Tank has a lower part and the upper part.
Lower part: has a fixed machine gun, so the driver must rotate entire lower part in order to aim the machine gun.
Upper part: has a grenade launcher, that can rotate freely regardless of the position of the lower part.
Alliance Steam Tank:
Tank parts are controlled by two different players. One player controls the lower part, the other controls the upper part. Both tank parts always tend to face the direction pointed by a mouse cursor, automatically.
Both tank parts shoot medium range ammunition. However, lower part shoots more rapidly, but much smaller bullets. The upper part shoots more slowly, but much larger grenades. Both bullets and grenades travel for a brief while before falling down to the ground. This way, enemies can avoid projectiles if quick enough and far enough.
Lower part can push enemies periodically away frontally. Upper part can push enemies periodically away from the rear.
So, the thing with the Steam Tank is: both players here control movement: lower part and upper part can rotate independently!
Difficulty: Very hard!
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