Jack Morrison, currently the target of an international manhunt, now known as Soldier: 76 wages a personal war to expose the truth behind Overwatch's collapse. Any Suggestion or Criticism is Welcome.
Health: 1600 Health Regeneration: 5 per Second Attack Damage: 20 Attack Speed: 5 per Second
Combat Trait
Focused Fire
Soldier's Basic Attacks can be Focused on Targeted Enemy with [D]Key.
Every Consecutive Basic Attack on same enemy increases Basic Attack Damage on that enemy by 2.5% up to 100% for next 5 Seconds. This bonus is lost upon damaging different enemy with Basic Attack.
*Solider Focusing his Basic Attacks doesn't mean that he can Attack while Moving, it means that he will only Basic Attack specified enemy and nobody else, even when certain enemy leaves Soldier's range, he won't attack nearest enemy which eases his stutter stepping. This tool is useful for Soldier's Consecutive Basic Attack Damage.
Primary Abilities
Helix Rockets
Active Cooldown: 12 Seconds
Deal 360 ( +4% per Level) Damage to the first Enemy Hit and 240 ( +4% per Level) to all enemies near impacted enemy.
Biotic Field
Active Cooldown: 16 Seconds
Place Healing Field on your location that Heals all Allies in that location by 40 ( +4% per Level) Health a Second, however, Healing is Increased by 100% on Soldier. Biotic Field lasts for 8 Seconds.
Active Cooldown: 8 Seconds
Upon activation, become Unstoppable for 0.5 Seconds and gain 15% Movement Speed. Movement Speed is lost if you start Basic Attacking enemies, Using Abilities or Stop Moving. Cooldown is paused until Solider looses his Movement Speed.
Heroic Abilities
Tactical Visor
Active Cooldown: 60 Seconds
Upon Activation, Gain +50% Increased Attack Speed and Range for 10 Seconds. During this time, Solider Automatically Basic Attacks all enemies in 180° angle in front of him that are in his Range. Soldier can move while shooting and his 180° angle can be redirected with [R]Key.
Homing Missiles
Active Cooldown: 80 Seconds
Send One Homing Missile at every enemy Hero caught withing your Vision after 1 Second. Missiles chase their target for up to 8 Seconds and upon Impact they Explode and Deal 480 ( +4% per Level) to targeted Hero and to any close enemies.
Level 1
[Passive]Bring The Noise- Quest: Basic Attack Enemy Heroes 500 times. Reward: Increase consecutive Basic Attack Damage Stacking from 2.5% to 5%.
[Q]War Armed- Quest: Hit Enemy Heroes with [Q]Helix Rockets. Reward: After Hitting 10 Heroes, [Q]Helix Rockets now have 2 Charges. Reward: After Hitting 20 Heroes, Increase [Q]Helix Rockets Range by 20% and its Explosion Radius by 40%.
[W]Vitality Zone- Quest: Gather Regeneration Orbs, each one Increases Healing of [W]Biotic Field by 1 Health per Second. Reward: After Gathering up to 20 Regeneration Orbs, Increase Size of [W]Biotic Field by 40%.
Level 4
[Passive]Shooting Thrill-
Each Consecutive Basic Attack on same Enemy now also Increases your Movement Speed by 0.5% up to Maximum of 15%. This effect lasts for 5 Seconds.
[W]Cellular Regeneration-
[E]Biotic Field will now also Increase Healing Received of all Allies standing in it by 20%.
Increase Movement Speed of [E]Sprint within First Second from 15% to 60%.
Level 7
[Passive]Emergency Emitter-
Your Basic Attacks now Heal nearby Allied Heroes by 15 ( +4% per Level) Health.
[Q]Napalm Rockets-
[Q]Helix Rockets will now leave Blazing Field on the Impact Zone for 5 Seconds. Blazing Field Deals 60 ( +4% per Level) Damage per Second on location.
Basic Attacking enemies, Using Abilities or getting Crowd Controlled now won't fully nullify effects of [E]Sprint. It will now instead make them decay over 4 Seconds.
Level 10
[R]Tactical Visor- Upon Activation, Gain +50% Increased Attack Speed and Range for 10 Seconds. During this time, Solider Automatically Basic Attacks all enemies in 180
Level 13
[Passive]Body Armor-
Every 10 Seconds you gain 20 Armor. This Armor can be broken only if you take Damage both from Basic Attack and Ability in 2 Seconds from each other.
