Store Greeting - Pre-Purchase: "What you staring at?"
Purchase: "Errgghh! Me eat now!"
Store Greeting - Post-Purchase: "Wazzup?"
Ready: "Must...feed!"
Intro - Greeting Arthas: "Lich...King!?"
Intro - Greeting Johanna: "You...scary Paladin..."
Intro - Greeting Xul: "Are you my master...?"
Intro - Greeting Stitches: "You have something in teeth..."
Intro - Greeting Kel'thuzad: ""
Intro - Greeting Positive: "Are you ready to eat!?"
Intro - Greeting Negative: "*Guttural Growl*"
Intro - Response Positive: "As long as me eat!"
Intro - Response Negative: "You're not my master!"
What 1: "Errghhh?"
What 2: "What...?"
Humorous 1: "Me eat dead people."
Humorous 2: "Me scary..."
Humorous 3: "No guts, no gorey...hehehe..."
Humorous 4: "Me constantly losing body parts..."
Humorous 5: "Can you give hand? Tehehehe..."
Humorous 6: "Hehe...what about lend ear? Tahahaha!"
Humorous 7: "That joke make me in don't like inside of Stitches..."
Humorous 8: "Is there something in my teeth?"
Humorous 9: "Are angels chicken people? Timmy like chicken! Especially chicken fingers..."
Humorous 10: "Is Medivh chicken person? Does he taste good?"
Move 1: "Ehheh."
Move 2: "Okay."
Move 3: "Rraahh..."
Hearthstone: "What this thing do...?"
Getting Healing: "Tasty healing..."
Attack 1: "Errraahhhh!"
Attack 2: "Feeeed!"
Attack 3: "Erahahaha..."
Casting Not Quite Dead Yet!: "Me not dead yet!"
Casting Spreading the Plague: "Delicious!"
Killing a Hero 1: "Errhehehe.."
Killing a Hero 2: "You dead now!"
Killing a Hero 3: "You tasty!"
Killing Murky: "Tasty murloc!"
Killing Leoric: "You no cage me!"
Killing Uther or Johanna: "Eraah! Me kill Paladin!"
Killing Auriel: "Hope delicious! Ehehehe..."
Killing Tyrael: "Taste like chicken!"
Death: "Uuhrreeaahh!"
Revived: "Me undead..."
Ping - Kill Hero: "Eat this hero!"
Ping - Capture Mercenaries: "Capture mercenary camp!"
Ping - Help Ally: "Help them!"
Ping - Help Me: "Help me!"
Ping - Destroy Fort: "Destroy fort!"
Ping - Defend Fort: "Defend fort!"
Looking at Timmis playstyle describtion i would like abilities like Corpse Explosion - dealing damage upon death and reducing his death timer/exp from killing Timmy. An ability like this or a talent around lvl 13/16/20 would be great (could even be a passive ult but you already have two).
I dont like Feast (killing allied Mercenaries - people would hate having Timmy on their team), Picky Eater (promote pve oriented playstyle for Timmy) and Gravestone (can backfire massivly and has 3 min Cooldown)