Sonic by Soldier94

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By: Soldier94
Last Updated: Nov 23, 2017
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The Fastest Hedgehog


Health: 1024
HRegen: 1.5/s
Atk: 45
Atk Speed: 4
ARange: 1.25

I was thinking, what if Sonic and his world come to the Nexus, and battle against and alongside Blizzard legends? This Hero concept will explore such possibility. Mostly going to take from Sonic Battle, but put in other iconic moves as well.

No lore section for this one, as this is not a Blizzard character, but a proposed guest.

Combat Trait

Sonic uses Rings to do special attacks, consuming a certain amount per skill. Fountains, Minion kills, Mercenary captures and kills, Regen Globes, Objective captures, Hero kills grant Rings. !Quest: When over 100 Rings, every 20 Rings grant 2% Ability power. Stacks lost upon death.

Hero kill: 20 Rings
Minion kill: 2 Rings
Merc cap/kill: 5 Rings
Fountain/Globe: 10 Rings
Objective: 15 Rings
Per 300 dmg to Structure: 1 Ring

Sonic always has a full bar of Rings when he starts the game and respawns.

Primary Abilities

Homing Dash(Q)
Home in on a target, dealing 210 dmg. Can either bounce the same target or seek new targets by right-clicking. Can bounce 3x. Can only target around an area where Sonic first cast the spell(Screen wide, but in a circle)

Rings: 10 per bounce
Sonic Drive(W)
Set out a Ring, spin-dashing to it after pressing W again. Ring lasts for 3s. Medium cast range, deals 230 dmg to all in the path, and Stunning for 1s(similar to Gravity lapse, but shorter than base version)

Rings: 40

He yells "Here I come!" when casting.
Sonic Wave(E)
Spin in place for 0.5s, sending out a 4x2 wide shockwave that deals 295 dmg, travels a short distance fast(range similar to Penetrating Round), and knocks people away from Sonic. Sonic rolls backward after casting the Ability.

Rings: 40

Secondary Abilities

Bounce Attack(Q)(R2 Ability)
Target an enemy, dealing 201 dmg, and can press Q to retarget or to repeat the attack. Can only use when using Jump.
Shield(W)(R2 Ability)
Sonic gains a Shield that absorbs 50% of the damage enemies deal. Breaks when a Stun, Silence, Root, or Time Stop hits Sonic.

Cooldown: 4s
Jump(E)(R2 Ability)
Be Airborne, gainining the ability to use Bouncing Attack. Airborne lasts for 2.5s

Heroic Abilities

Super Sonic(R1)
Sonic summons the power of the Chaos Emeralds, granting him +2000HP and Unstoppable for 10s. Ring costs are disabled for the duration, and Abilities are more powerful by 20%. You cannot gain or lose Rings in this state. When the Spell expires, damage dealt over the 2k limit will subtract to your remaining HP when you first activated it, to a minimum of 1HP.

Cooldown: 100s, when spell ends.
Classic Sonic(R2)
Calls in the Classic Version of himself, with a different set of skills than the Modern counterpart. He lasts for 15s. Health is reset to full upon activation, and will return to its last state when the spell expires.

Cooldown: 60s, when spell ends

Special Mount

Sonic Boom(Z)
Dash with supersonic speed, gaining +30% Move Speed for 10s. Goes on cooldown the moment you stop moving.

Cooldown: 20s
Spin Dash(Z)(R2)
Hold Z longer(Max of 2.5s) to catapult Sonic a longer distance, gaining Unstoppable while doing so.


Level 1

Speed Shoes(Z)
*Sonic moves +10% faster during the ability and 3s after the spell expires.

Sonic Flare(Passive)
*Sonic's 4th Basic Attack deals +15% dmg in a small AoE around him.

Ring Chaser(Trait)
*!Quest: Refund the Rings spent by your Last Basic Attack 3x in 100s or less 3x. Last skill indicated by golden glow.

Sonic Gust(E)
*Gains a 2nd shockwave, dealing 25% of the current dmg.

Level 4

*Casting Sonic Drive near more Enemy Heroes than allied ones give +5% for every enemy Hero nearby and allied Hero missing. Bonus dmg determined per cast.

Combo Hit(Q)
*Hit limit resets if you hit another target within 1.5s of the previous one.

Speed Pull(Z)
*Using Sonic Boom near Minions/Monsters generates 1 Ring each.

Sonic Cracker(Active)
*Sonic sets down a landmine where he is, enemies stepping on the AoE are dealt 205 dmg, dmg dealt in an AoE(Similar to Trait-boosted Flamestrike).

Level 7

Sonic Eagle(Passive)
*Doing a Basic Attack 1.5s out of Sonic Boom deals +103 dmg and Stuns the target for 0.75s.

Boss Breaker(Q)
*Attacks on the same target increase the attacks' dmg by +15% per bounce.

Speeding Into Action(W)
*Casting Sonic Drive while Sonic Boom is active can now be done, dealing +10% dmg

Level 13

Surging Attack(Q)
*Homing Attack's dmg is increased by +30% for the first atk, +15% for the second, +5% for the third.

Speeding Storm(E)
*Sonic Wave's shockwave travels +20% further.

Sustained Speed(Z)
*If Sonic is still moving after the spell expires, he receives +10% move speed all the time he is moving, expiring after 2s.

Level 16

Ring Frenzy(Trait)
*Sonic's Ring Capacity is now 200

Target Seeker(Q)
*Homing Attacks can now bounce 2 more times.

Unstoppable Hero(Z)
*Enemies in the way of Sonic during his Sonic Boom are knocked back and dealt 183 dmg.

Level 20

Heart of a Hero(R1)
*Super Sonic does not expire, but now is dependent on Rings to keep up the form, each s consuming 1 Ring. Can refresh the duration by picking up Rings, each Ring giving +1s duration. When expired, Sonic generates a Mega Regen Globe for his allies that he cannot pick up.

Double Trouble(R2)
*Classic Sonic now follows Sonic wherever he goes, instead of replacing him. Pressing R cycles between the Sonics, accessing both kits at the same time. The unselected Sonic becomes an AI and follows the selected Sonic, switching places when cycled. Now lasts for 18s.

*Stuns, Time Traps, Roots and Silences grant him +10% move speed when the effect expires.

Last Chance(Passive)
*Upon taking fatal dmg, lose all of your Rings, being knocked back upon taking the fatal blow, retaining 25% of his HP. This effect can only be triggered after 150s.

Sonic Meteor(W)
*Replaces Sonic Drive, spin-jumping to a chosen enemy, dealing 235 dmg/s over 3s.



Silver Hand Sonic(re-colored gloves and shoes)
Chaos Sonic(has Shadow's gloves and shoes)
Hi-Tech Sonic(futuristic glove/shoe)

Hedgehog Monk Sonic(Legendary)
Peaceful Hedgehog Monk Sonic(re-tint)
Relentless Hedgehog Monk Sonic(re-tint)
Determined Hedgehog Monk Sonic(re-tint)


Green Hill(concept link soon)
Death Egg(concept link soon)


Sonic Heroes Banner
Sonic Heroes Warbanner
Emerl Banner
Emerl Warbanner


Obligatory Emoji Pack


Obligatory Emblem

Change Log

*Started Concept. Attached WIP tag. 50% of Ability Icons done.(11/21/17)

*Added the rest of the Icons for skills, Talents incoming. Placed some balancers for his normal/Modern kit.(11/22/17)

*Added most Talents, Level 20(Storm Talents) revealed soon.

*Finished Talents, added Cosmetics. WIP tag dropped. Now open for critique.(11/23/17)

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