(D) CURSE OF SETHE - Reduces the amount of damage required to activate the curse to x2 Terokk's maximum HP. The curse consumes 0,25% less HP per second.
(D) CURSE OF SETHE - Receiving healing cleanses a little of the Curse Gauge and increases the damage of the next ability by 5%. Stacks up to 20%.
(1) CHAKRAM- (secondary ability) Throws a Chakram on a straight line. If hits a hero deals moderate damage and bounces to nearby enemy heroes indefinetly. Can only bounce once per hero.
CD 20s
(AA) AUTO ATTACK - Every 4th attack is instant and connects (range +1)
(Q) Anzu's Spell Bomb - Casting a Spell Bomb while recovering with a regen globe restores 50% of the mana spent.
(Q) Anzu's Spell Bomb- If the bomb is not dispelled recovers 100% of the mana spent
(W) TALON SWEEP - Hitting 2 or more enemies refreshes 1 charge. Refreshes an extra charge per extra enemy hero affected.
(Q) RUKHMAR'S DIVE - Hitting 2 or more enemies reducs the CD by 6s and 1 extra second per aditional enemy hit.
(AA) AUTO ATTACK - Attacks against slowed, rooted or stunned heroes increases AA damage by 30% for 4 seconds. Each consecutive attack against a disabled hero increases atk. speed by 15% up to 60%.
(Q) RUKHMAR'S DIVE - Increases range by 20%. If fly is out of cooldown increases extra 15%.
(W) TALON SWEEP - Every time Terokk loses 15% of his current health he casts Talon Sweep (no charge) automatically on the last source of damage direction. Does not cost any charges.
(E) ZEPHYR - If the enemy is slowed by the Zephyr for 3 seconds, it flies in the air for 0.75s (stun)
(1) CHAKRAM- (secondary ability) increases the range by 30%. Reduces CD by 2 seconds per bounce.
(AA) AUTO ATTACK - Can't be evaded nor blocked.
(Q) Anzu's Spell Bomb- If the spell cast is a heal, instead causes damage to the target.
(Q) Anzu's Spell Bomb - Not dispelling the Spell Bomb causes it to burn an extra 50% mana
(W) TALON SWEEP - Deals 60% extra damage on slowed, rooted or stunned heroes
(E) ZEPHYR - increases range of the gust by 20% and duration of the gust by 1s
(1) CHAKRAM- (secondary ability) Increases size by 20%. Damages enemies in the path of the bouncing
(AA) AUTO ATTACK - Cleaves for 50% of the damage. If it's a killing blow, cleaves for 200% damage.
(E) ZEPHYR - every 6th AA casts a Zephyr
(1) CHAKRAM- (secondary ability) Can bounce twice per hero.
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