Level 1:
Empowered Slam:
Whilst assisting a friendly Hero, Titan Slam now deals 25% more damage.
Vile Breath:
Whilst assisting a friendly Hero, Breath of Sargeras stuns enemies for 50% longer.
Empowered Demon:
The demon you summon whilst assisting a friendly Hero deals 25% more damage.
Level 4:
Steady Barrage:
Legion Barrage now stuns all targets hit for 1 second.
Fel Transformation:
Mark of Sargeras now transforms all affected minions into Demons, giving them unique abilities.
Titans Anticipation:
Sargeras' Empowerment lasts 10% longer.
Level 7:
Double Eyed:
Eye of Sargeras now allows you to light up an area of the map.
Eye for an Eye:
When a friendly Hero dies, you may now sacrifice yourself; reducing the Heroes respawn time to 5 seconds.
Level 10:
The Storm:
Create a permanent storm on the map. Whilst the map is stormy, occasionally deal 504 damage to a random enemy Hero/Structure. (approx. 1 proc every 6 seconds)
Create a Legionstone on the map. Nearby friendly Heroes deal 10% more damage, and nearby minions and mercenaries deal 25% more damage. Lasts 30 seconds.
Level 13:
Demon Seed:
Plant a seed on the map. After 30 seconds, the seed explodes dealing 165 (+4 per level) to all nearby enemies.
Napalm of the Legion:
Legion Barrage now leaves felfire on the ground for 4 seconds, dealing 103 (+4% per level) damage to enemies every second.
Level 16:
Mercenaries of the Legion:
Whenever your team captures a mercenary camp, they become bound to the Legion granting them 20% more health.
Mercenaries of Hellfire:
Whenever your team captures a mercenary camp, they become bound to the Legion granting them a 10% damage bonus.
Mercenaries of the Damned:
Whenever your team captures a mercenary camp, they become bound to the Legion granting them a 20% speed bonus.
Level 20:
Empowered Legionstone:
Legionstone no longer increases the damage of friendly Heroes, but increases the damage dealt by nearby minions and mercenaries by 50%.
Hero of the Storm:
The Storm now only targets enemy Heroes and deals 50% more damage.
Avatar of Sargeras:
Place a statue of Sargeras in the middle of the map with 1000 health. Whilst the statue stands, your abilites deal 25% more damage. If the statue is destroyed, you will be sent to the Nexus, forcing you to wait 60 seconds until participating in the game once again.
Rain of Fire:
You can now auto attack enemies nearby friendly Heroes. Each auto attack deals 103 (+4% per level) damage.
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