Cleansing Light: Blast of Light removes friendly roots or slows and does 10% more damage.
Divine Dash: You can activate Wings of the Light to dash forward a short distance.
Warrior for Others: Quest: Heal others for 2500. Reward: +20% spell power
Super-Endurance: Divine Endurance gives 25 armor for 2 seconds after casting.
Divine Aid: Turalyon passively has 5 armor.
Divine Speed: Divine Endurance gives a 30% movement bonus during its duration.
Divine Aura: Healing abilitites heal an additional 100(+3% per level) over 2 seconds.
Holy Alignment: Heal all allies in a zone for half of their total health, while enemies in the zone take 300 (+4% per level) damage and are stunned for 0.75 seconds.
Sword Throw :Throw your sword across the battlefield, dealing 750 (+6% per level) damage to enemies in its path. Your attacks do half damage while the sword is thrown.
Righteous Raging: You attack 100% faster, but do 45% less attack damage.
Enduring Endurance: Divine Endurance lasts for 3 seconds.
Light-filled Army: Soldiers of the Light restore 1% of nearby heroes' health every second.
Holy Protector: Your healing is increased by 20%, and your health is increased by 30%, but your damage is halved.
Holy Punisher: You health is decreased by 30%, but you have 20% more attack damage and 20% spell power.
Celestial Alignment: Holy Alignment's radius and stun time are increased by 50%.
Holy Sword: Sword Throw only reduces your attack damage by 20%.
Building Momentum: Your basic attacks reduce the cooldown of your basic abilities by 0.5 seconds.
Once again, no cooldowns, mana costs, etc. Add them.
Very, very odd design overall. He's a tank.... but his trait and W focus on pushing, and his Q and W are healing to allies (Not himself, mind you)/ damage. What is he? Honestly, overall wonky concept that makes him 3 different roles, and the only thing that makes him somewhat is his 4th basic ability (again, adding extra basic abilities just like your other concept). His Ult's also are healing / damage / stun and damage.
Why can he not mount? Why does he have a permanent movement increase? I see no other reason in his design besides the fact that it would be "cool" He can mount. He is a human. People that can't mount have reasons. (Lunara has 4 legs, Falstad is already on a "mount".
Anyway, onto talents and some other things.
1. "Righteous Raging: You attack 100% faster, but do 45% less damage."
Absolutely no reason to pick this whatsoever, let's do the math
Lets say you deal 100 damage per basic attack, and hit every second. 100dps/s. Taking this talents now makes you deal;
55 damage per basic attack, and hit every 0.5 seconds. So that means 110dps/s. Overall, the talent increases your basic attack damage by 10%. Very helpful, especially as a tank / support / pusher. Not to mention the fact the talent says "do 45% less damage". Maybe you mean "do 45 less basic attack damage" But if you didn't well, why would i want to do 10% more basic attack damage at the expense of my abilities doing 45% less damage? Overall bad talent.
2. "Cleansing Light: Blast of Light removes friendly roots or slows." This talent basically empowers the ability's allies effect and does nothing to it's damage effect. AND this is the only talent that actually affects Q.
3. "Divine Speed: Divine Endurance gives a 20% movement bonus." What? What does this mean? When do you get the movement bonus? For how long?
4. "Enduring Endurance: Divine Endurance lasts for 3 seconds." Wrong wording.
5. "Better Healthcare: You can now have 2 Soldiers of the Light at a time." Why? Overall the talent's minion is NOT going to last a full 20 seconds, especially since it can spawn while you're in the middle of the map or a team fight. Not useful.
6. "Holy Protector: Your healing is doubled, and your health is increased by 50%, but your damage is halved."
"Holy Punisher: You health is decreased by 10%, but you have 20% extra attack damage and 20% spell power."
Talent Tier pushes you into a niche of Super healing and Tank, less damage(not that it even matters as his damage is quite low anyway) or 10% less health (bearly anything) and 20% "extra attack damage (wording is wrong) and 20% spell power. As 2 of this guys major roles are tanking and healing, i have no idea why you would want to buff your damage slightly as opposed to DOUBLE HEALING and 50% HEALTH.
Quickly want to talk about his Ultimants before i continue.
"Heal all allies in a zone for half of their health, while enemies in the zone take 300 (+4% per level) damage and are stunned for 1.5 seconds. Unlimited range." Half of their max health? Current health? And why is it unlimited range? It's already quite strong, no reason to make it unlimted.
"Throw your sword across the battlefield, dealing 750 (+6% per level) damage to enemies in its path. Your attacks do half damage while the sword is thrown." Huh? How long is the range? "Your attacks deal half damage while the sword is thrown" - How far does it travel? Does it return? To continue with this.
"Holy Sword: Sword Throw keeps spinning until canceled." Spinning? What does that even mean? and until cancelled? What??
"Husbandly Love: Every 5 minutes, summon Alleria if she is dead. She does 112 damage per second and has 1993 hitpoints." And what on earth is this? Do you control Alleria too? Is she mindless A.I that just strolls down a lane with extra health and damage? Does she spawn when you pick the talent or 5 minutes after? Why would i want to wait 5 minutes to spawn some extra A.I?
Overall, the concept is wonky, making him into a Tank / Healer / Pusher. There is very little talent variety, and the little amount of talents that exist are mostly bad, making the choices quite obvious.
Talent order would certainly go; Quest (Doesn't have a name?) > Divine Aid > Divine Aura (Lucio Copy) > Holy Alignment > Enduring Endurance > Holy Protector > Celestial Alignment.
I mean really it's possible you could go for a DPS build, but then again, that just makes him a tank / assassin / healer / pusher doesn't it?
Also gonna comment on the strengths / weaknesses you made.
Can control 1 lane very well. (Probably, but needs to spawn his trait in the wave)
Amazing Self-Sustain (1 ability for burst, not for sustained damage)
Both Heroics are viable (In a sense, but one is better for the overall team)
Very good support, also. (Why is he a tank and a pusher then?)
Decent Mobility (True, but should not have a 20% passive movement increase and no mount)
Good .v. Mercs (Not really? Can't exactly tell as there is no CD's / mana costs)
Good at supporting minions (True)
Lacks AOE (Both Q and E do AoE damage, as well as his ults)
Lacks instant movement (But a permanent 20% speed, many heroes don't have instant movement)
Lacks hero buffing (Sure, but being a tank doesn't necessarily mean hero buffing, although he's not really a tank is he?)
Lacks other utility (other utility?
Can be easily ganked. (Not really, has a burst heal and E gives 50% armor)
Lacks CC. (true)
Added costs and cooldowns.
Made him multiclass, was intended to sorta be lie Uther, tough to categorize him though.
Removed mount thing.
Got rid of Alleria.
Clarified Righteous Raging.
By the way,
Sword Throw works like Sgt. Hammer's heroic. It goes across the whole battlefield. It returns to your hero.