Store Greeting - Pre-Purchase: "Greetings, Champion!"
Purchase: "Let just jump into the fray!"
Store Greeting: "Well met, Champion."
Ready: "We shall triumph!"
Intro - Greeting Uther: "The I am ready to fight by your side."
Intro - Greeting Arthas: "I can never forgive you, Arthas...never."
Intro - Greeting Garrosh: "Still a little eager, are you?"
Intro - Greeting Kel'thuzad: "Hmph...the end of the Scourge draws near."
Intro - Greeting Murky: "What's this? A Murloc? It seems each of us has a role to play."
Intro - Greeting Whitemane: "You must abandon the Crusade, Sally! Our only hope is to stand together."
Intro - Greeting Johanna: "The Light is strong with you, Crusader!"
Intro - Greeting Varian: "It seems this is a bit different than at the Argent Tournament, huh?"
Intro - Greeting Orphea: "From what I gather, you have seen much. But never forget that courage is our greatest weapon."
Intro - Greeting Tyrael: "Let us fight for justice together!"
Intro - Greeting Positive: "Are you prepared?"
Intro - Greeting Negative: "I suppose we can fight towards a common goal..."
Intro - Response Positive: "Put your faith in the Light, and all is possible."
Intro - Response Negative: "Not even you can slow me down."
What 1: "Yes?"
What 2: "Mm?"
Humorous 1: "With this blade, I am a paragon of the Light. No evil shall ever corrupt this blade...again...I mean, third time's the charm right?"
Humorous 2: "Blessed be thy Light, so I may smite thine enemies, and not be completely incinerated by a very large demon..."
Humorous 3: "First Alexandros, then Renault, then Darion, and now me...I'm beginning to believe this weapon kills its owner more than the Doomhammer."
Humorous 4: "To be able to fight alongside such Paladins in the Nexus really fills my heart with joy. Though I can't quite tell if Anduin is a Paladin or a Priest...are Priests even allowed to wield swords?"
Move 1: "On the way."
Move 2: "Alright."
Move 3: "Let's go."
Hearthstone: "Let's rally back at camp."
Getting Healed: "Light bless you, friend."
Attack 1: "End them!"
Attack 2: "Fight on!"
Attack 3: "Hiyaah!"
Killing a Hero 1: "I am the Ashbringer."
Killing a Hero 2: "Crumble away!"
Killing Gul'dan: "Your evil ends here, Legion dog!"
Killing Arthas: "We will never surrender, Arthas!"
Killing Orphea: "Your skills are impressive, but your manners need work!"
Killing Mal'Ganis: "Be banished, Dreadlord!"
Killing Leoric: "No Lich King nor Skeleton King can stop me!"
Killing Yrel: "Such a fantastic duel, Yrel!"
Killing Undead Hero: "Fall to Ash!"
Killing Demon Hero: "Back to the Twisting Nether with you!"
Death: "There...isn't much time..."
Revived: "The Light wills me to fight again."
Ping - Kill Hero: "Slay this hero!"
Ping - Capture Mercenaries: "Recruit these mercenaries!"
Ping - Help Ally: "Assist our champion!"
Ping - Help Me: "I require aide, heroes!"
Ping - Destroy Fort: "Knock down this fort!"
Ping - Defend Fort: "Protect this fort!"
Although I must say, Humorous Line #2 should be, "Blessed be thy light, so I may smite thine enemies..."