Toki by Streber

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By: Streber
Last Updated: Jul 24, 2020
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Time Tinker

Don’t be deceived by this fresh-faced, young gnome. Toki is a powerful mage who possesses an uncanny talent for time magic. Unusually, she often channels her power through arcane devices of her own invention, rather than casting spells. Her unflappable determination and willingness to take inconceivable risks make her a dangerously effective hunter.

In HotS, Toki is a powerful Mage that can manipulate various time mechanics to her favor.

Base Stats:
Health: 1500
Health Regeneration: ~3.12 per second

Mana: 490 (+10 per level)
Mana Regeneration: 3 per second (+0,975 per level)

Basic Attack damage: 80
Basic Attack Speed: 1.2
Basic Attack Range: 5.5

Scaling: 4% per level, unless stated otherwise.


+ Strong Crowd Control and Zoning potential
+ High damage when comboing abilities
+ Can support her teammates.


- For high effectiveness, she requires comboing her abilities.
- High cooldowns of [W] and [E]
- Very weak to dive and mobile heroes.

Combat Trait

[D] Time Tinker
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Passive: Toki's time tinkering skills has allowed her to manipulate different time mechanics to her favor, and as such, Time Stopped enemy Heroes through Toki's abilities can still take damage.

Active: Discover a possible future and temporarily gain +3 Levels for 5 seconds. This may give access to higher tier talents and extra scaling bonuses. All gained talents and bonuses are lost upon expiration.

Explanation: Time Tinker passive effect plays an important role in making Toki's kit cohesive and provides new art of crowd control, in other words a Stun that also stuns enemies' cooldowns!

Its active effect comes with many benefits that explains its high cooldown. Not only it grants access to a higher tier talent in crucial moments and team fights, it also provides more damage and more health, hence more survivability, and can be used in various of situations. After 20, it also doesn't entirely lose its effectiveness as it can still grant more scaling bonuses.

The chosen higher tier talent resets after expiration, even if Toki reaches the required tier level while active.

Primary Abilities

[Q] Timeless Orb
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Cost: 30 Mana

Send an orb of temporal energy that deals 200 damage to the first enemy hit. If the primary orb hits an enemy Hero, it spawns three other secondary orbs that spread in a volley behind the target. All Timeless Orbs put enemy Heroes in a state of Temporal Flux for 2.5 seconds and bounce back when colliding with a terrain.

Enemy Heroes with Temporal Flux debuff are Time Stopped for 0.5 seconds, if they get hit by a Timeless Orb or if at least two enemy Heroes are in this state at the same time.

Explanation: Timeless Orb is Toki's main poke ability and can set up her [W] ability nicely when aimed right. If two Heroes are in Temporal Flux, they are both Time Stopped only for 0.5 seconds, even if Temporal Flux of both heroes last 2.5 seconds. Only if a third Hero or one of them enters a new Temporal Flux state, they are all Time Stopped for 0.5 seconds or the Time Stop is refreshed if they are already Time Stopped.

The bounce effect helps hitting the same target twice and therefor Time Stopping them or refreshing an already existing Time Stop effect.

The angle between orbs are around ~45°. Range ~ 10.
[W] Boom Clock
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Cost: 50 Mana

Arm a Boom Clock that travels in a line to the target direction and projects temporal energy around it. The Clock ticks 12 times before disappearing, dealing 35 damage every 0.1 seconds. If Boom Clock comes in contact with a Time Stopped enemy Hero, the Clock is also Time Stopped, but it still deals its current tick damage.

Reactivate to tip over the Clock and land it on the surface.

Explanation: A small floating round device that projects temporal energy around it resembling a clock with a second arm that moves with each tick. While traveling it deals its damage in a line. When landing the clock on the surface, it becomes a round AoE with a radius of ~2.5. The Clock can be landed while being Time Stopped. While Time Stopped the Clock doesn't travel further, the animation shows the second arm trying to move to the next tick without success, but it still deals that tick damage every 0.1 seconds (talents can change the damage of each tick).

Projectile Speed is also fast making it easy to combo it with Timeless Orb (~ 1 range every 0.1 seconds = 12 range over 1.2 seconds). On the other hand it may require faster reaction when tipping the clock over the surface.
[E] Time Portal
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Cost: 50 Mana

Cause a rift in time that opens up after 0.5 seconds. All Heroes that go through the portal are teleported back to where they were 2 seconds ago and then Time Stopped for 1 second.

All Toki's ability projectiles that go through the portal create echoes of the same projectile that bounce back in the same direction. Portal lasts 2 seconds.

Explanation: Time Portal is also a versatile ability with many uses (Zoning, saving an ally or self, ...etc.), but its main spark shines in its many combo potentials with Toki's abilities. For example, Time Portal can be set up behind a target; hitting them with a Timeless Orb, causes at least one of the secondary Orbs to go through the Portal, creating an echo that instantly travels back and can potentially hit the same target, Time Stopping them and also potentially making them easier to be hit with another bouncing secondary orb, refreshing the Time Stop duration. Be creative with this ability!

Its range however is a bit small compared to her other abilities (~7). Width is around 3.

