SCV by WillyCoyote

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By: WillyCoyote
Last Updated: Oct 29, 2015
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SCV - Basic Terran unit from StarCraft: Brood War

Combat Trait

Activate your trait to repair allied building. He can repair his own buildings as well as Core/Keep/Tower/Gate etc.

Primary Abilities

Build Barracks that periodically spawn Marines. Only 2 Barracks can be active at a time. Marines are controlled by AI.

Cooldown: 60 seconds.
Missile Turret
Build a Turret that reveals stealthed characters and deals damage to close enemies.

Cooldown: 15 seconds.
Infantry Armor
Give Armor to yourself and nearby allies for 6 seconds. Enemies attack deal 25% less dmg.

Cooldown: 10 seconds.

Heroic Abilities

Build a Bunker with 4 Marines inside. You and your allies can hide in the Bunker until it is destroyed.

Cooldown: 100 seconds.
Comsat Station
Permanently attach Comsat Station to your Core. Every 30 seconds you can use Scanner Sweep to reveal an Area, including stealted units.


I am huge fan of StarCraft: Brood War, and I would like to see some heroes from this game :) 

This is my idea of SCV, basic terran unit. He uses melee attack, but he is a Specialist that focuses mostly on pushing enemies forts with Marines. He also supports allies with Infantry Armor and protect them with Bunker or grants vision with Scanner Sweep.

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WillyCoyote | November 6, 2015 8:36am
Yeah. Thank you for your opition. You have many valid points.

In my original idea you could repair your structure, but only damaged, not destroyed buildings and it takes a bit of time to do so. Basically like 30 seconds to repair almost completely damaged building. So yes if you want to be useless on map and repair your building you can do it, but I think mostly it would be a waste of time, this trait could be strong on some maps like Haunted Mines or Sky Temple, but on the other maps the buildings are usually destroyed completely, and remember if you would play vs SCV in enemy team you would assure building is destroyed completely, or you wouldn't attack it at all.

About missile turrets, yeah, some kind of limit, like 3 would be fine.

Damage reduction would have some cost. I think SCV would just use mana like other heroes, so there would cost some mana. Another idea is to make him manaless, but generating 8 minerals every few seconds, and cost of spells would be in minerals :) That could be cool.

And yeah, you are also correct about Comsat station ultimate. It was hard for to me to invent something cool, I think this ult could be replaced by something completely different, but I'm a bit out of ideas on this one :)
TheHereticOne (10) | November 4, 2015 1:39pm
Does repair have either a cooldown, a cost, or a limited duration? If not, I wouldn't even bother going in to fight, and I'd just keep repairing my structures...

The missile turret, any time limit on the missile turret (IE : Dies after X seconds)? If not, it does sound too powerful.

A 25% damage reduction every 4 seconds (cd - duration) is a little strong, considering he doesn't have any costs right now.

The comsat station is BASICALLY clairvoyance, and it does sound kind of weak for an ultimate, and the bunker is REALLY weird. It's basically a tower that can hide allies, but it's unmoving and has a 100 seconds cd, so I can see it being used to set up a point where the enemy can't push anymore in a lane, but I can't see it being too useful in team fights, as all the enemy has to do is move away a bit to negate its effects...

Other than that, props to you for the concept!
Div2005 | October 29, 2015 9:41am
I love this idea. But SCV is from original Starcraft. No need for Brood War expansion :)
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