Tyrande by Babooh

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By: Babooh
Last Updated: Jun 20, 2023
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Chosen of the Moon

Alternative rework to


inspired by


and previous iterations of Tyrande.

Aim is to return Tyrande to a state more in line with her original concept, increasing Tyrande playstyle variation and make her more fun to play - freeing up her role, letting her live outside of the healer box once more.

Combat Trait

Elune's Chosen
Everytime Tyrande damages an enemy she applies Moonlight for 4 seconds, revealing them and lowering their Armor by 2 Armor reduction stacks up to 10 times. Does not affect structures.

Visible animation that increases in visibility along with stacks.

Inspired by Tyrande's alpha Hunter's Mark mechanic and her current Q CDR mechanic. I feel pressing D on a target is easy and not really rewarding (?), this will prunes her kit a bit, makes her less bursty (more sustain) and allows for other activations on D - hopefully providing a smoother gameplay experience.
Staying stationary and performing no action for 4 sec grants invis, 2 sec in bush. The first AA within 2 sec after breaking invis does 100% increased dmg.

Primary Abilities

Light of Elune
Cooldown: 4 seconds
35 Mana

Heals Tyrande for 75. If cast on an ally it also heals them for 200%.

I used to love this dynamic on Tyrande, it somehow just feels good to heal together (huh, Uther?) - and more interaction with minions is needed in hots imo.

Dmg CDR on Q removed to free Tyrande from always AAing - even AAing minions in a teamfight (...) and throwing owls just to get out a heal (also solves the issue with keeping track of stacks and CD timer). Healing power reduced, but can be greatly improved by talents
Cooldown: 15 seconds
50 Mana

Baseline pierces first enemy hero hit.

For Sentinel's vision to get value consistently, Sentinel is harder to block early as it now pierces one hero by default. The reveal is slightly shorter (4 seconds instead of 5), but the armor debuff gives it added utility.
Lunar Flare
Cooldown: 13 seconds
60 Mana

Generally unchanged, as throughout hots' lifespan.

Heroic Abilities

Cooldown: 50 seconds
70 Mana

Grants Tyrande and nearby allied heroes 20% move speed and stealth for 8 sec. They are Unrevealable for the first 0.5 seconds. Bushes grants invis for 1 sec.

Reapply during duration to trigger Eyes of the Huntress, applying one stack of moonlight to the nearest enemy hero.

Allied Moonlight stacks every 2 sec (talent at lvl 4)
Cooldown: 100 seconds
80 Mana

Deal 92 (+4% per level) damage and slow enemies by 20% in an area for 6 sec.

Cast range increased by 25%, radius increased by 10%.

I want Starfall to be more like the powerful area denial it was, not a Q heal CDR reduction tool (where you have to rush to get out Qs on CD). Adding Moonlight (Hunter's Mark) should help it feel more like the much scarier, more aggressive area denial ability it used to be and paired with Mending Moonlight (4) and/or Full Moon (20) it does some healing.

Special Mount

Ash'Alah can be picked as hero spesific mount (like anub flying). you can still modify Ash'alah skin.

Own mounting animation (no poof mount up)


(Q) Waning Crescent: AAing reduces Q CD by 0.25 and grants 1 mana

(W) Ranger: Deals up to 250% dmg based on distance and pierces an additional hero. W resets if it gets a kill.

(E) Lunar Blaze: Hitting a hero increase dmg by 5% up to 150%. Range increase by 30%

(AA) Trueshot Aura: Increase Tyrande's AA dmg by 40%. Passive aura increasing allied AA dmg by 10%.

(Q) Everlasting Light: Healing an ally hero with Q when below 60% health increases the heal amount of Q by 5, stacking 15 times. Stacks lost on death. When maxed out stacks no longer lost on death.

(W) Dori'thur: Width increased by 25%. Increase spell power by 1 per time you hit 2 or more enemy heroes with sentinel up to 10. Upon quest completion you gain an owl familiar that follows Tyrande when W is off CD, increasing vision radius by 35%.

