Susie Sizzlesong by Krautjuchter

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Susie Sizzlesong

By: Krautjuchter
Last Updated: Jan 14, 2017
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Susie Sizzlesong

The supreme Songstress

Music flows throw you veins and you know, that no one can stop you... or will steal you the show!

You music based abilities will reward you for perfect timing and it`s impact growth over time.
You are ranged, but you should never stop feeling the beat, one misstake will cost you your stacks and you need to rebuild them.

A good frontline and a coordinated team will be a big atvantage to help you keeping up.


HEALTH: 1582.80 (+4%/level)
REGEN: 4.12 (+4%/level)

SPEED: 1.5
RANGE: 5.5
DAMAGE: 122.35 (+4%/level)

You know, that you are too cool for disabilities. You dont need mana!

Combat Trait

The Rhythm
Auto attacks and abilities stacks Rhythm if they are used periodically. Gain One Rhythm for each basic attack in a row with the same space betweeen them.

Gain up to 20 stacks of Rhythm. Each stack grants you 5% attack damage and 1% movementspeed.
Nearby friendly heroes grants 1% attack damage and 0.5% movementspeed.

If one ability isn`t used right timed, loos all you stacks.

Primary Abilities

Q Keep it up
Cooldown: 0.5

Deal 102.4(+4%/level) damage in a small area. If it hits an enemy you get 1 bonus stack of Rhythm.
W Feel the beat
Cooldown: 12 seconds

Channel 1 second, than use all you stacks of Rhythm and deal 182.04(+4%/level) damage to one target. For each stack of Rhythm it damage is increased by 20%.
E What is love
Cooldown: 10 seconds

Use 5 stacks of Rhythm. Give every frienly hero around you 121.9(+4%/level) healing every second over 4 seconds.

Heroic Abilities

R1 Spotlight
Cooldown: 60 seconds

Reveal every enemy hero in a large cone infront of you. For 1 second, they will be silenced and move in your direction.
R2 Obscurity
Cooldown: 60 seconds

Target an enemy hero. For 6 seconds, every other opponend will loos his sight and the hero will loos the one of his team.

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