Reinhardt Wilhelm by Bkfootball03

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Reinhardt Wilhelm

By: Bkfootball03
Created: Mar 3, 2017
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Reinhardt Wilhelm

Futuristic Crusader

A Warrior from Overwatch who protects his team from long-range damage.


Combat Trait

Barrier Field
Reinhardt extends a barrier in front of him after pressing D, blocking the area behind it from ranged abilities and ranged basic attacks. Pressing D cancels the barrier. While in this form, Reinhardt has 50% reduced movement speed.

The barrier has 2,000 health which is reduced when it takes damage. While Reinhardt's barrier it not being used, after 1 second it will start regenerating health at 300 health per second. If the barrier is destroyed, Reinhardt may not use it for 3 seconds, however it will regenerate at the rate as the above states it will.

Also, Reinhardt cannot use Basic Attacks.

Cooldown: 0
Mana: 0

Primary Abilities

Hammer Swing
Reinhardt swings his hammer in front of him in a half-circle shape starting at the right and going to the left, dealing medium damage to enemies hit by it. This ability takes 1 second to swing from one end to the other.

Cooldown: 1
Mana: 20
Fire Strike
Reinhardt creates a fire projectile with his hammer which travels until it collides with terrain or lasts 5 seconds, dealing damage and piercing any hero-made barriers.

Cooldown: 8
Mana: 60
Reinhardt charges forward in a line for 3 seconds or until he collides with terrain. If an enemy hero is caught in the middle of the hitbox, they are pinned and take massive damage if Reinhardt collides with terrain. If not, the enemy is released after 3 seconds.

If an enemy is hit on the side of the hitbox, they take a small amount of damage and are knocked to the side.

If two Reinhardts collide with this ability, they both take the damage and are stunned for 2 seconds.

Cooldown: 12
Mana: 100

Secondary Abilities

Reposition Barrier
With this ability active, clicking on something will cause Reinhardt to face it while his shield is up. Clicking on an enemy will cause him to face them until they die or are out of sight.

Heroic Abilities

Reinhardt raises his hammer and slams it down after 0.5 seconds, stunning enemies in the area for 3.5 seconds and dealing damage. This can be blocked by enemy barriers or structures.

Cooldown: 100
Mana: 120
Reinhardt raises his hammer and slams it down after 0.5 seconds, raising up the area in a large cone in front of him, trapping allies and enemies up on a cliff created by the ability and stunning the enemies for 1 second on top. The cliff is destroyed after 4 seconds, and enemies are stunned for 1 second when they come crashing down.

Cooldown: 100
Mana: 140

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