Shandris by Zayin

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By: Zayin
Last Updated: May 9, 2020
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General of the Sentinel Army

Shandris Feathermoon is a legendary night elf Sentinel and the current General of the Sentinel Army, as well as being a close personal friend to High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind. Shandris first came to prominence during the War of the Ancients, where her entire family were slain by demons, after which she was adopted by High Priestess Tyrande and took up arms herself.

Shandris is a ranged assassin based on combining abilities with her basic attacks to maximize her damage output.

"The Sentinels are ready"

Basic Stats:

Health 1427 (+4%/level)
Health regen 2.647(+4%/level)
Mana 500 (+4%/level)
Mana regen 3 (+4%/level)
Attack 91 (+4%/level)
Attack Speed 1.52 (+4%/level)
Attack Range 5.5

Combat Trait

Huntress mark
Each basic attack Shandris does to an enemy hero marks them, that mark is consumed when Shandris lands an ability on the enemy with the marks dealing 35 damage per mark + (4%/level) against them. Only one enemy hero can be marked at a time and can only have a maximum of three marks, auto attacking another hero resets the marks.

Primary Abilities

Penetrating Shot
40 mana

Cooldown 7 seconds

Shandris starts a channel that lasts 5 seconds reducing her movement speed by 15% and gaining range while charging a shot that pierces through enemies dealing 125 damage + (4%/level), each enemy behind the first target receives 20% less damage until 60% of the original damage. Shandris can let go of the key to shoot faster but at the cost of less range.
Concussive Shot
50 mana

Cooldown 12 seconds

Shandris fires an arrow against an enemy hero dealing 55 damage and slowing them by 10% during 1.5 seconds.
60 mana

Cooldown 16 seconds

Shandris makes a jump in the opposite direction she is facing and if she has an enemy hero in range fires a basic attack, prioritizing the closest enemy hero she had when she started the disengage.

Heroic Abilities

Kill shot
80 mana

Cooldown 75 seconds

Shandris attempts to finish a wounded enemy by firing a deadly shot that deals 312 (+4/level) + 50% of missing health of the target.
Poisoned Arrow
100 mana

Cooldown 90 seconds

Shandris fires a poison arrow to an enemy target making them recieve 428 (+4/level) and recieve 25% less healing during 5 seconds.

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