Shudderwock by Bkfootball03

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By: Bkfootball03
Created: Jul 29, 2018
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Terror of Witchwood

Shudderwock is a melee frontline Support with a vast arsenal of utility and crowd control.

Lots of Utility
Decent Crowd Control
Somewhat Tanky

Less healing/shielding than other Supports
Low damage
Large hitbox(similar to Azmodan)
Easily countered by high-damage team comps

Combat Trait

Warped Reality
Nearby Allied Heroes have 10% Basic Ability Cooldown Reduction.

Primary Abilities

(Q) Terror into Life
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Mana: 80
Duration: 4

Shudderwock shields an ally for 1% of their maximum health, plus an additional 1% for each hero(allied or enemy) near to the Shudderwock when he casts this(excluding the Shudderwock itself).
(W) My Claws that Catch!
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Mana: 80

Shudderwock grabs an enemy in melee range and channels to stun it, dealing light damage over the duration. Lasts 3 seconds or until the Shudderwock stops channeling.
(E) Scramble
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Mana: 60
Duration: 4

Shudderwock increases his movement speed by 20%(for a total of 130%). Lasts 4 seconds.

Passive: Shudderwock cannot mount, but always moves at 110% movement speed.

Heroic Abilities

Shudderwock selects an ally. An untalented version of the Heroic Ability they have selected takes up this slot with no mana cost but a 20% increased cooldown.
Witchwood Mist
Cooldown: 95
Mana: 100

Shudderwock releases mist which stealths all allied heroes in its radius, as well as giving them a 20% movement speed bonus. Lasts 30 seconds or until the hero attacks or casts an ability.

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