The Zergling Swarm by TwistedHero

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The Zergling Swarm

By: TwistedHero
Last Updated: Sep 22, 2015
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The Zergling Swarm

Zerglings form the most numerous of the zerg mutations — their simple DNA allows two Zerglings to be spawned from a single larva. Zergling replication is so efficient that they thrive even when exposed to exceedingly high mortality rates. Zerglings are physically adaptable creatures and are extraordinarily fast, though they are generally easy to exterminate on an individual level. 

Combat Trait

Spawn Zergling
The Zergling Swarm constantly replaces its losses, dropping one Larva each time two Zerglings are killed, even in the heat of battle. After a short time the Larvae will spawn into two Zerglings that will immediately move to rejoin the Swarm. Larvae can only be generated once every five seconds, and will be generated until the Swarm is at full strength.

Primary Abilities

The Swarm immediately leaps to a location a short distance away, dealing area damage and slightly slowing any enemies they come in contact with. (6 second cooldown)
The Zergling Swarm immediately scatters over a small area. (8 second cooldown)
Each Zergling in the Swarm begins to burrow into the ground at its current location. Once borrowed, Zerglings are cloaked from enemy units, but are immobile and have greatly reduced vision. Using this ability a second time will cause the Zerglings to unborrow. (15 second cooldown)

Heroic Abilities

Morph Banelings
The entire Zergling Swarm begins morphing into Banelings, becoming immobile for a short period. Once complete, Banelings will detonate on the first enemy hero they come in contact with dealing moderate amounts of splash damage. Using this ability a second time will immediately detonate all Banelings. When Banelings die Larva is spawned back at the Nexus. (80 second cooldown)
Adrenal Overload
The Zergling Swarm immediately goes into a frenzy, greatly increasing the damage done by each Zergling. Zerglings also apply a stacking slow to any enemies they completely surround. Lasts for 10 seconds. (100 second cooldown)

Special Mount

Metabolic Boost
Zerglings temporarily boost their metabolism, allowing them to move much more quickly for a short duration. Lasts 6 seconds. (40 second cooldown)

Zergling Swarm Details

The Zergling Swarm, as a unit, generally ignores collisions with heroes, and they with it. Individual Zerglings seem to flow around heroes, though they are not capable of body blocking or being body blocked. Each Zergling is very small, the group of 10-20 taking the same amount of space as a hero like Azmodan when all grouped together.

Each Zergling does very small amounts of damage with each attack, but when completely surrounding a hero will dish out damage about equivalent to Raynor's auto-attack. Each Zergling attacks relatively slowly, but they do not all attack at the same moment, giving the feeling of a constant life drain for as long as one is surrounded.

Zerglings have very low life, but health regen slightly less than Murky. When two Zerglings are killed a Larva will be spawned at the location that the second Zergling died. If the Larva is not killed, two Zerglings will be spawned five seconds later. The Larva take reduced damage from all sources (as is the case in SC2). If the Larva is killed it will respawn back at the Nexus. Zerglings spawned from the Nexus will attempt to rejoin the main Swarm, and will be invulnerable until they do. If the entire swarm is killed simultaneously (by AOE or by exploding as Banelings), 10 Larvae will be spawned back at the Nexus five seconds short of the usual death timer.

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