Rohana by AoiMizune

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By: AoiMizune
Last Updated: Oct 2, 2017
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Grand Preserver

Grand Preserver and War Councilor of Hierarch Artanis

This Hero Concept seeks to bring Rohana into the Nexus with her Personality and Lore fleshed out in her playstyle and Talent Tree.

Rohana is designed to be a global Support Hero who aims to keep her allies from dying by granting them pseudo durability by redirecting a small amount of damage they take to all other allies in the battlefield or Sacrifice herself to redirect all damage all allies take to herself. She also can join her allies in direct combat as a Zoning Mage, keeping enemies at bay by locking down certain points in the battlefield. Those who oppose her shall suffer heavy damage. As the game progresses, she gains stronger, gaining more access to a wider range of utility.

I also tried to make her talents feel similar to her storyline in Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void.

To portray her Fantasy of a Traditional and Stubborn Preserver, she has talents with TILTING effects. However, she is also one who is not afraid to try out creative ideas in dire need thus also possess creative talents that that she can utilize to assist her allies in battle as their War Councilor. And her most memorable fantasy, the Self-Sacrificing Preserver who will endure the greatest pain for the better of her people. With these fantasies in mind, I have given her several talents that allows her to fight as the Grand Preserver and the War Councilor we met in the Campaign.

However, like in the Campaign, there are things Rohana has no choice but to comply due to the severeness of the situation. In her talents, Rohana will also perform a decision whether it is inline with her will or not. To accept aid from those who were shunned by the Great Templars of the Past.

Even her painful life changing decision is portrayed in her talents, to let go of the Khala.
When the situation goes dire, and the hour of darkness befalls against her team as the enemy team's control over the Khala comes to its worst, she will have to make an ultimate decision that will change how she will play the game. A decision with no return.

Both choices provide Rohana with strong advantages. However, they also provide exploitable weaknesses therefore choosing carefully is advised.


HP: 2,225(+4%) [ = Zarya]
HP Regen: 4.64 (+4%)
Armor: 0
Attack Damage: 91 (+4%) [ = Anubarak]
Range: 5.5
Attacks per Second: 1.25 [ = Kerrigan]
Damage per Second: 113.7
[ = Garrosh]
Difficulty: Medium
Class: Specialist
Published: 12/10/16

Rohana is tagged as a Specialist instead of support due to her extreme lack of Healing capabilities.

Concept Guide:

All stats are level 0 stats. Including heroics, summoned units and talents gained above lvl 0.
All distance measurements are based around the width/height of an Abathur mine.
* 1 radius circle = 2 abathur mines in diameter.
* 4 range = 4 abathur mines in a line.

Combat Trait

One within the Khala
15% of the healing and damage allied heroes take to their hp is redirected and equally split across all allied heroes in the battlefield. Damage taken from One within the Khala cannot be lethal.

Rohana also redirects damage from herself.
Active even while dead.

Primary Abilities

Sacrifice (Q)
Cooldown: 6
Mana Cost: 20
Range: Global

Temporarily disable Rohana's Trait and redirect all damage allied heroes receive to Rohana for 1.5 seconds.

Rohana resists 30% of the damage she takes from Sacrifice.

Rohana still takes damage in the Hall of Storms.
Scarab (W)
Cooldown: 18 seconds per charge. 6 seconds per cast.
Mana Cost: 30
Range: 7
Search Radius: 3
Explosion Radius: 1.5

Send out a scarab in a line infront of you. Upon reaching maximum range, the Scarab stops to arm after 1.5 seconds.
When armed, it searches for enemies around it, prioritizing heroes for 3 seconds. After locking on to a target, the scarab charges to the target, dealing 271(+4%) damage in an area around it. Failing to find a target causes it to disappear.

Stores up to 5 charges.

Can be reactivated while scarab is in flight to immediately to stop and arm.
Stasis Cell (E)
Cooldown: 14 seconds
Mana Cost: 50
Range: 7

After a 1 second delay, encase a target enemy hero or Rohana in a Stasis Cell, entering Stasis for 1.5 seconds.

Reactivate to end the duration sooner.

Secondary Abilities

Bound by Khala
Level 20 Trait "I will Endure."

15%(20% with Lvl 1 Talent, Greater Unity) of the healing and damage allied heroes take to their hp is redirected and split across all allied heroes in the battlefield. Damage taken from One within the Khala is nonlethal EXCEPT for Rohana.

Additionally, Rohana is now locked away in the Hall of Storms but her abilities gain global range.