[W]Heal Up!-
Increase Healing of [E]Biotic Field by 100% if only one Ally Hero is standing in it, not including you. Does not work on Soldier.
[E]Old Soldiers Never Die-
Using [E]Sprint will now make you Protected for 1 Second.
Level 16
[Passive]Get 'em Down!-
Each Basic Attack now also Deals Damage equal to 0.1% Enemy Hero's Full Health.
[Active]Degrading Field-
Send Degrading Field on location that will Deal 80 ( +4% per Level) Damage per Second to every enemy standing in it and that will Decrease their Healing Received by 40%. It lasts for 4 Seconds and its Cooldown is 40 Seconds.
[Q]High Impact-
[Q]Helix Rocket will now Deal Additional Damage equal to 4% of Hit Enemy's Full Health.
Level 20
[R]Tactical Necessity-
Increase Attack Speed and Range Bonus by an additional 25% and now, every Enemy Hero Takedown will Reset the Duration of [R]Tactical Visor.
[R]Modern Warfare-
Increase Speed and Damage of Missiles by 40%. Additionally, if Enemy Hero dies from [R]Homing Missiles, Reduce its Cooldown by 20 Seconds.
[Passive]Soldier Enhancement Program-
Each Basic Attack now also Reduces Basic Ability Cooldown's by 0.1 Seconds. [Passive]Explosive Bullets-
Basic Attacks now Ignore Armor and they also Deal Damage around the targeted enemy.
I really like this idea. Personally I'm surprised that Soldier 76 isn't even in Heroes yet. He seems like he would be a good hero for players who are just picking up the game for the first time, similar to how he is in OW. If he had a build like this then I could see him being added. I was going to say something about his the activate part of the trait being normal auto attacking but someone beat me to the punch. Probably the most interesting part is the ults for me. I thought that the Tac Visor would be a pain to implament but I like what you did for it. Same thing with the Homing Missiles, I like the targeting stuff for it.
Thank you for commenting! It suprises me as well that Soldier isn't in the game yet, as you said he would be good character for newer players although, it wouldn't hurt to give him some more advanced builds in his kit to be as flexible as possible. Soldier should be something like ,,Swiss Knife'' of an hero, he has a little bit of everything you need.
That could be an option, sure. But, I felt like he should be more of an Side-Support and Full on Assassin than Multicalss to be honest. There are several reasons for this, first being that it fits his fantasy ( Now that he is entity know as Soldier:76, Morrison became more of an lone wolf, hence he ins not suitable for full on support role) and second being that we could use more ,,Side-Support'' Heroes ( Heroes like Zarya, Abathur, Tyrande, Medivh all fit this role and Soldier would be perfect fit for them, not to mention that it would be first Supporty Assassin).
Whats the point of a togglable D key? The literal same effect is already accomplished by just A clicking who you want properly.
I mean you say it eases his stutter stepping but that makes no sense. How does it ease it? If anything it would probally be annoying as **** to redirect the D key everytime you wanted to attack something. The only time this would be remotely useful is in a super cluster**** teamfight with a bunch of summons and even then, all that does is promote poor gameplay instead of just being good and a clicking the right targets at the right time.
I mean the idea is ok it just seems like a pointless addition. The time on the trait to be active is too high at 5 secondsas it would be very easy to tab between targets for the benefit, which is anything but what the name would imply (focus fire)
Q is fine but its kinda boring as is. I know thats what he does in OW but is there anyway to make it a bit more interesting and unique while keeping the flavor? Unlimited range? Extra damage to structures? Just my opinion
Also if hes meant to be a single target hero, the numbers are backwards. Should be 200 damage to the main target hit and only 100 damage cleave.
W This is a key ability for the hero and should be embraced fully. when you draft heroes like Zarya, you are drafting them because you need extra sustain but you dont need a extra healer. Soldier should be the same
It should be MORE healing than a measly 250 (which is about 1/9th the hp of a normal tank, 1/5 or 1/6 of a normal assassin when used with allies. The trade off should be its over a longer period than 5 (lets say 10 seconds) and a longer cooldown.
It would actually be semi useful in a teamfight but still punishable because being ina small predictable area=easy aoe punishment. Would also be better for sieging.
Id honestly say it should be a 30 seconds cooldown, with more healing over a longer period of time
E- Why have a cooldown at all? Id assume for the unstoppable part you added but a 5 second CD unstoppable with a 25% sprint seems broken as heck. Idk I feel like the unstoppable and the CD are uneeded. Last 25% movement speed is a lot, so much that is basically means he doesnt need a mount since mount speed is 30% bonus.
