Skibi (v5.5) by Therson

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Skibi (v5.5)

By: Therson
Last Updated: Jul 30, 2023
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Skibi (v5.5)

Castle Tower Defender


After defending her castle from all sorts of monsters and villains, Skibi lead a life of solitude. Less and less players came to join her and play her games. Was this the end for Skibi? As it turned out, there was one last game for her to play, and it is just on the other side of the Nexus...

Yes! The Nexus is truly a place she can defend and play her games. However she is not alone...followed by a horde of Bun Buns and Crispy Zergs, Cuddletauren and the Shrapnel Trainee, and even Kandy Man, this place, this...Nexus is where the real games begin.


Skibi is a Blizzard-created host of a mini-game in Warcraft III called Skibi's Castle TD. Though she had a similar model to Jaina in it, she was regarded to be the owner of the Castle players so desperately tried to defend with their gold. During each wave of attacks, players played mini-games to try and earn more gold to help defend Skibi's castle. 

As players, we all know there is more to Blizzard than just the Big Three (Diablo, World of Warcraft, and Starcraft). The Lost Vikings are just an example of a non-Big Three game that is making its mark on Heroes of the Storm. I wanted to try and include something that impacted Warcraft III in a way without choosing one of the major campaign characters (because then it'd just be World of Warcraft related instead of other Blizzard games created). Skibi's Castle TD seemed like a perfect choice, not only because it helped lead to the creation of other popular custom games on the Warcraft III, but because Blizzard could get away with it. 

The reason I choose Skibi instead of popular custom game advocates because Blizzard created Skibi's Castle TD themselves. For example, I toiled with the idea of adding Duke Wintermaul, from the Wintermaul TD series, but I decided against it simply based on the fact that it was user created instead of Blizzard created. If they were to turn that into an actual character, and the creator decided all of the sudden 'Oh I want royalties for you using my created character!' then they'll just run into an issue as they did with the famous custom map DotA. There is a reason Blizzard doesn't own Dota 2.

Anyhow! I built Skibi to be fairly decent all the way around. Her greatest kicker is being able to help dominate in team fights. With having a combat trait that helps lower her cooldown on abilities, she can help dish out serious damage with her primary abilities on heroes, units, and structures. Think of her as something similar to Nazeebo with an ax to grind.



Health: 1375 (+4%/level)
Health Regen: 12.5% of Total Health (+0.85%/level)

Mana: 500 (+10/level)
Mana Regen: 3 (+0.975/level)

Attack Damage: 65 (+4%/level)
Attack Speed: 1.11 
Attack Range: 5.5

Difficulty: Easy


-Great team fight capability
-Strong siege damage capability
-Decent ability cooldowns
-Powerful lane presence


-Poor escape ability
-Constant low mana due to shorter ability cooldowns
-Low basic attack

Synergies With:


Countered By:


Color Scheme:

-Wintermaul Skibi
-Blackrook Skibi

Combat Trait

Catch the Bun Buns!
Defeated enemy units drop a tiny Bun Buns. Defeated enemy Heroes drop three Bun Buns. The Bun Buns will only last for 10 seconds before running away. Collecting the Bun Buns will decrease the cool down on all skills by 0.20 seconds.

Primary Abilities

Skibi sends fourth a little skink followed by Cuddletauren in a straight line. The skink will deal 183 (+4% per level) damage to every enemy unit, mercenary, or hero it crawls under. After 1 second, Cuddletauren will slam the ground stunning nearby enemy units, non-boss mercenaries, and heroes for 1 second. Cuddletauren pushes enemy heroes, mercenaries, and units out of the way and cannot be sent through buildings.

Mana Cost: 75
Cooldown: 14
Crispy Zerg
Skibi sends fourth a cone of little Zerglings on fire. Targets hit will take 197 (+4% per level) damage over the course of 7 seconds

Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 12
Skibi sends fourth the Shrapnel Trainee to run to the target location. At the target location, the shrapnel will hit the Trainee, causing the ground to explode, dealing 245 (+5% per level) damage in a medium-sized area of effect. Shrapnel Trainee pushes enemy heroes, mercenaries, and units out of the way and cannot sent through buildings.

Mana Cost: 60
Cooldown: 16

Secondary Abilities

Shrapnel (Second Cast)
This can only be used during the first cast of Shrapnel. Make the shrapnel land earlier at the Trainee's current location.

Heroic Abilities

Kandy Man
Skibi calls upon the Kandy Man to follow her and support her. Kandy Man will last for 30 seconds or until death. Bun Buns that are created near Kandy Man are taken into his stomach to hold until his death. Kandy Man will prioritize attacking structures and deal 1.5x the damage to structures. Upon death, Kandy Man drops all the Bun Buns he was holding for Skibi to pick up. Kandy Man can hold up to 20 Bun Buns at once time. Kandy Man’s basic attack will be 136 (+4% per level) damage per second. 

Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90
Skibi's Castle
Skibi summons her Castle from the depths of her realm to rise up and defend the target area for 10 seconds. Skibi cannot move or attack while this is being channeled. Skibi’s Castle will deal 170 (+4% per level) damage per second. Right-click to change your target. This can be stopped early.   

Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 75


Level 1

Rabbit Stew:

In-Game Quotes

Store Greeting - Pre Purchase: "Hello there! Want to play a game?"
Purchase: "Yahooo! Let's do this!"
Store Greeting - Post Purchase: "You've returned!"
Try Mode: "Let me show you what games I play!"
Ready: "Let's go defend!"
Intro - Greeting Jaina: "Hey, I used to have an outfit just like that!"
Intro - Greeting E.T.C.: "Come on, let Skibi rock your world!"
Intro - Greeting Sgt. Hammer: "Hey now, you better not point that thing at my towers, you hear?"
Intro - Greeting Valla: "You look like you need a hug! Do you need a hug, demon hunter?"
Intro - Greeting Brightwing: "Yay! Another fun friend to play games with!"
Intro - Greeting Tracer: "Over-Watch? What is that? Is that some kind of new game!?"
Intro - Greeting Medivh: "Heeyy...I remember you!"
Intro - Greeting Probius: "You are -just- the cutest thing ever!"
Intro - Greeting Hogger: "Awh, why won't anybody play with you big guy?"
Intro - Greeting Positive: "I've got the perfect game to play!"
Intro - Greeting Negative: "I hope you're not out to ruin my fun..."
Intro - Response Positive: "I'll be happy to play with you!"
Intro - Response Negative: "Hmph, you're such a buzz kill..."
What 1: "Yes?"
What 2: "What's up?"
Humorous 1: "Umm...can I help you?"
Humorous 2: "Oh wait I know what this is..."
Humorous 3: "We used to have this back where I came from, now quick Skibi...think of something funny!"
Humorous 4: "Who's your Skibi? *giggle*"
Humorous 5: "Out of mana?! There is no spoon!"
Humorous 6: "Greed is good 10,000. What? Don't look at me like that, I have to pay the players some how!"
Humorous 7: "Yes, I saw that adorable baby Murloc in a bunny outfit...I thought it was a different version of Funny Bunny Egghunt"
Humorous 8: "There are more creeps here than that Monolith game!"
Humorous 9: "I always dreamed I was going to be apart of the Azeroth Grand Prix one day. But then I landed this cushy job!"
Humorous 10: "I'm just towering over the competition huh? Hehe...get it? Tower? Defense? Oh nevermind."
Humorous 11: "*singing tone* Oh Skibi, oh Skibi, rain down that sweet gold..." (A joke similar to the Rapunzel rhyme)
Hearthstone: "I'm gonna head back now, mmkay?"
Move 1: "Over here?"
Move 2: "Let's go!"
Move 3: "Alright!"
Getting Healed: "Thanks for the patch-up!"
Attack 1: "Let's get 'em!"
Attack 2: "Careful, I play rough!"
Attack 3: "Tag! Your it!"
Casting Kandy Man: "Get 'em big guy!"
Casting Skibi's Castle: "I will defend until my very last life!"
Killing a Hero 1: "You should've defended better!"
Killing a Hero 2: "It's okay, you have more lives...right?"
Killing a Hero 3: "Come back and play again!"
Killing Murky: "You are just to young to play this game!"
Killing Jaina: "Ahh! Oh, for a minute I thought I killed myself..."

Skin Concepts

Castle Crasher Skin: Skibi's hair is tied back in one long purple ponytail. She would be wearing a bright purple-pink colored robe, with a matching cloak. On the back of the cloak, there would be a large pint of the outline of her castle. Her staff would be a long, wooden one with a crystal-like ball at the top. What would make this staff unique is a number will always be shown in the box mirroring the number of kills your team has. It does not affect her abilities whatsoever and is merely an ascetic


v0.02: Adds the beginning stats and added more to her description.
v0.03: Fixed the Talents section so it is easier to read.
v0.04: Added In-Game Quotes and Skin Ideas, make the description prettier.
v0.05: Added in pros & cons
v0.06: Redone quotes and added many more
v1.00: Completely finished the rest of Skibi's information. Put in mana and cooldown for her abilities, made the Talents and Abilities nicer to look at.
v1.01: Added some more quotes

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The Mystery | January 24, 2016 5:14am
Very interesting concept with the thing
You did work on this a lot right?
Therson (4) | March 2, 2016 10:50pm
Indeed so! I'm glad you find it interesting!
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