Ruor by TheRareTiger

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By: TheRareTiger
Last Updated: Jan 30, 2019
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Cult Apothecary

Mysterious Cult Apothecary that uses unknown "medicines" that drug his opponents and support his allies
[All healing, damage, health, mana, regen, etc. increases by 4% every team level]
[Health: 1877]
[Health Regen: 4.14]
[Mana: 500]
[Mana Regen: 2.6]
[Damage: 197]
[Attack Speed: 0.74/sec]
[Range: 1.55]

[Basic Attack: Uses his beloved sword, Kantala, to slowly but strongly slash at his opponents. Ruor occasionally puts debuffs on Kantala to further hurt his enemies]


-Can effectively push lanes with Empowering Darkness
-Really solid pick-me-up for his allies with Strange Elxir
-Quite tanky for a support
-Heroics offer big wombo-combo potential
-Strength Siphon can shut down all-in heroes such as The Butcher
-Excels in 1v1 altercations


-Low mobility, can get ganked
-Being melee means Ruor has to put himself in harms way
-Long cooldowns, lots of down time in between usage
-Must land Empowering Darkness in order to get lots of Strange Elxirs off
-Not a main healer
-Struggles with groups of enemy heroes


Combat Trait

Strength Siphon
[Cooldown: 35 sec] [Range: 6]

Activate to channel on an enemy hero for up to 4 seconds. For every second channeled, increase the potency of your next basic Medicine by 15%. Increase this to 25% if your target has 90% or more health. Decreases target hero's movement speed and damage dealt by 30%.

Primary Abilities

Strange Elixir
[Cooldown: 7 sec] [Mana Cost: 50] [Range: 4]

Toss one of your creations to an allied hero, restoring 200 health (4% each level). Affected hero gains 60% increased mana and health regeneration, deals 10% more damage, and gains 15% movement speed for 4 seconds. If used on self, reduce cooldown by 4 seconds but increase mana cost to 90.
Painful Sap
[Cooldown: 10 sec] [Mana Cost: 55]

Ruor pours one of his toxic medicines on Kantala, causing his next basic attack to deal 200 bonus damage (4% each level). If an enemy hero is hit, they suffer 60% reduced health and mana regen, 15% less movement speed, and 10% damage reduction for 4 seconds.
Empowering Darkness
[Cooldown: 16 sec] [Mana Cost: 70] [Range: 6.5] [Radius: 2.5]

Sling dark magic at a targeted location, dealing 144 damage (4% each level) and reducing enemy healing by 35% for 3.5 seconds. If an enemy minion is hit, it will fight for Ruor's team for 5 seconds. If an enemy hero is hit, all cooldowns recharge 50% faster for 1 second. Stacks with every enemy hero hit.

Secondary Abilities

Secret Ingredient
[Cooldown: 30 sec]

Activate to cause the next Strange Elixir to heal for an additional 15% of the target's maximum health. After the effects of that Strange Elixir ends, the affected allied hero is slowed by 10% and has their vision greatly reduced for 1.5 seconds. If this is activated while Strange Elixir is on cooldown, reset the cooldown of Strange Elixir. [ONLY IF YOU PICK THE TALENT AT LEVEL 7]
Serum of the Wounded
[Cooldown: 60 seconds]

Activate to cause the next Painful Sap to reduce the target heroes healing received by 100% for 3 seconds. Any healing negated hurts the target for 50% of the heal that was negated. [ONLY IF YOU PICK THE TALENT AT LEVEL 16]
Serum of the Fearful
[Cooldown: 60 seconds]

Activate to cause the next Painful Sap to Traumatize the enemy hero for 2 seconds. [ONLY IF YOU PICK THE TALENT AT LEVEL 16]
Serum of the Weak-Minded
[Cooldown: 60 seconds]

Activate to cause the next Painful Sap to force the target enemy hero to move towards one of their allies for 2.5 seconds. The target and nearby enemy heroes are then rooted for 2.5 seconds. [ONLY IF YOU PICK THE TALENT AT LEVEL 16]

Heroic Abilities

Scientific Torture
[Cooldown: 70 sec] [Mana Cost: 90] [Range: 2]

Impale an enemy hero with Kantala, stunning them for 2 seconds and dealing 312 damage (4% each level). Forcefully make the enemy hero drink one of your medicines, causing them to be slowed for 25% and take 119 damage (4% each level) every 0.6 seconds. The effects don't stop until one of the enemy heroes allies channels on them for 2.5 seconds. If this kills the enemy hero, permanently increase the damage of Scientific Torture by 10%.
Horrifying Mist
[Cooldown: 90 sec] [Mana Cost: 100] [Radius: Stay Awhile and Listen size]

Ruor hurls mist toward a targeted direction, slowing enemy heroes caught in the mist by 10% every 0.3 seconds. If an enemy hero is slowed by 100% from Horrifying Mist, they are put to sleep for up to 2.5 seconds. Upon waking, affected enemy heroes are Traumatized for 3 seconds. Traumatized heroes have their vision greatly reduced and causes them to deal 70% less damage. If a Traumatized hero moves, the duration is paused, forcing them to stand still in order to snap out of it. Horrifying Mist fades away after 5 seconds.

