For the next X seconds each time the target takes damage curse deals a small amount of damage to them. Targeted ability on medium cooldown.
Primary Abilities
Healing Wave
Heals targeted ally, then sends a wave past the target that heals allies and slows enemies.
Serpent Ward
Place a ward at targeted location for 30 seconds that reveals the area and attacks nearby enemies. Can have up to 3 wards at a time. Can hold 3 stacks at a time.
Stasis Trap
Place a rune on the ground for 30 seconds that stuns the first enemy to walk over it for 1.5 seconds. Can have 2 Stasis Traps active at once. Activates 1 second after placing it.
Heroic Abilities
Big Bad Voodoo
Cast on an allied hero to grant them a shield, increased damage and an aura that increases allies' movement speed.
Cast on an enemy to deal damage over time, decrease their damage dealt and grant them an aura that decreases enemies' movement speed.
Samedi's Blessing
Grants Samedi's Blessing to target ally for 5 seconds. If the target dies while the blessing is active they are resurrected with 50% health after a short delay.
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