Lucio gives a 15% movement speed with his aura. Id say 20% seems more in line as a self ability only
R1- The 50% bonus AA speed should be a 20 upgrade. It also uses the same wierd D key function so idk really about this one.
R2-Seems fine but why missles instead of just a special type of helix rockets? seems more thematic
First of all, thank you for taking your time to read my concept and give feedback!
As for [D] Focusing trait, the reason behind it being toggleable is next:
Soldier is very fast Basic Attacking Hero (Say somewhere around 5 Basic Attacks / Second), so naturally, Stutter stepping ain't the easiest thing to do with such Fast Attacking hero. By [D] Focusing chosen Target (Hero), you basically gain more strategic take on Soldier's Positioning rather than just stutter stepping for that Basic Attack. In other words, its Impossible to normally stutter step with Soldier because of his High Attack Speed.
You wouldn't need to toggle on anything you want to attack, you can normally right click stuff, but in the case when you want to chase some running hero, or say, outmanuver them by cutting their escape, it would be much easier to have them focused because that way, you only care for your positioning according to them.
Tabbing between enemies is impossible because: Every Consecutive Basic Attack on Same ... basically means that if you attack anything else, well, you loose your stacks, another reason for toggleable [D]. Because Stutter stepping can make you attack something you wouldn't want to.
Q- its true its boring but keep in mind making its range infinite or increasing its damage to buildings would make problems because we have many Heroes that have their Damage on certain abilities reduced on Buildings, why? Because that makes those abilities more useful for just building destroying rather than Hero damage, which I think shouldn't be case with his Q. Range would be long but not infinite, that would be too strong both for wave clear, Tower's of Doom interrupts...
Sorry for my bad wording on [Q] the Damage on impacted enemy is (200 + 100) not just 100. So impacted enemy takes 50% more damage than close enemies.
W- I personally don't think it should be fully embraced because it would make him more of an full support than hybrid Assassin - Off-Support which I was aiming for here. Soldier is considered off-support sometimes in OW too, but never full support. Do not underestimate the strenghth of his W, with full support build he can be really good off support that can have alot of utility with him. Not to mention that if there is more focus for his W, it would make so much problems for QM, considering you get Abathur/Tyrande/Tassadar/Zarya/Medivh. If his W was that much stronger, he would be too good for those heroes I listed here. In short, he shouldn't be support always, but rather build for it if necessary or if he simply wants to build for it. There are two end parts to this hero, he can be Off Support or Sustain Damage Assassin, maybe even in between, matters on build.
E- I agree it should Probably be less Movement Speed and maybe reduce Unstoppable to 0.5 Seconds. I think its better as a ability with cooldown, if it didn't have cooldown, Unstoppable would be too strong but if we remove unstoppable, it just gets too boring and becomes ,,sorta mount but not''. But don't get me wrong, that could work too.
R1 Again same reason as for D. 50% Bonus AA instantly would be too strong I think, especially if we take in consideration all the AA talents, but this would need testing in game, but its interesting alteration, it could work.
R2- Missiles are sorta supoused to be special Helix Rockets but I tough maybe it would bring some diversity to his soldier arsenal, because military uses those types of missiles that follow you.
All in all, thank you for suggestions and I hope I gave some insight to why is D,Q,W are the way they are. Sorry for my bad wording on Q where I forgot to mention that impacted enemy takes 200 + 100 damage. If you have any other questions feel free to ask. :D
Hey, I did a major Rework to his playstyle ideology, finished up Talents and got him new Heroic. Thank you for suggestion, any additional one is welcome as well! :D
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I mean you say it eases his stutter stepping but that makes no sense. How does it ease it? If anything it would probally be annoying as **** to redirect the D key everytime you wanted to attack something. The only time this would be remotely useful is in a super cluster**** teamfight with a bunch of summons and even then, all that does is promote poor gameplay instead of just being good and a clicking the right targets at the right time.
I mean the idea is ok it just seems like a pointless addition. The time on the trait to be active is too high at 5 secondsas it would be very easy to tab between targets for the benefit, which is anything but what the name would imply (focus fire)
Q is fine but its kinda boring as is. I know thats what he does in OW but is there anyway to make it a bit more interesting and unique while keeping the flavor? Unlimited range? Extra damage to structures? Just my opinion
Also if hes meant to be a single target hero, the numbers are backwards. Should be 200 damage to the main target hit and only 100 damage cleave.