Special Mount

Medicinal Travel
[Cooldown: 70 sec] [Duration: 3 seconds]

Activate to partially transform into a wave of mist, increasing your movement speed by 25%, increasing to 45% over 3 seconds. Ruor can move through units during this time. Moving through an ally grants them 150% increased health regeneration for 2.5 seconds. If Medicinal Travel is activated while in the Alter, reduce the cooldown by 40 seconds, increase the movement bonus by 30%, but no longer heal allies.



[Quality Medicine] - Increase the initial healing of Strange Elixir by 40% if the allied hero has less than 30% of their maximum health.

[Unexpected Sickness] - Medicinal Travel now halts the health and mana regen of enemy heroes that Ruor passes through. Passive: Gain 15 armor while using Medicinal Travel.

[Bow to the Darkness] - Deal 100% increased damage to minions and mercenaries. Nearby enemy minion and mercenary deaths grant Ruor 5 mana.


[Rapid Medicine] - [(!)Quest]: Land Empowering Darkness on 30 enemy heroes. [(!)Reward]: The cooldown reduction when landing Empowering Darnkess is increased to 75% for Strange Elixir.

[Soul Demolish] - [(!)Quest]: Fully complete the channel of Strength Siphon on an enemy hero 3 times. [(!)Reward]: Fully completing Strength Siphon on an enemy hero now causes the effects to linger for 3 seconds after the channel is stopped, and reduce the cooldown of Strength Siphon by 10 seconds.

[Debilitating Sap] - [(!)Quest]: Hit an enemy hero with Painful Sap 15 times. [(!)Reward]: Increase the slow of Painful Sap to 30%.


[Secret Ingredient] - [Cooldown: 30 sec] Activate to cause the next Strange Elixir to heal for an additional 15% of the target's maximum health. After the effects of that Strange Elixir ends, the affected allied hero is slowed by 10% and has their vision greatly reduced for 1.5 seconds. If this is activated while Strange Elixir is on cooldown, reset the cooldown of Strange Elixir.

[Painful Transfer] - Strength Siphon now deals 50% of the targets attack damage to themselves every second it is channeled. Passive: Ruor now heals for 25% of the damage dealt to the target being affected by Strength Siphon.

[Fortifying Feeling] - Strange Elixir now grants the allied hero 10 armor for it's duration. Increase this armor to 15 if self cast.


[Scientific Torture] - [Cooldown: 70 sec] [Mana Cost: 90] [Range: 2]

Impale an enemy hero with Kantala, stunning them for 2 seconds and dealing 312 damage. Forcefully make the enemy hero drink one of your medicines, causing them to be slowed for 25% and take 119 damage every 0.6 seconds. The effects don't stop until one of the enemy heroes allies channels on them for 2.5 seconds. If this kills the enemy hero, permanently increase the damage of Scientific Torture by 10%.

[Horrifying Mist] - [Cooldown: 90 sec] [Mana Cost: 100] [Radius: Stay Awhile and Listen size]

Ruor hurls mist toward a targeted direction, slowing enemy heroes caught in the mist by 10% every 0.3 seconds. If an enemy hero is slowed by 100% from Horrifying Mist, they are put to sleep for up to 2.5 seconds. Upon waking, affected enemy heroes are Traumatized for 3 seconds. Traumatized heroes have their vision greatly reduced and causes them to deal 70% less damage. If a Traumatized hero moves, the duration is paused, forcing them to stand still in order to snap out of it. Horrifying Mist fades away after 5 seconds.

[Level 13]

[Insignificant Subjects] - Painful Sap's cooldown is reset if it kills an enemy. Killing an enemy with Painful Sap now heals Ruor and nearby allies [2 Range] for 23 (4% each level).

[Explosive Creation] - Strange Elixir's cooldown is increased by 2 seconds, but now splashes the effect [1 Radius].

[Staggering Side Effects] - Hitting an enemy hero with Painful Sap now stuns the hero for 0.5 seconds. Reduce the cooldown of Painful Sap by 2 seconds.

