Level 1:
Wings of Liberty: Gain the Permanent Cloak ability.
Heart of the Swarm: Gain the Consume ability.
Legacy of the Void: Gain the Plasma Shield ability.
Level 4:
Future Past: Casting Phase Shift on an ally increases their movement speed by 50% for the duration and for 1 second afterwards. This does not apply if self-cast.
The Reflex: Phase Shift grant allies Evasion for 3 seconds once it expires. This does not apply if self-cast.
View to a Kill: Phase Shift increases allied damage dealt by 35% for 3 seconds after it expires. This does not apply if self-cast.
Level 7:
Omnipresent: Shapeshifter now has global range. Passive: Duran's sight range is increased by 35%.
Omnipotent: Abilities stolen with Shapeshifter have an additional 25 spell power. Duran gains 25 spell power for 5 seconds after using an ability stolen with Shapeshifter. Spellpower gained this way does not stack.
Omniscient: Abilities stolen with Shapeshifter have no mana cost. Using an ability stolen with Shapeshifter on the hero it was stolen from reduces its cooldown by 5 seconds and restores 5% of Duran's mana.
Level 10:
Heroic Abilities
Level 13:
Effluvial Grime: Increases Constricting Slime's duration by 1 second. Constricting Slime also reduces the basic attack speed of enemy heroes and summons by 40% for its duration. Additionally, the size of the center is increased by 25%.
Consume DNA: Constricting Slime reduces healing received by 50% for the duration, this is increased to 100% for enemies hit by the center. Additionally, the Root Duration is increased to 1.25 seconds.
Optical Flare: Lockdown also Blinds the target for 2 seconds, but its cooldown is increased by 4 seconds.
EMP Blast: Lockdown detonates on impact, dealing 50% damage to nearby enemies and silencing enemy heroes near the target for 0.75 seconds. Additionally, Lockdown deals 1200(+4%) damage to shields, this applies in full to enemies in blast range.
Level 16:
Come Undone: Stunning, Rooting, and Silencing enemy heroes reduces the cooldown of Duran's Heroic Ability by 5 seconds. Stunning, Rooting, or Silencing an enemy hero within 1 second of Phase Shift's effects ending if they were the target reduces the cooldown of Duran's heroic ability by an additional 10 seconds.
Psionic Shockwave: Whenever Phase Shift expires, enemies around the target take 72(+4%) damage and are stunned for 0.5 seconds. If the target was an enemy hero, they 125% more damage and are stunned for 0.75 seconds. Each enemy hero hit by this shockwave reduces the cooldown of Phase Shift by 3 seconds.
Executioner: Basic attacks against enemies that are Slowed, Stunned, or Rooted increases Duran's basic attack damage by 30% for 3 seconds.
Level 20:
Seething Vortex: Null Zone slows enemies inside it by 50%. If an enemy hero uses an ability within the Null Zone or is hit directly by the beam, they are slowed by 90% for 1.5 seconds and take 5% of their missing health as damage.
Abyss: The Void Shade gains 25 armor and 50 Spell Power. Whenever the target uses a basic ability, the Void Shade heals for 20% of its maximum health.
Omnimalevolent: Shapeshifter gains 2 additional charges. Passive: Gain all Level 7 Talents.
Full Circle: Activate to refresh all basic ability cooldowns and regain the last ability stolen with Shapeshifter. Cooldown: 60. Passive: Gain all Level 1 Talents.
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