Sigma by xf3NNI3

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By: xf3NNI3
Last Updated: Nov 21, 2020
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Eccentric Astrophysicist

Sigma is an eccentric astrophysicist who gained the power to control gravity in an orbital experiment gone wrong. Manipulated by Talon and deployed as a living weapon, Sigma’s presence on the battlefield cannot be ignored.

Combat Trait

Sigma's attacks bounce 2 times dealing 30% less damage with each bounce. In addition, Sigma has Shield Power instead of mana that is filled based on 100% of the post mitigation damage dealt with his attacks up to 400 + 4% per level.

Activate to gain 40% attack speed for 5 seconds (Recharge by disabling enemies 3 times).

Primary Abilities

Sigma gathers a mass of debris and after 0.5 seconds, flings it in a direction, dealing 170 + 4% per level damage to, stunning for 1 second and slightly displacing the first enemy hit. The projectile stops if it hits terrain.

Cooldown 10
Kinetic Grasp
Activate to take 60% reduced damage if he's hit from the front and 30% reduced damage if he is hit from the sides for 2 seconds. Sigma then shields himself for 75 + 4% per level + 10% of his maximum health and fills his Shield Power based on 100% of the post mitigation damage taken during the effect for 4 seconds.

Cooldown 16
Force Shield
Sigma uses all of his Shield Power to slightly knock away all enemies around the allied target and shield them for 3 second. Shield amount is based on 100% of the Shield Power used. Sigma can not fill Shield Power while the shield is active.

Cooldown 0
Costs Full Shield Bar

Secondary Abilities

Double Experiment
Sigma propels a floating barrier to a location of his choosing within a medium cast range. He can retrieve the barrier at any time by reactivating this ability. The barrier blocks any projectiles and attacks, has 1500 + 4% per level health and regenerates 50 + 4% per level health after being down for 6 seconds.

Cooldown 4 when recalled, 40 seconds when destroyed.

Heroic Abilities

Gravitic Flux
Sigma selects an big circular area and channels for 1.5 seconds. When the channel is complete, all enemies in the area are lifted into the air for 1.25 seconds and are then slammed down, taking 250 + 4% per level damage and receiving a 1.25 second stun.

Cooldown 100
Experimental Barrier
Sigma propels a floating barrier to a location of his choosing within a medium cast range. He can retrieve the barrier at any time by reactivating this ability. The barrier blocks any projectiles and attacks, has 1500 + 4% per level health and regenerates 50 + 4% per level health after being down for 6 seconds.

Cooldown 4 when recalled, 20 seconds when destroyed.


Health : 1875 + 4%
HP Regen : 5.1 + 4%

Attack Damage : 73 + 4%
Attack Speed : 1.67/sec
Attack Range : 4


Level 1

Celerity [Q] - Increases cast range and missile speed of Accretion and allows it to ricochet off terrain. If it ricochets the damage is also increased by 25%.

Maximum Capacity [Trait] - Quest! Displace enemies with Accretion or Force Shield 15 times to increase the capacity of Sigma's Shield Power by 300 + 4% per level.

Spherical Chaos [Trait] - Increase bounces on Hyperspheres from 2 to 4. Additionally increase Hyperspheres damage to minions by 35%.

Level 4

Approach Velocity [Q/E/R] - Sigma gains 30% movement speed for 2 seconds when disabling enemy heroes.

One More Moment [W] - Increases the duration of Kinetic Grasp from 2 to 3 seconds and damage reduction from 60%/30% to 70%/35%.

Stardust [Trait] - Increase the attack speed gained by activating Hyperspheres from 40% to 60% and Sigma's attacks deal 15% increased damage to disabled enemies.

Level 7

Hold It! [Q] - Increase Accretion's stun duration from 1 second to 1.5 seconds.

Vertigo [E] - Displace enemies are slowed by 40% for 2 seconds and take 35% of the Shield Power used as damage.

Experimental Grasp [W] - Increase Kinetic Grasp shield's health ratio from 10% to 30% max health but increase the damage taken from behind by 50% while the ability is active.

Level 13

Rhythmic Force [E] - When the shield expires or is destroyed, all nearby enemies are knocked away again.

Chuck [Q] - Increase the displacement distance of Accretion dramatically if it hits an enemy very close to Sigma.

Hyperflight [Trait] - Increase Sigma's attack range by 1. In addition when Hyperspheres are active increase Sigma's attack range by an additional 0.5.

Level 16

Accelerate [E] - Remove crowd control and increase the movement speed of the shielded ally by 25% for the duration.

What an Impact! [Q] - Accretion explodes on impact with an enemy dealing 75% of the damage to nearby enemies and stunning them for 0.5 (0.75 if Sigma has the Hold It! talent) seconds.

Solved Equation [W] - Quest! Block 5000 damage with Kinetic Grasp for Kinetic Grasp to shield all allies around Sigma.

Level 20

No One Escapes Gravity! [R] - Enemies within the area are silenced while Sigma is channeling. In addition reduce the cooldown of Gravitic Flux by 20 seconds for every hero it slams to the ground.

Double Experiment [R] - Gain another Experimental Barrier which is separate from the original one but increase the cooldown of both barriers when they are destroyed from 20 to 40 seconds.

Double... triple... quadruple check your math! [Trait] - When Hyperspheres is active Sigma's attacks deal 1% of the target's max health and hit up to 3 units and all of them bounce.

Rock Volley [Q] - Throws 2 additional Accretion bolts in an arc. Subsequent hits and explosions deal 25% damage.

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