Yellow for passives, Blue for actives, and Purple for Heroic abilities.
Level 1
Block - Periodically reduces the damage received from Hero basic attacks by 50%. Stores up to 2 charges.
Reveling in Death - Whenever a minion or mercenary, both ally and enemy, dies near you, you restore 0.5% of your maximum health.
Death's Reach - Mortal Coil travels 50% farther, and refunds 20 mana if it hits a Hero.
Piercing Darkness - Mortal Coil passes through non-heroic enemies, dealing its initial damage to them.
Level 4
Dark Embrace - Mortal Coil's damage over time heals you for the same amount while you remain close to the victim.
Remorseless Tendrils - Gorefiend's Grasp deals 150% more damage to minions and mercenaries and stuns them for 3 seconds instead.
Obliteration - Basic Attacks deal 50% damage to enemies close to the primary target.
Boon Blossom - You move 10% faster while under Doom Blossom's cloud, increasing by 5% every second you remain there.
Level 7
Touch of Darkness - Activate to increase Basic Attack damage and speed by 20% for 6 seconds, each attack costs 10 mana. (30 second cooldown)
Destructive Reach - Doom Blossom's cast range is increased by 40%.
Death Pact - Activate to sacrifice a friendly lane minion and heal yourself for 20% of your maximum health. (60 second cooldown)
Dying Grasp - Gorefiend's Grasp is cast automatically, for free, when you die. When used this way, it deals additional damage equal to 10% of the victims current health.
Level 10
Full Circle - Resurrect yourself. Only usable within 5 seconds of dying.
Death Strike - After a short delay, swing your weapon in a wide arc and gain a shield based on the damage dealt.
Level 13
On a Pale Horse - You move 10% faster while mounted, and stuns, slows, and roots made against you are 50% shorter.
Virulence - Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes deal bonus damage equal to 1.5% of their maximum health, and reduce their Basic Attack damage by equal to half that amount for 2 seconds.
Unholy Power - Mortal Coil's damage over time effect lasts 1 second longer and deals its bonus damage regardless of distance.
Spell Shield - Upon taking Ability Damage, reduce that damage and further ability damage by 50% for 3 seconds. Can only be triggered once every 30 seconds.
Level 16
Armageddon - Doom Blossom's area of effect grows 10% larger every second.
Ruin - Mortal Coil deals 100% increased damage, but its cooldown is also 100% longer.
Unbreakable Armor - Activate to reduce all damage taken by 50%. Each time you take damage, the damage reduction is reduced by 10%. Lasts 6 seconds. (60 second cooldown)
Endless Tendrils - Gorefiend's Grasp range is increased by 10% and it now grabs up to 5 enemies.
Level 20
Deja Vu - When you resurrect with Full Circle, you instead have the health and mana you had 3 seconds prior to your death.
Butchery - Death Strike now swings a second time, 0.5 seconds after the first swing.
The Wheel Keeps On Turning - Whenever an enemy Hero you have recently damaged is killed, the cooldown of your Heroic Ability is reduced by 10 seconds.
Nexus Blades - Basic Attacks deal 20% more damage and slow the target for 1 second.
Changed Remorseless Tendrils, and replaced Burning Clutch with Touch of Darkness.
More death-y and dark all around.
He used this ability in W2 and I think it suits him much better then incinerate.
I thought Incinerate would be neat as a little note to Gorefiend's time as a Warlock, while also being an ability that he actually used. Mortal Coil is still a warlock spell, but would come off as weird because it wouldn't function anything like the actual spell.
As for some way of fighting while mounted, I don't know if there's a way I could balance it properly while keeping it actually useful.
Thanks for the feedback, though. I really do appreciate it, man.
1) Some things are not clear: a) How does GOREFIEND'S GRASP (W) exactly works? Is that AoE, target or cone spell or what?
b) Same for DOOM BLOSSOM (E). Does it deal AoE damage to everyone nearby or it attacks just 1 target?
2) I know he had Incinerate in Black Temple, however I would rather like to see Mortal coil. It seems to me more Death knight-like ability.
3) Death pact at level 7 imho should be targeted on friendly minion.
4) Level 20 improve to Death Strike is lackluster. 8 seconds is plently during team fight and you probably wont use that on minion wave to prepare your shield beforehand.
5) Death knights fight mounted. How about level 20 talent which would leave him mounted even in combat, reducing mounted speed to only 20%, rewinding automatically back after 4 seconds out of combat?