Virgo by zeeaall

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By: zeeaall
Last Updated: Mar 8, 2020
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Queen of Purity

A disruptive Assassin who excels at dueling and counterattacking her enemies.

Not all were pleased with the end of the Rulers' reign, such as the excessively righteous zodiac Virgo. The Holy Queen left her realm in pursuit of a twisted and unforgiving cosmic quest to bring back the Golden Age, a period of peace, symmetry and balance (or so she thinks). Deeming all opposers as foul heretics, she will stop at nothing to "purify" the galaxy and restore her ideal of order. Now, she brings her unshaken zeal to the neverending conflcits of the Nexus.

Virgo is the protagonist of Virgo Versus The Zodiac, by developer Moonana.

Health: 2000
Resource: None

Attack Damage: 100
Attack Speed: 1.00
Attack Range: 2.0

Virgo's patch would also add the Alpaca mount.

Combat Trait

Cooldown: 8 seconds

Gain a Shield that absorbs 250 damage and decays over 2.5 seconds.

Counter Turn
If your Purity is broken by damage, replace your Basic Abilities with counterattacks for 2.5 seconds or until you use one of them.

Primary Abilities

Cooldown: 8 seconds
Melee Range

Thrust an enemy with your spear, dealing 210 damage to an enemy Hero. If they have a Shield, also deal another 210 damage that ignores it.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Large AoE around Virgo

Raise earth spikes in an area around you, dealing 100 damage to all nearby enemies. All enemies hit take another 80 damage after 1.5 second.
Cooldown: 8 seconds

Hit an enemy Hero with a wave of force, dealing 150 damage and preventing their Armor and Shield gains for 2 seconds.

Secondary Abilities

Cooldown: 8 seconds
Melee Range

Bash an enemy Hero with your shield, dealing 280 damage and reducing their Spell Power by 50% for 2 seconds.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Medium AoE around Virgo

Smash the ground, dealing 100 damage to all nearby enemies and Stunning them for 0.75 second.
Cooldown: 8 seconds

Recite a holy chant, dealing 200 damage to an enemy Hero and nullifying all changes to their base stats for 2 seconds.

Heroic Abilities

Purity Cleanse
Cooldown: 60 seconds

Become Unstoppable and charge a short distance forward over 1.5 second, dealing 200 damage to all enemies hit and triggering a Counter Turn at the end. If this hits any enemy Heroes, your damage is increased by 50% for 5 seconds.
Purity Beam
Cooldown: 60 seconds

Gain a Purity Shield that absorbs 600 damage and decays over 5 seconds, and channel a large piercing beam in the targeted direction. Deals 250 damage per second split between all enemy Heroes hit. Lasts as long as you have Purity. Virgo can move at 75% Movement Speed while channeling, but cannot turn.


Look I have no idea how to balance the numbers on a new Hero, so to quote Uther, you shouldn't think too hard about it, lol. Just didn't want to have the whole concept say "low/moderate/high damage" all the time. Also took the Yrel approach of just having the same cooldown time for every ability.

Anyway, this is my attempt to translate Virgo into a HotS hero. The thing is, in her game, the playable characters don't have any innate abilities. Instead, each piece of gear has an ability attached to it, that you have access to as long as you have that item equipped. That means Virgo herself doesn't have a pre-defined kit and can potentially access most abilities in the game. Personally, in my save file, I tried to give her a "duelist" playstyle, making her very versatile and able to handle most situations on her own (leaving more specialized playstyles to her two other party members), so that's what I went with here as well.

I tried to give her decent damage and tons of varied utility/disruption, in a "jack of all trades, master of none" sort of way. She can deal with many different things, but her solutions aren't quite the best ones in the game, and if there's something very specific you need to do there's probably a better Hero for it. Not quite "all" trades either, her mobility and PvE are lacking, for instance. The exception to the "master of none" part is that I gave her more tools to screw with enemies that rely on Shields, because I feel like there could be more interaction with Shields overall (right now it basically comes down to 2 talents, one from Varian and one from Morales), and they're also a core part of combat in Virgo Versus The Zodiac.

