Remove all debilitating effects from yourself and heal yourself for 10% of your maximum Health for each effect removed.
Passive: Increases your Health Regeneration by 25% and your Health Regeneration continues when in combat.
Primary Abilities
Healing Wave (Q)
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Send a wave of nature energy forward in a frontal cone, healing allies for a moderate amount. Each allied Hero hit increases the amount of healing done.
Hex (W)
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Transform targeted enemy Hero into a frog, Slowing them by 20% preventing them from attacking, channeling, or using Abilities for 3 seconds.
Serpent Ward (E)
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Place a ward at the targeted location, activating and entering Stealth after 1 second. The Serpent Ward will attack nearby enemy Units, prioritizing Heroes. Taking damage or attacking breaks Stealth. The ward lasts 10 seconds or until killed.
Heroic Abilities
Spirit Link Totem (R)
Heroic Ability Mana:
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Place a totem at the targeted location, redistributing Health between allied Heroes within the zone so that each Hero has the same maximum Health percentage. The Spirit Link Totem also increases allied Heroes' healing received by 25% while the remain in the zone. The totem lasts for 6 seconds or until killed.
Big Bad Voodoo (R)
Heroic Ability Mana:
Cooldown: 75 seconds
Create protective barriers around yourself and nearby allied Heroes, granting them Protection for 3 seconds. After the barriers break or fade, 20% of the damage prevented is dealt as damage to nearby enemies.
Level 20 Healing Tide Totem (R)
Spirit Link Totem heals allies within the zone for a low amount every 0.5 seconds. Big Good Voodoo (R)
Increases Big Bad Voodoo's duration to 4 seconds and heals the targets for 25% of the damage prevented when the barriers break or fade.
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