W This is a key ability for the hero and should be embraced fully. when you draft heroes like Zarya, you are drafting them because you need extra sustain but you dont need a extra healer. Soldier should be the same
It should be MORE healing than a measly 250 (which is about 1/9th the hp of a normal tank, 1/5 or 1/6 of a normal assassin when used with allies. The trade off should be its over a longer period than 5 (lets say 10 seconds) and a longer cooldown.
It would actually be semi useful in a teamfight but still punishable because being ina small predictable area=easy aoe punishment. Would also be better for sieging.
Id honestly say it should be a 30 seconds cooldown, with more healing over a longer period of time
E- Why have a cooldown at all? Id assume for the unstoppable part you added but a 5 second CD unstoppable with a 25% sprint seems broken as heck. Idk I feel like the unstoppable and the CD are uneeded. Last 25% movement speed is a lot, so much that is basically means he doesnt need a mount since mount speed is 30% bonus.
Lucio gives a 15% movement speed with his aura. Id say 20% seems more in line as a self ability only
R1- The 50% bonus AA speed should be a 20 upgrade. It also uses the same wierd D key function so idk really about this one.
R2-Seems fine but why missles instead of just a special type of helix rockets? seems more thematic
As for [D] Focusing trait, the reason behind it being toggleable is next:
Soldier is very fast Basic Attacking Hero (Say somewhere around 5 Basic Attacks / Second), so naturally, Stutter stepping ain't the easiest thing to do with such Fast Attacking hero. By [D] Focusing chosen Target (Hero), you basically gain more strategic take on Soldier's Positioning rather than just stutter stepping for that Basic Attack. In other words, its Impossible to normally stutter step with Soldier because of his High Attack Speed.
You wouldn't need to toggle on anything you want to attack, you can normally right click stuff, but in the case when you want to chase some running hero, or say, outmanuver them by cutting their escape, it would be much easier to have them focused because that way, you only care for your positioning according to them.
Tabbing between enemies is impossible because: Every Consecutive Basic Attack on Same ... basically means that if you attack anything else, well, you loose your stacks, another reason for toggleable [D]. Because Stutter stepping can make you attack something you wouldn't want to.
Q- its true its boring but keep in mind making its range infinite or increasing its damage to buildings would make problems because we have many Heroes that have their Damage on certain abilities reduced on Buildings, why? Because that makes those abilities more useful for just building destroying rather than Hero damage, which I think shouldn't be case with his Q. Range would be long but not infinite, that would be too strong both for wave clear, Tower's of Doom interrupts...
Sorry for my bad wording on [Q] the Damage on impacted enemy is (200 + 100) not just 100. So impacted enemy takes 50% more damage than close enemies.
W- I personally don't think it should be fully embraced because it would make him more of an full support than hybrid Assassin - Off-Support which I was aiming for here. Soldier is considered off-support sometimes in OW too, but never full support. Do not underestimate the strenghth of his W, with full support build he can be really good off support that can have alot of utility with him. Not to mention that if there is more focus for his W, it would make so much problems for QM, considering you get Abathur/Tyrande/Tassadar/Zarya/Medivh. If his W was that much stronger, he would be too good for those heroes I listed here. In short, he shouldn't be support always, but rather build for it if necessary or if he simply wants to build for it. There are two end parts to this hero, he can be Off Support or Sustain Damage Assassin, maybe even in between, matters on build.
E- I agree it should Probably be less Movement Speed and maybe reduce Unstoppable to 0.5 Seconds. I think its better as a ability with cooldown, if it didn't have cooldown, Unstoppable would be too strong but if we remove unstoppable, it just gets too boring and becomes ,,sorta mount but not''. But don't get me wrong, that could work too.
R1 Again same reason as for D. 50% Bonus AA instantly would be too strong I think, especially if we take in consideration all the AA talents, but this would need testing in game, but its interesting alteration, it could work.
R2- Missiles are sorta supoused to be special Helix Rockets but I tough maybe it would bring some diversity to his soldier arsenal, because military uses those types of missiles that follow you.
All in all, thank you for suggestions and I hope I gave some insight to why is D,Q,W are the way they are. Sorry for my bad wording on Q where I forgot to mention that impacted enemy takes 200 + 100 damage. If you have any other questions feel free to ask. :D
Tracer is the only overwatch hero with only one ult and that's what makes her unique
You got my hopes up with his interesting trait you gave him, but only one ult is super weak