Level 16

[Serum of the Wounded] - [Cooldown: 60 seconds] Activate to cause the next Painful Sap to reduce the target heroes healing received by 100% for 3 seconds. Any healing negated hurts the target for 50% of the heal that was negated.

[Serum of the Fearful] - [Cooldown: 60 seconds] Activate to cause the next Painful Sap to Traumatize the enemy hero for 2 seconds.

[Serum of the Weak-Minded] - [Cooldown: 60 seconds] Activate to cause the next Painful Sap to force the target enemy hero to move towards one of their allies for 2.5 seconds. The target and nearby enemy heroes [Range: 2] are then rooted for 2.5 seconds.

Level 20

[Cruel Experiments] - Scientific Torture can now hit 2 enemy heroes. Additionally, Scientific Torture now Traumatizes enemy heroes for 2 seconds.

[Addictive Fumes] - Allied heroes standing in the mist of Horrifying Mist are now healed for 163 (4% every level) per second. Additionally, enemy heroes Traumatized by Horrifying Mist suffer the effects for 4.5 seconds instead of 3.

[Constant Toxicity] - Passive: Every 4th basic attack against an enemy hero casts an untalented Painful Sap.

[Amazing Overdose] - Strange Elixirs that are fully charged by Strength Siphon now make the allied hero invulnerable for 2 seconds.

Change Log

[January 13th, 2019] - Ruor Concept WIP Release Date
[January 15th, 2019] - Added Strengths/Weaknesses
[January 16th, 2019] - Added special mount, Medicinal Travel
[January 17th, 2019] - Made some changes, including adding talents from level 1 to 10
[January 18th, 2019] - Completed talents, added Quotes/Lines, added Recommended Builds, reduced Ruor's attack speed from 0.81/sec to 0.74/sec
[January 21st, 2019] - Nerfed Medicinal Travel, started Hero Interactions, Clarified some Tooltips, Added a quote/line
[January 22nd, 2019] - Added some more Hero Interactions
[January 24th, 2019] - Changed the tooltip for Explosive Medicine, added some Specific Hero Interactions
[January 30th, 2019] - Added some more Specific Hero Interactions, fixed some typos


After casting Strange Elixir

- "Take your medicine."

- "Drink this. It will save you."

After casting Painful Sap

- "Inflict pain, my darling Kantala."

- "I don't care about your suffering..."

After casting Empowering Darkness

- "Darkness consumes even the strongest..."
- "Your wounds open and they will not mend..."

While casting Strength Siphon

- "Hahahaha.... give me your strength....."
- "Watch as your strength leaves you..."

After casting Scientific Torture

- "Drink up..."
- "Tell me how this feels.. tell me everything.."
- "Hold still... this is for a good cause.."

After casting Horrifying Mist

- "Breathe this in.. yessss..."
- "Feel as your worst fears consume you.."
- "*inaudible mumbling and laughing*"

After casting Medicinal Travel

- "*dark and twisted slow laughter*"

Recommended Builds

Healing Build

-Quality Medicine
-Rapid Medicine
-Secret Ingredient
-Horrifying Mist
-Explosive Creation
-Addictive Fumes

Damage Build

-Bow to the Darkness
-Debilitating Sap
-Painful Transfer
-Scientific Torture
-Insignificant Subjects
-Constant Toxicity

Traumatized CC Build

-Unexpected Sickness
-Soul Demolish
-Painful Transfer
-Horrifying Mist
-Staggering Side Effects
-Serum of the Fearful
-Addictive Fumes

Hero Interactions

[Talking to any Angel]

- [Ruor] "*sigh*...I am disappointed. I was told Angels of the High Heavens were much more powerful..

- [Angel] [Hero Dependent]

[Talking to any Demon]

- [Ruor] "Is this who I have for a teammate...? I was hoping for someone competent."

- [Demon] [Hero Dependent]

[Talking to any Panda]

- [Ruor] "Didn't think zoo animals could even think about C'Thun.. it's a shame that his name is even spoken by your kind.."

- [Panda] [Hero Dependent]

[Talking to any Human]

- [Ruor] "Prove to me that humans are not entirely worthless in battle.."

- [Human] [Hero Dependent]

[Specific Interactions]

- [Ruor] "Gul'Dan.. are you lost?"

- [Gul'Dan] "Don't try and insult me, cultist.. soon you'll be a puppet for me.."

- [Ruor] "You fail to amuse me with your jokes.. warlock.."


- [Imperius] "Don't think you will get away with your transgressions. After this battle I will kill you myself!

- [Ruor] "I'm sorry, Angel... but you can't kill science."


- [Ruor] "

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