[PASSIVE] Shei'kyr gains 5% bonus damage and 3 movement speed for 3 seconds every time he lands a basic attack(1 stack), stacking up to 5 times for a maximum of 25% bonus damage and 15 bonus movement speed. Stacks fall off one at a time every 0.5 seconds after not attacking for 3 seconds.
QUEST!: Hit 50 Heroes with basic attack!
REWARD!: If Shei'kyr has 5 Coral Trident STACKS, he gains bonuses into basic abilities:
[Q] [Trident Stroke] - His damage and heal are increased by 15%.
[W] [Hack'n'Slash] - Hack: Increases dash range by 1 unit ; Slash: Enemies hit have 15 reduced Armor for 4 seconds.
[E] [Coral Scales] - Stun and Root time is reduced by 20%.
The Coral Trident Stacks, Damage Bonus and Movement Speed bonus shows in Trident Bar(above HP/Mana).
Primary Abilities
[Q] Trident Stroke
Shei'kyr swings his Trident, dealing 150 damage to all targets around him, and heals for 15% of the damage dealt, twice against Heroes.
Area of effect: 3 unitsCooldown: 6 seconds
Cost: 45 Mana
[W] Hack'n'Slash
First Cast - Hack: Shei'kyr dashes in the target direction, dealing 125 damage to all enemies he passes through.
Hitting an enemy allows Shei'kyr to cast Slash within the next 4 seconds.
Second Cast - Slash: Shei'kyr dashes in the target direction, dealing 125 damage to all enemies he passes through.
Dashs range: 3 unitsCooldown: 15 seconds
Cost: 35 Mana per cast
[E] Coral Scales
[PASSIVE] Shei'kyr gains 5 Armor per nearby Hero(Ally or Enemy).
Area of effect: 3 units
[ACTIVE] Gains 20 Armor per 3 seconds.Cooldown: 12 seconds
Cost: 60 Mana
Heroic Abilities
[R1] Crushing Wave
Shei'kyr stomps the ground creating a Crushing Wave that sweep across the path in target direction, inflicting 250 damage in the path and stunning enemies caught in their wake.
Delay: 1 second
Area of Effect: 6 units
Stun time: 3 secondsCooldown: 120 seconds
Cost: 100 Mana
[R2] Sea Vortex
Shei'kyr unleashes a mighty Sea Vortex that empower him. Shei'kyr becomes empowered in the vortex for 15 seconds, increasing his maximum Health by 500. While the vortex rages, he deals 2% of nearby enemies' maximum Health each second, and [Trident Stroke] has a 50% reduced cooldown.
Area of Effect: 3 unitsCooldown: 120 seconds
Cost: 100 Mana
1) [Q][Trident Stroke] - Greater Stroke: Increases the radius of Stroke by 33%.
2) [W][Hack'n'Slash] - Hacker: Quest!: Hit 20 Heroes with Hack. Reward!: Increases the Dash Range of Hack and Slash by 33% each.
3) [D][Coral Trident] - Easy Way: Minions and Mercenaries counts to Quest, 5 Minions/Mercenaries hit = 1 Hero Hit.
4) [PASSIVE] - Sea's HP: Quest!: Collect 25 Regeneration Globes. Reward!: Increase HP Regen by 150%.
1) [Q][Trident Stroke] - Bubble Healer: Quest!: Collect 20 Regeneration Globes. Reward!: Increase heal from [Trident Stroke] by 20%.
2) [PASSIVE] - Brutus: Deal 30% more damage to Stunned or Slowed Heroes.
3) [E][Coral Scales] - Cold Splash: Activating [Coral Scales] Shei'kyr splashes cold water around, slowing all enemies around by 30% for 3 seconds. Area of Effect: 4 units.
4) [D][Coral Trident] - Tri Power: Quest!: Hit 100 Heroes with basic attacks while [Coral Trident] has maximum stacks. Reward!: Gains extra bonuses into basic abilities:
[Q] [Trident Stroke] - His heal are increased by adicional 25%.
[W] [Hack'n'Slash] - Hack: Increases damage by 25% ; Slash: Enemies hit have 25 reduced Armor for 4 seconds.
[E] [Coral Scales] - Stun, Slow, Silence, Sleep and Root time is reduced by 25%.
1) [Q][Trident Stroke] - Fury Stroke: Does 25% bonus damage to each enemy Hero in the ability range.
2) [W][Hack'n'Slash] - Coral Combo: [Trident Stroke] does 100% more damage to enemies recently affected by [Hack'n'Slash]. Time: 2 seconds.
3) [E][Coral Scales] - Sharpened Scales: When [Coral Scales] is enabled[active mode], deals 150 damage per second to nearby enemies. Area of Effect: 2 units.
4) [E][Coral Scales] - Cold Scales: Enemies that attack Shei'kyr are slowed by 25% for 1 second. Additionally, every 15 seconds, Shei'kry gains 75 Physical Armor against the next enemy Hero Basic Attack, reducing the damage taken by 75%.
2) [D][Coral Trident] - Smooth Snake: When Shei'kyr have 5 Coral Trident's STACKs, you can activate the [D][Coral Trident] to makes Shei'kyr Unstoppable for 2 seconds. Cooldown: 10 seconds. Cost: 50 Mana.
3) [Q][Trident Stroke] - Double Strike: Does 100% bonus damage in slowed enemies.
4) [W][Hack'n'Slash] - Trident Hacking: If Shei'kyr hit a least 1 enemy Hero with [Hack'n'Slash], will gain 1 [Trident Stroke] bonus charge.
1) [D][Coral Trident] - Trident Master: Increases the maximum STACKS to 10, but the bonus movement speed per stack is reduced to 2, now stacking up to 10 times for a maximum of 50% bonus damage and 20 bonus movement speed.
2) [E][Coral Scales] - Defenser: Increases the [PASSIVE] Armor to 10, but only counts to Allies Heroes. Area of Effect increased to 5 units.
3) [E][Coral Scales] - Attacker: Increases the [PASSIVE] Armor to 10, but only counts to Enemies Heroes. Area of Effect increased to 5 units.
4) [Q][Trident Stroke] - Heavy Trident: Shei'kyr [Trident Stroke] stun 1 nearby enemy Hero in the range. Stun Time: 1.5 seconds.
1) [R][Crushing Wave] - Crushing Twice: Gains 1 Charge, but decrease the Stun time to 2 seconds.
2) [R][Sea Vortex] - Sea's Power: If Vortex [passive damage] deals damage to enemies heroes, reduces the [Sea Vortex]'s cooldown by 1 second to each second dealing damage.
3) [D][Coral Trident] - Naga Power: Gives 25% from your Armor and 15% movement speed to all allied Heroes around. Area of Effect: 6 units.
4) [E][Coral Scales] - Royal Guard: Reduces cooldown by 6 seconds and grants Unstoppable for the duration.
The power of the Naga Royal Guard defines Shei'kyr. A true protector of Lady Vashj and those in need. It can be a great tank or a good damage dealer that punishes your enemies by getting too close.
Strong points:
- High damage
- High resistance
- Resistance to CCs
- Long Range Enemies
- Poke
- Be isolated
Thanks for the attention and I hope you have understood my concept and also my English, I'm so sorry, this is not my main language. :)
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