(D) Mending Moonlight: Moonlight now applies to your allies, healing them for 5 a sec per stack and increasing healing they receive by 2% per stack. 10 stack max

(AA) Seasoned Marksman: Basic attacks against heroes increase AA dmg by 0.2. Hero kills increase it by 1. AA range increase by .5 at 10 AA dmg and by 1 at 20.
Ding every whole dmg increased

(Q) Celestial Attunement: Q removes stuns, silences and blinds.

(Q) Kaldorei Resistance: Gives 20 spell armor to targets healed by Q for 3 sec. Doesn't stack

(Q) Quickening Blessing: Gain +5% move speed. Targets healed by Q gets +20% move speed for 3 sec. Doesn't stack

(AA) Moonlit Arrows: Tyrande's AAs heal her for 0.2% of the dmg done and 0.2% of her max health per stack of Moonlight on target.

(D) Harsh Moonlight: Moonlight now also deals 2 dmg a sec per stack.


(R1) Shadowstalk: Grants Tyrande and nearby allied heroes 20% move speed and stealth for 8 sec. They are Unrevealable for the first 0.5 seconds. Going through a bush grants invis for 1 sec. Reapply during duration to trigger Eyes of the Huntress, applying one stack of moonlight to the nearest enemy hero.

(R2) Starfall: Deal 92 (+4% per level) damage and slow enemies by 20% in an area for 6 sec.


(Q) Sisterhood of Elune: Healing done by Tyrande and her health regen increased by 5 and 10 percent per nearby allied hero.

(Q) Throne of the High Priestess: Reverse Q mechanic (Heals Tyrande for 200% of base amount, ally for 50%) and increase Tyrande's health by 1% per globe collected all game.

(W) Empower: Each hero hit by Sentinel reduces its CD by 2 sec. For each enemy hero you hit after piercing increases the number of heroes your next Sentinel can pierce.

(AA/D) Huntress' Fury: Activate trait to increase Tyrande's attack speed by 40% for 5sec.
Current Hunter's Mark sound and visual effect.

(Q) Overflowing Light: Q heals allied targets for 10% of the positive discrepancy of your health pool in comparison to theirs. When Tyrande is above 80% health Q heal increased by 20%.

(W) Suppressive Support: All targets hit by sentinel have their damaged and speed reduced by 20% for 4 sec, also does 5% of max hp dmg

(E/D) Moonlight Hunter: Moonlight lasts 1 additional sec. CD of Lunar Blaze is reduced by 3 sec per allied or enemy hero hit. Radius increased by 20%

(AA) Darnassian Momentum: Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes grant a stacking 10% Basic Attack damage and 1% Basic Attack speed bonus for 4 seconds.

(R1) Nightfall: Triggering Eyes of the Huntress now applies a stack of Moonlight to all enemy heroes every sec for 4 sec. Allies affected heals for 2.5% per stack applied to them.

(R2) Celestial Wrath: Radius and slow increased by 20%. Global cast range (needs vision to cast). CD up by 20

(Q/E) Eclipse: Increase the heal amount of your next Q by 20% of the dmg done to heroic targets by your last E.

(E) Full Moon: When fully stacking Moonlight on an enemy they are hit by a Lunar Flare.

(AA) Nightshade Arrows: +20% AA speed. AAs reduce Shadowstalk CD by .5 (double against heroic targets).

(D) Vengance of the Huntress: Moonlight now stacks double and Tyrande is healed for 0.08% of her max health per active stack per sec.

Night Warrior - Gambit talent slot

Change all sword talent icons to arrows

Hopes for the rework

The aim is to enable different Tyrande playstyles and make her more akin to Tyrande of old in how she plays and feels.

She should have a lower power level in the early game and then start ramping up, with her peaks coming at 16 and 20.
Every build should have some viable talent variation, situational or just based on playstyle preference.

- Any values can be adjusted for balance. If her talent pool is too bloated, or her being in a good place as is, then maybe some of the mechanics could be better used for another nelf or belf hero, Naisha, Shandris or Alleria maybe -

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