- High capability to focus on one ally Hero being capable to assist team.
- Potential but difficult capability to do high
damage being Support.
- High
healing capability.
- Moderated capability to frontline.
- High
Cooldowns on Abilities.
- High
Mana cost on Abilities, Requires skill to manage.
- Decreased potential on separated teams.
Turalyon is a tough support able to stand in frontline close to tanks and bruisers if it were necessary, soaking some damage and benefiting of their own healing, contributing his mana recovery, easing to aim with Energy Impact avoiding enemies to access backline and squishy allied heroes.
Choosing who buffing with Seal of Naaru will be sometimes difference between Victory! and Defeat! depending on talents you choose Turalyon could be benefittted by buffing a Damager Squishy allied Hero on blacklane or a Tanky allied Hero on frontline. A good tip is to seal an allied hero who can't be near team.
Their Heroic abilities requires Turalyon preventing enemy movements in order to get maximum value of them although if it were necessary as a Supreme Paladin could even sacrifice for his allies...
It is something I am still thinking though I'd like to keep trait as passive and not active, but I'd like to take a look on this.
Other idea I was thinking about was to add some effect on W but this way I should some cost ( mana/increased CDR).
Anyway, thank you for suggestions.
EDIT: I added an effect improving Seal of Naaru, doing it more interactive with trait and working on ally and Turalyon resources but adding cooldown and mana cost in order to increase difficult, doing this way that the ability is no more an spamable ability senseless
Now, the W looks much more interesting.
Now, the W looks much more interesting.
Thank you for your feedback.