and knocks enemies hit slightly to the side.
This effect has a 5 second Cooldown

Path of Flame
Fire strike leaves behind a lingering flame path that deals an additional 75% of the abilities damage over 4 seconds.
Aditionally increases Flame Strike's width by 20%.

Quest; Dont forget your swedish friend!:
Gather regeneration globes to reduce respawn time by 2% up to 20%.
Upon gathering 10 globes, gain 50% increased movement speed upon respawning for 4 seconds.

L16 talent picks

Reinhardt, Reinhardt, REINHARDT!
Barrier Field gains 10 armor and Reinhardt emits an aura whenever barrier field is held up that increases allied heroes armor by 10.
Range: 4

This old dog still knows a few tricks.
Fire Strike now travels sideways (its width is increased by 200%, stacks with Path of Flame's width enhancement)

Out of my way!
Reinhardt's Hammer Time stuns minons and mercenaries for 0.25 seconds and deals 200% increased damage to Bosses.

L20 Talent Picks

Earthshatter's stun duration is reduced by 1 second but in return leaves behind a wall at the end of the cone.
The wall crumbles whenever Reinhardt pins an enemy to it via Charge.

Earthshatter leaves behind shakey ground which slow enemy heroes by 40% and deals 150% of the damage dealt over 4 seconds

Quest: Glory!
If Reinhardt kills the hero targeted by FIGHT UNTIL THE LAST BREATH, he gains 1 armor.
This talent is retroactive, meaning that stacks can be gained before this talent is chosen, which become active upon chosing it.

Quest: 100% German Power
If Reinhardt kills the hero targeted by FIGHT UNTIL THE LAST BREATH, he gains 10 attack damage and increases Hammer Time's damage by 30.
This talent is retroactive, meaning that stacks can be gained before this talent is chosen, which become active upon chosing it.

Design choices

His Barrier Field is what defined Reinhardts position in Overwatch as one of the most important tanks in the game.
Naturally it should also be part of his kit in the Nexus.
However, since we're not in direct control of where Reinhardt will face it, I decided that the shield should adjust to your cursor slowly.
This way, you can still click behind or sideways without giving up the shield from the front right away as it just adjust slowly. In tight situations, mashing the D button on and off can be used to quickly change direction at the cost of lowering the shield for a short amount of time.

Reinhardt's base health is a tad lower than most tanky warriors in the game, but he makes up for this by having a passive that grants him 20 armor. This is based off his armor in the original game, where 1 point of armor would block 2 damage. effectively halving all damage taken until armor was depleted.
The reason his armor is permanent is because reinhardt can find himself in a tricky situation if he misplaces his Charge. while 20 armor might not seem like much when diving in to 3+ heroes. In smaller skirmishes he should be able to make it out by using his barrier field smartly waiting for charge to get off cooldown and get the H out of dodge.

Q is the reason this man is a glorious warrior.
Swinging that monstrous hammer around deals nearly 1/3rd of most heroes health in Overwatch, while that might be a bit overpowered in HotS, it starts out pretty pathetic, being only a sort of short range cleave attack, but with the pretty high scaling it has, it can add up to become a good waveclear tool, as well as make him a threat in teamfights if he's in the middle of all of it, drawing attention to him while giving his team mates more opportunities to fight back.

W, known for it's insta-gib potential, this game doesn't quite have a displacement like this, Diablo comes to mind but he is somewhat in control of where he lands and that's a point and click dash as well. Reinhardt heroicly charges forward trying to pin down a hero to burst as he does in Overwatch as well. it deals tremendous damage if it hits and most squishies do not survive it early. High base damage but low scaling makes it a threat in the early game, while changing it into a deciding initiation tooll as well as another form of hard cc when the time asks for it.

E, Fire Strike is his bread and butter to clear waves quickly together with Hammer Time. it deals high damage but is hard to hit because of it's slow travel time (I'm guessing it would travel as fast as Malthael's Death Shroud while being half as thick).

Pretty much the same as in Overwatch, Reinhardt briefly stands still to swing his hammer with incredible force unto the ground. Enemies in a cone are stunned for a ridiculous amount of time, leaving Reinhardt (and his team) time to land combo's and win fights. Cone would be about as far and wide as Garrosh Groundbreaker. not too long, but pretty devastating if it hits.

Fight until the last breath!:
Reinhardt is a warrior at heart, and while overwatch does not have any mind control or taunt varieties, I'd say this is the next best thing he could do.
If you're behind and you really need to slow down that one character that messes up your entire teamfight. Range is short so Reinhardt has to be quick and careful about selecting a hero once it's within reach. Once he hits, the hero will not be completely useless, but will be driven to kill Reinhardt first. Diverting otherwise deadly threat from his teammates, to himself.

Armor Up!:
Reference to Garrosh' traits in both HotS as well as Hearthstone.
simple 5% damage reduction.

I will feel that in the morning!
Reference to Reinhardt's quote whenever he clashes with terrain, but not a hero.


Reference to Reinhardt's quote "Honor, Justice, REINHARDT REINHARDT REINHARDT!"

Rocket Power:
Reference to the cartoon show of the same name.
I figured since many heroes have a talent that improves their ability to capture camps, Reinhardt could use it too.

Looking for Freedom:
Reference to a song from the 80's by David H***elhof, one of Reinhardt's favorite singers.

Flame On!:
Reference to The Human Torches' quote from The Fantastic Four, as well as the Terran dunebuggy that spits supahotfire, the Hellion.
Effect is based on the Hellion's ability to quickly tear through hordes of Zerg with it's Flamethrower.
Might also be used to snipe heroes who tried to flee the fight.

Barrier Force
No real reference here, clean and simple upgrade to the Trait

Mirror Force
Reference to the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trap card of the same name, depicting a holy barrier that repels enemy attacks by reflecting it back towards them. I figured doing this with all projectiles is kind of overpowered. but 1 or 2 or an enemy skill (Genji's 3 shuriken or Junkrat's single bomb shouldn't make too much of a drastic change.

Resonating Force
No reference here but with Mirror Force in the back of my mind, this might be the solution to a melee heavy enemy team, while most melee's have at least 1 form of projectile like Thrall and Genji or supports like Tassadar and Ana who can assist with damage from a long range.

I've already gone over these.

Reference to Reinhardt's quote stated above
Reinhardt is a very protective soldier, often opting to take a hit himself instead of his allies. seeing his ally hurt would definitely make him go a tad berserk to make sure no further harm would come to his friend.

Path of Flame
No Reference, Just a great tool for Reinhardt to Push / waveclear quickly

Dont forget your swedish friend!:
Reference to Torbj

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