When you die, become invulnerable and explode for 474.24 (+4% per level) damage after 3.5 seconds.
Primary Abilities
El'Druin's Might
Mana: 55 Cooldown: 12 seconds
Deals 114.4 (+4% per level) damage to enemies within target area, slowing them by 25%. Reactivating will teleport you to the blade and slow nearby enemies by 25%.
Mana: 65 Cooldown: 12 seconds
Shields you for 331.76 (+4% per level) damage and nearby allies for 133.12 (+4% per level) damage for 4 seconds.
Mana: 50 Cooldown: 7 seconds
Rake target area for 149.76 (+4% per level) damage. Allies moving through the targeted area gain 25% increased Movement Speed for 2 seconds.
Heroic Abilities
Mana: 75 Cooldown: 80 seconds
After 0.75 seconds, charge an enemy Hero dealing 104 (+4% per level) damage and stunning them for 1.5 seconds. Nearby enemies are knocked away and take 52 (+4% per level) damage.
Mana: 75 Cooldown: 70 seconds
After 0.5 seconds create a field of holy energy that makes allied Heroes Invulnerable. Lasts 3 seconds.
Level 1 Talents
Protection in Death - Now also increases radius by 50%;
Horadric Reforging(reworked) - Now El'Druin's Might slows by 30%;
Purge Evil;
Regeneration Master;
Level 4 Talents
Amplified Healing;
Vigorous Strike; Angelic Strike(new); Basic Attacks restore 5 mana.
Retribution - Cooldown reduced by 0.5 second for every non heroic target hit and 1 second for heroes hit;
Even In Death - Also now Tyrael explodes after 6 seconds. Use Trait(D) to explode manually.
Level 7 Talents
Angelic Momentum;
Angel's Grace - Now also reduces cooldown by 3 seconds if enemy hit(old Horadric Reforging).
Searing Attacks;
Level 13 talents
Burning Rage;
Angelic Absorption - When shield expires, full mana cost is restored.
Imposing Will;
Angelic Might - Now also movement speed bonus increased from 25% to 30%;
Level 16 Talents
Blade of Justice - 100% more damage;
Holy Ground;
Salvation - 30% more shield; Blood for Blood; Something(new) - Decreases respawn time by 10 seconds by every Archangel's Wrath Hero Kill; Holy Suicider(new) - Increased Archangle's Wrath damage by 30%;
Level 20 Talents
Angel of Justice;
Holy Arena - Increases duration of Sanctification by 1 second and increases radius by 25%.
Hardened Shield;
Nexus Blades; Sacrifice(new) - Archangle's Wrath can be used manually with 120 seconds cooldown. 60 seconds cooldown to use upon death.
I think Tyrael needs a better trait. They are lowering mana costs of everything, which is good, but he'll still have a few mana issues perhaps.
Also, I think Tyrael could use more talent diversity; if he could either make himself more of a proper main tank (old school e knockback or maybe q blockade baseline might be enough), or get more damage on autoattacks (or maybe allow him to buff his attack speed a lot, procing something to make it worthwhile to build attack speed, as he attacks fast). A lot of his damage talents give him attack damage, which his attack speed should be buffed to proc maybe a slow or a speed buff for his team or something.
IMO if there's a Tyrael rework he desperately needs a new trait. I won't be any good for suggestions but what it is now is just terrible. (o_o)
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Also, I think Tyrael could use more talent diversity; if he could either make himself more of a proper main tank (old school e knockback or maybe q blockade baseline might be enough), or get more damage on autoattacks (or maybe allow him to buff his attack speed a lot, procing something to make it worthwhile to build attack speed, as he attacks fast). A lot of his damage talents give him attack damage, which his attack speed should be buffed to proc maybe a slow or a speed buff for his team or something.