This is basically an idea that I came up with one morning after having not slept at all, complaining to a friend that I wanted Vorazun, Alarak and ****mothering Fenix in HotS, and I wanted them yesterday. Legit created an account on here just so I could get this idea down and out of my head.
Ignore the icons, and the fact she's also a Dark Templar, this concept for Vorazun would play quite differently to Zeratul, relying almost entirely on her basic attacks rather than abilities to deal damage, with her Q and W, and talents, to augment them. Even then, she would not be able to insta-burst like Zeratul or Nova, even with all the single-target damage talents, she'd have to stay in view for a couple of seconds beating you over the head. Tempted to give Shadow Dash 2 charges, to allow her to use it to both initiate AND escape, but that may be a tad TOO powerful Wouldn't mind some feedback on that one.
Basic attacks. Black Hole being the only ability she has that actually does any ability damage.