So why Rework? What's the problem with T***?
Let me just start with saying that I used to LOVE T***, he was my favorite support to play. But he's most recent Rework was horrible in many ways, and in my opinion, he is no longer fun to play as.
He's shield CD became to long. He used to be able to fast-shield, and therefor had a fast-playing playstyle. But with the rework he shielding became slower and because of it he now has a slower playstyle. * It's right that now they are more "thinkful" and "anti-burst", but that is more of Medivh's or Zarya's playstyle, and it works better with them (Medivh grants "Protective" and therefor has has unlimited-burst-blocking and Zarya gains a powerspike from shielding bursts).
Survivabiliy. T*** used to be survivable, very survivable with both his shields and Dimensional Shift. But with the longer CD on D.Shift he has much less survivability, therefor he needs to use the shields on himself to survive. The problem is that if T*** needs to use the shields on himself, coupled with the longer CD on shields he uses the shields much, much less on allies, which should be his main focus.
His Auto Attacks are almost useless and pointless as they do almost no damage and are really hard to get the slow value from. Since the slow is channeled and does not linger, T*** needs to turret up and stay still while attacking and this has to main problems:
3.1- Staying still in Heroes is a really bad idea as you are much easier to hit. Ask any high level player and they would tell you that strafing between attacks is one of the most important skills to have, and T*** simply cannot do it.
3.2- T*** is a ranged hero, and his attack range is the same as his "disconnect" range. That means that T*** with start attacking enemies from about the range they need to walk away from to get rid of the slow. T*** could have walked closer to the enemy so it would be harder for them to get rid of the slow, but since T***' survivability is now really low, he can't get close without dying.
4.1) Damage T***, how I loved damage T***. It was fun to play, even if it wan't really competitively valuable. But what's wrong about one build that is not made only to be competitive? Well... with the no-damage AA, nerf to Psi-Strom and removal of Static Charge... No more damage T***...
4.2) Solo Support T***. On the same note as Damage T***, another build was Solo Support T***, which also got removed so T*** would be a more utility based hero. His shields are too weak to be the only protection, the Life Steal is good but not enough considering not all Heroes are Auto Attacks (like T*** himself for example) so even shield build is not enough to solo support.
4.3) To round up the builds problem, it is nice to have a utility based hero, but one of the things so amazing about the Talent System in Heroes is that builds not only slightly change the Hero, they can completely change a Hero. So why remove the above-mentioned Solo Support and Damage builds?
5) Bringing
Leeching Plasma as a baseline was a really interesting change! But with this change sprung New-T***' biggest problem: Dependence on Auto Attackers in his team. Now T*** is so strong with Auto Attacks like Tracer, that with "Khala's Embrace" can be brought back to full life from almost no life with two shields and a wave of minion. But when there are no AAs? You have a low damage, low Shields, low survivability, high cooldown support hero that can't heal his team. Now it's not bad that he is strong with AAs, nor is it bad that he can be high utility. It is bad that this dependence is baseline and not chosen with talents like it was before.
6) Having all the Survivability focused on Archon is a bad decision. Yes, it is a buff to Archon, but except for an excuse for the 30s CD, refreshing D.Shift's CD doesn't really have a point... If the D.Shift's CD is back at 20s and Archon no longer refreshes it, suddenly Archon is not the "Let's escape" ult but the "Let's do teamfight damage" one as it was originally intended to. It is right that Arcon gives a shield and therefore was used a lot to survive a chase, but the shield is also viable in a team fight while D.Shift is not.
But what did I like about the Rework?
1) The lower CD and no-mana on Oracle made it a much more reliable ability that is important to T*** and is no longer a "Oh, I forgot to use it... No big deal".
2) Movement speed on Dimensional Shift made it a much more interesting ability as it is no longer a "Don't attack me, I'm scared!" ability, now you can chase with it or close the distance for Fore Wall, escape better with it, or even appear in a much farther away place to juke people better.
3) The increasing damage on Psi-Storm is a really interesting idea! Making the ability a better area-denial ability as enemies have time to escape but would not want to enter. But there is two problem with its execution: 12% increase is laughable and if the increase is on the enemy and not on the ability itself, enemies can enter a soon-expiring Storm without minding the damage.
4) Having the Plasma Shield apply the same amount of shield to all allies (instead of double to heroes). Never understood why T***, and minions need to be less protected...
5) Having all the 3 level 1 talent options be quests is really cool, and would stay that way if Blizzard doesn't over-use this.
So what do I want to achieve with this Rework?
- I want to bring back the fast-shielding playstyle and leave the thinkful & anti-busrt shields to Zarya and Medivh.
- I want to make T*** survivable again.
- I want to remove Distortion Beam as a baseline and make it a more reliable Talent.
- I want to bring back Damage and Solo Support T*** (without removing utility T***).
- I want to make him less dependent on having Auto Attackers in his team.
Simple Buffs are written in light green,
Simple Nerfs in red
But still a quick summery of those you mentioned:
Leeching Plasma was replaced with Regenerative Plasma that regenerates shields instead of health.
Static Charge on Archon bonus was reduced to 50% (you were right, this thing is a bit too powerful)
Evasive Shielding was reworked to include a Quest and Cleanse :P
Amplifying Shields was completely removed as I didn't really like it from the first place and I finally found a replacement with Khalai Link which regenerates heroes' shields by shielding other heroes.