I've thought of most talents possible for Varian to have, and I believe they fit his theme nicely, but that being said some of these may be under or over tuned for the game. These talents aren't set in stone, as this character isn't in the game. I'm trying very hard to stay clear of cookie cutter talents, I've really been enjoying the new versions of the old cookie cutters, that make the talents more unique to the character.
Tier 1
Unending Rage - Increase your maximum rage.
Kings Bounty - Some kind of regen globe quest to gain either max health or health regen. Maybe even magic damage reduction at the end.
King's Power - Some kind of seasoned marksmen quest to gain attack damage.
Bloodthirst* - Basic attacks heal you for 1% of you maximum health (Shalamayne), or .5% of your maximum health (Split).
Tier 2
Intervene - You can now charge to allies, but at half the usual range and no rage is generated. You ally is granted a charge of block for 10 seconds.
Double Time - Gain two charges of Charge.
Long Charge - Charge's range is increased by 25%.
Bull Rush - Charge generates an additional 15 Rage.
Tier 3
Royal Fury* - Activate to generate 60 Rage over 12 seconds
Intimidating Shout* - Commanding Shout and Battle Shout now slow nearby enemies attack speed (Shalamayne), and Increase allied movement speed (Split).
Anger Management - Every 30 rage spent on your basic and heroic abilities reduces the cool downs of your basic abilities by 1 second.
Bloodcurdling Shout - Increases the amount of health gained from commanding shout (Shalamayne), and increases the damage bonus from Battle Shout (Split).
Heroic Tier 1
Dragon Roar
Tier 4
Burning Rush - Charge leaves a trail of fire in its wake, dealing mild damage in the area for 3 seconds, and granting Varian a damage aura around him.
Enraged Speed - After using Charge gain 20% increased move speed for 4 seconds.
Enraged Regeneration* - Spend 25 Rage to Heal for 10% of your max health, and and additional 15% over 5 seconds.
Tier 5
Single Minded Fury* - When Shalamayne is split, deal increased auto attack damage, and generate an additional 4 fury per auto attack.
Skipped Leg Day* - When using Shalamayne generate 2 rage per second and reduce disabling effects against you by 50%
Spell Reflect - (This might be my own wishful thinking)
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