Rohana still takes damage and can be killed in the Hall of Storms.
Healing Rohana receives from the Hall of storms are also redirected to allies.
Active even while dead.
Unity in Trust
Level 20 Trait "For the Daelaam."

Instead of damage redirection, when there is an Allied Hero within 6 range around an Allied Hero, they gain 15 Armor(20 with Lvl 1 Talent, Greater Unity).

Active even while dead

Heroic Abilities

Grand Sacrifice (R1)
Cooldown: 80 seconds
Mana Cost: 75
Range: Global

Temporarily disable Rohana's trait and redirect all damage and debuffs allied heroes take to Rohana for 4 seconds.

Rohana resists 30% of the damage she recieves from Grand Sacrifice.

Rohana still takes damage in the Hall of Storms.
Legendary Weapon (R2)
Cooldown: 70 seconds
Mana Cost: 65
Range: Global

After a 5 second delay, warp an Arbiter to a target location. The Arbiter deals 60(+4%) damage per second and every Basic Attack against a target encases it Stasis after a 1 second delay for 1.5 seconds.
Reactivate the Ability to retarget the Arbiter. Lasts 20 seconds.

Additionally, The Arbiter creates a cloaking field to allied heroes around it, granting stealth to heroes within. Damage breaks stealth for 2 seconds.

Lvl 0 stats:
Health: 1,095(+4%) [Same as Baelog]
Attack Damage: 120(+4%)
Attacks per Second: 0.5
Basic Attack Range: 5.5
100% Movement Speed
The Arbiter can be attacked while Warping in.

Special Mount

Dimensional Recall (Z)
Cooldown: 120 seconds
Range: Global
Area of Effect Radius: 4

Channel for 6 seconds to teleport Rohana and nearby allied heroes to the target allied hero.

Can be used to teleport to the Arbiter(R2).

Cannot be cancelled.
Displays warp animations on the teleport target.



Blessing of the Khala (Active)
(Quest): Gather regeneration globes to increase the Health Regeneration of all Allied heroes by .6
(Reward): After gathering 15 globes, activate to recover 15% of all allied heroes' mana over 10 seconds. 60 second cooldown.
(Reward): After gathering 40 globes, now also causes abilities to recharge 75% faster.
Greater Unity (Trait)
Increase redirected amount by 5%.
For in our Darkest (Active)
(Quest): Reach level 20.
(Reward): Warp the Spear of Adun into the planet to fire a purifier beam at a target lane. The Purifier beam is fired from the allied Keep's Gate and slowly march down the lane, following the Minion's path to the enemy's Core, burning everything in its path.
The Purifier beam deals 300(+0%) damage per second, instantly kills Minions and deals 60% less damage to structures. Upon reaching the enemy's core, it will lock down on the enemy core until it is destroyed. The beam takes 2.5 minutes to reach the enemy Core.


Harmony within the Khala (Trait)
Healing will no longer be redirected from heroes. Instead of redirecting, the amount that is supposed to be redirected will instead be granted and split to all allied heroes without reducing the amount of healing the host receives.
Mastery with the Khala (Active)
Channel for 5 seconds to recover 35% of your max health. 40 second cooldown.
Wisdom from Great Engineers (W)
Hitting enemy heroes increases its damage by 5 up to 100. Upon reaching 20 stacks, reduce its charge cooldown by 4 seconds.
War Councilor

Talent Explainations


Blessing of the Khala (Active)
A stacking talent that has 2 power spikes for allies that actively spend mana. The mana is most useful for your healer to assist them recover mana after spending their healing on multiple allies due to more spread damage in exchange for single target durability brought by one within the Khala. On 40 stacks, it benefits everyone as a in-teamfight utility.
Greater Unity (Trait)
Increase single target durability even further. This helps in the laning phase to help survive gank attempts. A good talent all the way to late game.
For in our Darkest (Active)
Ultimate late game talent that locks down a single lane while also putting enemies on a timer. However, it trades off having no level 1 talent until level 20 is reached.
Be careful not to die when you're almost level 20 as it cannot be activated while dead.


Harmony within the Khala (Trait)
A simple and safe supportive talent that doesn't require any sacrifices.
Has anti-synergy with the Level 20 talent, Sever Nerve Chords.

Mastery with the Khala (Active)
A self preservation talent. Especially useful when performing as a solo laner/split soaker. It also works as her only active healing ability due to Trait redirecting a portion of the healing she receives to all allies.
Wisdom from Great Engineers (W)
A damage stacking talent to improve performance as a zoning mage.
War Councilor

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