Level 1
E: Shutdown -- Quest: Hit 15 Heroes with Heartseeker. Reward: Increase Slow and Bleed by 50%, and their durations by 3 seconds.
W: Gutripper -- Now also causes vulnerability in the target.
Seasoned Assassin -- Quest: Each Hero takedown grants +2 damage to Eviscerate, Heartseeker, and Auto-Attack damage. Gain 30 extra damage. Reward: Basic Attacks reduce ability cooldowns by 0.6 seconds.
Crippling Poison -- Basic Attacks now slow the target by 20% for 1.5 seconds. Successive basic attacks refresh the duration
Tumble -- Increase it's cooldown by 2 seconds, but now causes you to charge towards the target.
Level 4
Momentum -- Now adds 28 (+4% damage per level) damage to each strike.
Vigorous Assault -- You heal for 25% of all damage dealt.
Stratagem -- Gain one extra combo point.
Slash -- Now deals 25% of it's damage in a cone.
Level 7
Swift Strikes -- Now increases Attack Speed by 6% per combo point spent for 3 seconds.
Regeneration Potion (40 second cooldown, 2 charges.) -- Activate to heal you for 30% of your max HP over 4 seconds.
Heartpiercing -- Now pierces through one enemy.
Level 10 (HEROICS)
Mortal Strike (90 second cooldown) -- Attempt to execute the opponent, dealing 33% of their missing health in damage, and stun the target for 1 second.
Grim Reaper (120 sec cooldown) -- Take the aspect of a reaper, gaining unbreakable stealth and 30% movement speed for 5 seconds. While in this form, basic attacks deal an additional 140 (+5% per level) damage each, and slow for 40% for 8 seconds.
Level 13
Brutal Knife -- Now silences and immobilizes the target for 1 seconds.
Elimination -- If you kill a target within 1 second of using Eviscerate, reset both cooldowns on Quick Strike.
Rapidity -- Now strikes with 3 basic attacks.
Giant Killer (Generic)
Cloak of Shadows (50 second cooldown)-- Dodge all spells for 3 seconds. Basic Attacks reduce this cooldown by 2 seconds.
Level 16
Quickspeed -- Combo points now increases Basic Attack speed by 10% instead of 5%.
Forceful Strikes -- Each combo point now also increases attack damage by 7%.
Run Through -- Increases it's coodown by 2 seconds, but increase range and damage by 30%.
Blood for Blood -- Generic
Executioner -- Add 400 (+4% damage per level) damage, and stun for another 0.5 seconds.
"I WILL BE YOUR END" -- Now lasts 6 seconds, and increases movement speed by an additional 20%.
Preparation (45 second cooldown) -- Activate to gain 5 combo points and reset Eviscerate's cooldown.
Nexus Frenzy -- Generic
The more I think about it, the more Potent Venom seems boring. I'll find something new.
Sure I'll change the name (i made this before Varian Patch that's why Mortal Strike lol)
I specifically made her with no Stealth because of how much damage she can output burst wise. For instance, at level 1, she can deal almost 800 damage in 2 seconds--which is absolute insanity (Dagger, two quick-strikes, a BA, and Eviscerate.) She had origianally had a sprint instead of a mount, but it seemed really strong. Maybe the second heroic could be a Vanish or something.
Thank you so much for feedback! :)
I might soon release Shaku, which is also a rogue, but instead belongs to Subtlety category. I hope he won't disappoint you like your Vallera didn't disappoint me. Have a ncie day! :D