Heroic Ability
Cooldown: 120 Seconds
Mana Cost: 10 x #of Minions being affected by the ability
Take control of nearby minions.
STARCRAFT STYLE. Minions affected are now under your control and can attack any enemy fort/minion/hero/objective (eg. skeletons) nearby.
-You can choose to have them surround you, and follow you as you move.
-You are able to split them into groups.
-You can send them off the lane. (eg. Send them to get Mercs, Send them to another lane, etc)
-This ability can stack with your E
Whilst using this ability, you are able to move, however you are
vulnerable until the Heroic is on cooldown, or all the minions die.
Btw, not all heroes need a second heroic. Abathur, for example, used to have only 1 heroic until he was changed. Just a little thing to have in mind, if you dont figure out a second heroic.