Saurfang gains X% movement speed and a shield equal to X% of his health (up to X%) per stack of Momentum.
While Momentum is above 50 stacks, movement impairing effects are half as effective.
Being attacked reduced stacks of Momentum.
Upon damaging a target Saurfang consumes all stacks of Momentum dealing X additional damage to the target and slowing them by X% per stack of Momentum. (up to X%)
Primary Abilities
Your next auto attack hits the three nearest targets applying all on hit effect and dealing X damage to the primary target.
Demoralizing shout
Reduce the attack speed of all enemy heroes within the radius but X%.
Cause all non-epic minions to flee in terror and all Epic minions to fear in place and not attack for X seconds.
Dash forward a short distance (distance is increased with Momentum stacks) dealing X damage to the first enemy hero you hit and slowing them by X%.
If the target is already slowed stun them for X seconds.
Heroic Abilities
Last Stand
While this is active, upon taking lethal damage you are healed to X% of your health, gain X% attack and movement speed and deal X additional damage.
While in this state you do not have access to your abilities and take X damage per second until you die.
If this ability is not active and off cool-down it will activate automatically upon taking lethal damage. You will be healed by X% of your health and take X damage per second until dead. This will only cause this ability to go on half the normal cool-down.
Colossal smash
Smash an enemy hero dealing X damage, slowing them by X% and making them vulnerable for X seconds.
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