I started playing Hots recently and this is my first concept, so it might not be very balanced number-wise, some abilities/talents may deal too much damage or have stronger than needed effects. But obviously numbers can be changed and they don't matter that much in this kind of hero concept.
I also wanted to point out that initially I was making all talent images same 50x50 size, but for some reason some random big voidwalker(or something like that) was showing up instead of my icons, so I had to insert default-sized images. *some font size problems are also present*
The hero:
At the moment I want Valeera to be in the game more than any other character. The
Dragon aspects would be my next wish. But as of now I made this concept to hopefully motivate developers to implement this great character into the game.
I tried to make her as much WoW-friendly or lore-friendly, whichever you want to call it. The only thing I don't want her to have is invisibility, there's plenty already in the game. So I made her more of a "combat-assassin".
Detailed explanation:
First of all, Valeera is a 1v1 destroyer, you don't want to "duel" her, she's meant to excel at that. However she has her weaknesses. She doesn't have an "escape" ability, which is pretty brutal for a squishy assassin(unless at 20 she picks
Bolt, but that's really late game, besides many bloodthirsty players like myself would probably pick other talent). Her teamfight isn't the greatest either; one can build her for max AoE damage, but it won't be "that much" anyway.
It is also crucial to always check what talents she's getting. Not knowing that she has
Wound poison or
Marked for death might lead to one's death.
The idea with poisons is basically that she applies one Tier 2 poison to 1 dagger, and
Leeching poison(if chosen) to second one. She would always switch attacking hands, respectively applying poison with one hand and lifestealing with other.
As for her
Shadow reflection: If Valeera uses
Kidney shot on someone, next nearest enemy hero(in a certain radius, it's not global) will also get stunned, the reflection will appear behind him and perform the ability. If her first ability would be
Eviscerate which hit multiple heroes, there's a possibility that all of them will take double damage due to the reflection, depending on the positioning of course. Using
Slice and dice will result in nothing, unless
Seal fate was chosen earlier, in that case 2nd target will be slowed as well.
With that, I think I covered most of her kit. Again, some numbers may be high, but that's already developers' job.
Feedback would be appreciated!
Thanks for your time.
Nice, though it don't fit her lore much... You forget about that big bad demon? (Yeah i know that she is already free but this is HoTS, there is a Illidan and Tychus which are supposed to be dead so why not have here little possessed Valeera :P ) Try to make abilities fit her little more. This is just Rogue from WoW and not Valeera Sanguinar. But good idea on some Abilities - like Dismantle. Just add some soul (yeah Kathra'Natir wanna say Hello :D ).
You have a valid point. I'll think about what can be done.
The idea is good. Nice use of disarm. I don't think this game has disarm yet though. Also I think 1st heroic is a little OP. On lvl 20 it would give out pure 2835 damage on single target. That is almost instakill 1v1 from full hp on supports. For example Li Li on 20th lvl has 3400 HP. now if you add Tier 6 trait: Prey on the Weak bonus to that equation it gives out 3260 damage. All in all it's a terrific idea, needs a little balancing though.
Well, as I said, you generally don't want to 1v1 her. Although ability itself is 1785(At least I think that "per level" means what bonus you get as you gain levels, not what level you already are), if you add Prey on the weak it will become 2052, but even with Anticipation, I don't think hero will hit all 7 in 2 seconds, + there's like at least 0.5 seconds till you press "R" and then click mouse. So even with Anticipation and Prey on the weak it will most likely result in around 1976(5 hits during Prey on the weak +2 normal).
Anyway, that's just numbers.
Thanks for your response!