Tao ming is designed to be good against packed formation : his skills doesn't deal big damages, but hispassive generate an electric ark every time Tao deals damages.
His Q can be used two ways : single cast it to have a chromi-like skillshot, double cast it to create a slow-moving ark
W, stunning thunder is deadly against a single hero hidden in the middle of his creeps, the aoe will hit a lot of ennemies to proc the passive effect! Xul wont appreciate!
E, fracture is a li-ming like teleport, leaving a simulacrum (naturally tanking enemy skillshots and minions). Some talents gives it more aggressive aim.
his first ult will hit 12 times the same target (think about passive)
the second is more a control one, good for wombo combos
HEALTH 1,232 (+4.0%)
REGEN 2.57 (+4.0%)
MANA 490 (+10)
REGEN 2.90 (+0.098)
DAMAGE 15 (+4.0%)
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