Heroic Abilities

[R1] Chronobomb
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Cost: 50 Mana

Throw a Chronobomb at a target location that explodes after 2.5 seconds, dealing 300 damage. Chronobomb is Invisible and out of phase, putting all nearby enemy Heroes in Temporal Flux.

Whenever Boom Clock deals a tick damage to an enemy Hero inside its area, the explosion timer is reduced by 0.2 seconds.

Explanation: A powerful heroic that fulfills two functions; conditional Crowd Control and burst damage. If at least two enemy Heroes within its area, they are both in Temporal Flux state, which in return activates Timeless Orbs passive effect, Time Stopping them for 0.5 seconds. If another Hero enters its area afterwards, a new Time Stop effect kicks in. Boom Clock's tick damage accelerates its explosion timer.

Chronobomb can be echoed back!

Range: 8, Radius: 3
[R2] Alternate Timeline
Cooldown: 150 seconds
Cost: 100 Mana

Channel for up to 3 seconds, creating a visible Timeline that grows forward over the Channel duration. Enemy Heroes who step on the Timeline are Time Stopped over its duration. Reactivate to teleport to the end of the Timeline as Infinite Toki, then erase the Timeline and with it the past of all enemy Heroes on it, causing them to lose access to all gained talents for 5 seconds.

Infinite Toki has 50% increased cooldown recharge rate and 25% increased Movement Speed. Lasts for 5 seconds and for extra 5 seconds per enemy Hero affected.

Just a twist to the left, one quarter turn to the right and … oops! Well, we didn’t need that timeline anyway.

Explanation: A very powerful heroic that has an upgraded Stun and a weakened Silence in its arsenal. In addition, it grants some mobility and upgrades Toki's Basic abilities. The downside to all of this that none of it takes place if Toki is interrupted while channeling the ability. Furthermore, any interruption puts the ability on its very long cooldown and not just the standard 10 seconds, as it already has taken effect from the start.

The uses of this ability though are versatile. Casting Boom Clock, then followed up with this heroic is deadly to any hero, but extremely hard to pull. It can be used to set up some combos for your team or as a follow up CC. It can also be used as gab closer.

After teleporting to the other end, you can cast Time Portal and travel back to safety.

Range is bit big on full channel (perhaps as Falstad's Hinterbast?). This shouldn't be problematic as the growing effect should be telegraphed enough to see it coming.


Level 1:

[Q] Chaotic Outcome:
Whenever a Timeless Orb bounces back or is echoed back via Time Portal, it creates two additional Lesser Orbs that ricochet back at both sides, each dealing 80 damage to the first enemy hit.
Those Lesser Orbs have around 45


24.07.2020: V 1.2
  • Updated Ability and Explanation texts.
  • Updated and completed Talents section.
  • Added Base Stats.

  • Level 1:
    • [E] Time-Borrowed Experience:
      • Echoed Projectile damage reduced from 15% to 10%.
      • Added Functionality: Toki gains 10% increased Speed while an Echo is being fired or active.
  • Level 7:
    • [E] Temporal Anomaly:
      • Damage reduced from 15% to 10%.
      • Added Functionality: Portal lasts 50% longer.
  • Level 13:
    • [Passive] Random Occurrences:
      • Moved to Level 16
    • New Talent: Pause!:
      • All enemy Projectiles that have been fired through the Portal are Time Stopped over its duration. If Time Tinker is active, convert them into friendly Echoes, targeting the nearest enemy Hero.
  • Level 16:
    • New Talent: [Q] Time Ripple:
      • Whenever an enemy Hero gets hit with a Timeless Orb after a single cast, increase all future Timeless Orbs damage of the next cast by 8%.
    • New Talent: [W] Temporal Acceleration:
      • Whenever Boom Clock deals tick damage to an enemy Hero, Toki's basic and heroic ability cooldowns are reduced by 0.2 seconds. Additionally, while Time Stopped, Boom Clock deals its tick damage 50% faster.
  • Level 20:
    • New Talent: BOOM!:
      • Chronobomb gains an additional Charge and can lay dormant after its timer is up until an enemy Hero comes into its area of effect. Up to 3 Chronobombs can be active at once and they cannot overlap.
    • [R2] Point of Origin:
      • Added Functionality: Infinite Toki gains 5 Armor for each enemy Hero affected, up to 20 Armor.
    • New Talent: Advanced Reset:
      • Reduce Time Tinker active cooldown to 30 seconds. Activating Time Tinker also resets all Toki's basic ability cooldowns, but also undoes all damage dealt to enemy Heroes in the last 2 seconds. Time Stopped enemy Heroes are immune to this effect.
    • New Talent: There Is Still More To Learn:
      • Time Tinker active effect lasts 100% longer. Activating Time Tinker also grants access to one additional non-Heroic or -Storm talent over its duration.

21.07.2020: V 1.1
  • Updated explanation and ability texts.
  • Included new information about range, projectile speed and raduis of each ability. .

Basic Abilities:
  • [Q] Timeless Orb:
    • Time Stop duration reduced from 0.6 to 0.5 seconds.
  • [E] Time Portal:
    • added a duration of 2 seconds.
  • [R1] Chronobomb:
    • Damage increased from 250 to 300.
    • Explosion timer reduction increased from 0.1 seconds to 0.2 seconds.

19.07.2020: Concept published!

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