Sigma by NaClProphet

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By: NaClProphet
Last Updated: Dec 22, 2020
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Eccentric Astrophysicist

Once a trailblazing astrophysicist, Dutch scientist Siebren de Kuiper endeavored to unlock the secrets of the Universe by devising ways of manipulating gravity. Though psychologically scarred by unhinged experiments with a Black Hole and given arrest under the code name Subject Sigma, the eccentric researcher was freed and given a new chance by the terrorist organization Talon to fulfill his life-long dream. Now stranded in the Nexus and experimenting with weather phenomena, Sigma plans to decipher the intricacies of all Realms and there will be no shortage of test subjects.

Sigma is a Ranged Tank that brings high-impact Heroic Abilities and disruptive Abilities that thwart attempts to bring him down.

+ Sustained Basic Attack damage
+ Blocks long-range attacks
+ Strong Heroic Abilities
+ Can negate single-target burst damage

- Situational Crowd Control
- Limited self-sustain
- Zero mobility

Health: 2467 (+3% per level)
Health Regen: 5.1 (+3% per level)

Attack Speed: 1 per second (hits twice)
Basic Attack Damage: 62 (+4% per level)

Combat Trait

Sigma's Basic Attacks consist of twin Hyperspheres that hit enemies twice. Damaging enemy Heroes 6 times with Basic Attacks empowers the Hyperspheres, causing them to deal 30% additional damage each, splash around their target for 25% damage, and Slow enemy movement speed by 15% for 2 seconds. This Slow stacks with itself only once and empowered Hyperspheres deal Spell Damage.

Primary Abilities

Experimental Barrier
Cooldown: 10 seconds

Deploy a floating Barrier with 800 (+4% per level) Health on a chosen location. The Barrier can absorb any form of incoming damage and will block incoming projectiles. The Barrier can be also be Basic Attacked and targeted by Spells. Can be retrieved and redeployed at no cost and regenerates 200 (+4% per level) Health per second if not deployed for at least 3 seconds. If the Barrier is destroyed, this ability will go on cooldown.
Kinetic Grasp
Cooldown: 10 seconds

Harness the power of a Black Hole, becoming Protected for 1.75 seconds and unable to cast Abilities or Basic Attack for the same duration. Upon expiration, gain a Shield equal to 30% of the damage absorbed for 6 seconds.
Cooldown: 8 seconds

Hurl debris at a target area that lands after 0.75 seconds. Enemies hit take 143 (+4% per level) damage, are Stunned for 1.5 seconds and are slightly knocked away from the impact area.

Heroic Abilities

Gravitic Flux
Cooldown: 80 seconds

After a 0.5 second delay lift all enemies on a target area, Stunning and making them Immune to other Effects for 2 seconds. During this time, Sigma has 75 Armor, is Unstoppable and is unable to cast other Abilities. Upon expiration, slam all affected enemies into the ground, dealing 286 (+4% per level) damage and Stunning them for 1 second.
Stellar Collapse
Cooldown: 80 seconds

Channel sufficient power to crush a star for 3 seconds, becoming Invulnerable and creating two radii around Sigma. The outer radius Silences enemy Heroes within its range and slowly pulls them towards the inner radius. Once the channel ends, Sigma and any enemy Heroes caught in the inner radius will suddenly vanish for 2.5 seconds, reappearing at a nearby location chosen by Sigma. All Heroes affected reappear in the same positions they were previously in and enemy Heroes take 307 (+4% per level) damage and are Slowed by 30% for 2.5 seconds.

Thanks for reading!

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