Her main thing going on is Purity. It shields for a relatively low amount, decays naturally over a short duration, and has a short cooldown. This has both good and bad implications for her. On one hand, it doesn't actually protect her that much, as I didn't want her to be too tanky, considering how many different things she can already bring to the table. On the other hand, it enables her to get Counter Turns often enough, which is important as that's where half of her kit is. In 5v5 situations, it's very easy for her to break Purity by taking AoE damage and the likes, but her counters should still not be oppressive in those big teamfights even if she always gets to use them.

In smaller fights and 1v1 situations, her counters can be more impactful, and both players need to be more careful with timing their Abilities and deciding how to trade. Virgo herself gets maximum value by using her Trait right before taking a large hit, as on top of likely activating Counter Turn by taking high damage at once, it also protects her the most, since the shield decays over time and is at its highest value the moment it gets cast. It's still not too much, but getting perfect timings with the shield would be the main skill required to survive longer with her. On the other hand, if she casts it at the wrong time, the enemy has more time to react to its cast and deny her Counter Turn by just letting Purity expire on its own rather than breaking it. Timed hits (sort of like QTEs) are also core to combat in Virgo Versus The Zodiac, but I thought putting one of those on every Ability wouldn't feel good in HotS, so having it play a part in her Trait seems like a good compromise.

Talent ideas

Honestly I never intended to come up with a full functional talent tree. I just came up with some names related to her original game and tried to give them fitting mechanics afterwards, when real talents are probably designed the other way around. To keep in line with the original game, I would like hers to have drawbacks too, rather than always being strict upgrades, but that does make them even harder to create, so only a few of these work like that. In an actual structured talent tree I'd also make sure she can't cover literally everything, redistributing / redesigning them. Anyway:

Red Hot Chili's Pressure
Your Basic Attacks deal 25% more damage to enemies within 1.5 range and 25% less damage to enemies beyond 1.5 range.

Apex Judge's Authority
Trigger a Counter Turn when a Root, Stun, Silence or Blind expires from you.

Time Keeper's Agility [W]
Hitting enemy Heroes with Eruption and Stomp increases your Movement Speed by 15%; and your Attack Speed by 20% for each Hero hit, up to 100%. Lasts 4 seconds.

Untied's Bargain
Become Unstoppable for 2 seconds, but set Purity's cooldown to 12 seconds.

Doppelganger's Advantage [E]
Crash and Exorcism greatly reduce the enemy's vision range for 1 and for 2 seconds, respectively.

Tzarina's Ferocity [Active]
Mark an enemy Hero. Each time they take damage from Virgo, they get burned for X damage over 4 seconds. Stacks up to 4 times. Only one Hero can be marked at a time.

Phoenix's Devotion [D]
Taking fatal damage restores 25% of your maximum Health and resets the cooldown of Purity, but burns you for 20% of your maximum Health over 4 seconds. This effect has a 15 second cooldown. Your maximum Health is reduced by 20%.

Sleepwalker's Sacrifice [D]
If at least 2 allied Heroes are near you when you trigger Counter Turn, take X damage and give all nearby allied Heroes X Shields for 4 seconds.

Beholder's Surveillance [Q2 W2 E2]
Vengeance, Stomp and Exorcism reveal all enemies hit for 4 seconds.

Khrisomallo's Grace [Z]
While mounted, your attack range is increased to 5 and Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes teleport you to them.

Frans Beyond's Only Weakness [Q / Active]
Activate to add a knockback to your next Smite or Vengeance. If the enemy hits a wall, they are Rooted for 2 seconds.

Vindemiatrix's Aid
Takedowns activate Counter Turn and reset the cooldowns of Vengeance and Exorcism. This effect can only occur once every 5 seconds.

Heal for X per second while you have Shields.

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