Vorazun is a pretty different support hero that moves away from the "Healbot" position. Her kit is designed to keep her as a fighting support that plays out as another mobility meele in the frontline, working better with allies grouping around her to get the benefint from her support abilities (much like Kharazim in that aspect). She makes use of different mechanics compared to other supports, namely the passive lifesteal aura, and various types of utility, including granting invisibility to allies as a base aspect of her kit ( and zoning/slowing enemies, plus other debuffs she can talent for, such as some damage reductions tied to some abilities. She's potentially similar to Tyrande in this aspect, but also in terms of raw healing and combat strength (accounting damage here).. Like Tyrande, or more accurately, Tassadar, she might work as a niche solo support and an interesting duo support due to her aggressive nature and her non-conventional supportive strenght.
Her kit in this concept has a ton of "Zeratulesque" feeling, with invisibility being an option and a Blink-strike ability, which gives her significant mobility, strong gank assist and some isolation potential when combined with the Time Warp zoning. In fact, her Q is based on the 2 abilities she uses on the LotV campaign (a blink strike AoE like Kharazim's ult, and a basic blink), which works effectivelly like a reimagined hybrid mechanic between Artanis Q and Zeratul's blink-strike style (even the aggro ultimate). At the same time, she shares a playstyle that is somewhat similar to Kharazim, because of the mobility but also her relatively short-ranged AoE support mechanic (also in W). However, unlike Kharazim, who goes in and out and burst heals peopl, then punches people while W is on CD, she's meant to be in the front line of fight to effectively support since she activates a damage mitigation aura. She can still use her Q defensively to get mobility out of it, but CD and mana cost should be a limiting factor there, and using it would also mean wasting damage, unlike the current design of Zeratul.
As you can see, the idea is to make Vorazun something that it's relatively different from Zeratul on the battlefield, specially since she fills a different role, but at the same time has a ton of thematical similarities with him (and even some gameplay echoes), which fits the Dark templar fantasy a ton. Veil of the Void is something really fitting for a Dark templar support; the heal doesn't need to be too strong because Void Armor already exists. Void Armor is basically Zeratul's ability from the LotV epilogue. Time Warp is a discarded ability from Tassadar, but very Protoss-y and fits pretty well Vorazun since she's a mobility/gank friendly support. And considering the recent PTR changes, highly synergistic with Zeratul.
For those who are curious about that, I chose not giving her invisibility as a baseline, although it could be perfectly balanced, just because there are already 3 invis heroes in the game, so making another would result, in first place, annoying for some people; secondly, boring, since making the stealth linked to an active mechanic not only adds some tension about when and how to use it, but also allows to make it more powerful since it's something that won't be under constat use. She's still able to cast Veil of the void on herself much like Samuro's Wind Walk, so stealth fans can breath aliviated. Also, we have to consider that a surprise Time Warp (considering constant insvisibility) be a bit too strong since it's hard to scout, so forcing extra mana usage to get that combo done it's a preventive balance measure. Instead, perma invis + ez hp regen is meant to be a talent for her which should create a decent talent tension in some tier, or being tied to her aggro ult (Yes, she deserves it, but as a strong talent)
You can find some extra description, some design notes, and talent suggestions in each ability.
Other design notes:
- HP similar to Zeratul
- Uses mana as resource. A bit mana heavy.
- Very strong basic attack damage (like meele with lower attack speed assassins), but not the fastest attack speed (1 for example)
ALthough it's not a bad idea for level 20 concept. e.e
I have updated the concept today with some additional mechanical data (like Void armor being an aura, so allies have to play with Vorazun in the frontline like with another meele, unlike Monk who can go heal on demand with Q+W) and several talent ideas that express a bit more the time of gameplay that she can bring.