100 Mana Cooldown
90 seconds
Tassadar transforms into an Archon, gaining a Shield equal to 40% of maximum
"In unity, there is strength" shields and empowering Resonance Beam. Lasts for 12 seconds.
Resonance Beam: Deals
100 (reduced from 140) damage to the target and splashes
50 (reduced from 70) damage to nearby enemies.
Heroes hit have their Armor reduced by 5 for 2 seconds, stacks up to 10.
Type: Physical Damage, Defensive damage modifier / Shield
Scaling: 4.00% (damage) / - (Shield)
Affects: Enemies / Self
Targeting: No target
Properties: Attack Modifier, Spell Armor reduction, Physical Armor reduction, Splash
Cast time: Instant
Area of Effect: Circle (splash)
Radius: 2.5 (splash)
Archon Attack Speed: 1.00
If you have ideas to add or suggestions about balancing - be welcome to comment. I may use some of them.