Its mid-afternoon on a scorching summer day. The mustached man has been sweating as if two Flamewreathed Facelesses were burning his chiseled jaw into a hot mess. But when you are looking for money, bad conditions are just an occupational hazard. With a pair of old binoculars, the lone traveler is surveying the goods from the comforts of a small patch of green grass as to remain unseen. "Hmm, how much?" he asks as he eyes the ancient artifacts of the desert. He notices huge stone statues of anthropomorphic animals that had come to life. But the treasure hunter has seen and captured statues that were twice their size and uncomfortably eerie. He's not impressed.
As he continues scanning the area, he notices something of great interest. One of the desert foot soldiers was carrying a spear known by all archaeologists around the world as a highly sought after relic of previous Nexus Wars. "It can't be!" he gasped. "The Winion's Spear! It must be worth thousands!" As the footman comes to his unfortunate demise from a volley of dark arrows, the spear drops to the ground and lays among the corpses of battle. Reno's Pavlovian response kicks in and the rush of adventure fills the explorer's blood once more. He sets his eyes on the prize, grabs hold of a rope, and yells out "We're Gonna be Rich!" as he swings into the battlefield.
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