Whenever an attack or ability causes an enemy minion or mercenary to die, you gain a Skeletal follower for 24 seconds. This ability cannot trigger more than every six seconds.
Primary Abilities
Blood Golem
18 second cooldown; Summon a Blood Golem for 7 seconds who fights whomever was targeted, his attacks heal you for 25% of the damage dealt.
Iron Maiden
20 second cooldown; All enemies in the area suffer 25% of the damage they deal for the next 5 seconds.
Bone Spear
5 second cooldown; Hurl a missile of bone in a straight line, dealing moderate damage to all enemies in the path. If the projectile hits a structure, it stops immediately and deals 100% increased damage to the enemy structure.
Heroic Abilities
120 second cooldown; Raise an enemy hero that was recently slain who fights by your side for the next 20 seconds.
Poison Nova
45 second cooldown; Targeted area on the map explodes after one second dealing a severe amount of damage to all targets in the area and then another severe amount of damage over the next 7 seconds, does no damage to structures.
Tier 1 Talents
Conjurer's Pursuit (Passive)
Collecting Regeneration Globes permanently increases Mana Regeneration by 0.1015 per second.
Improved Raise Skeleton (Passive)
Every 24 seconds you automatically summon an additional skeleton, regardless of enemies slain. This does not trigger the cooldown of Raise Skeleton.
Bone Shield (Passive)
Whenever you cast Bone Spear, you gain a small damage shield that lasts 3 seconds.
Bloody Golem (Passive)
Your golem's attacks restore 50% health per point of damage instead.
Tier 2 Talents
Skeletal Mastery (Passive)
Your Skeletons inflict +40% additional damage.
Wounding Spear (Passive)
Your Bone Spear deals additional damage over 4 seconds.
Skeletal Spear (Passive)
Enemies slain by your Bone Spear give you two skeletons instead of one.
Envenom (Passive)
Collecting Regeneration Globes permanently increases Mana Regeneration by 0.1015 per second.
Would Revive revive the actual player or an AI? If an AI the cooldown should be lower, as the AI would not be able to follow a strategy.
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